Slip Ups

This may be no binge November, and ultimately my personal goal is to make it through all 30 days without a binge, BUT if we do slip up, Id like for us to 'confess' here.

Maybe mention some of the things we ate.
Why the binge happened?
How we felt before, during, after..


  • Sunshine70Smith
    Sunshine70Smith Posts: 97 Member
    I think that's a great idea. Own up to it and make it public. No more hiding it. I know I'll be posting here but it better not be very often!

  • keeptehpeace
    keeptehpeace Posts: 189 Member
    I know for most people that eating is an emotional thing; personally I always overeat when I'm tired, which is great because I'm always fricking tired :bigsmile: :bigsmile: but accountability and recognising those emotional triggers is a big part at overcoming binge eating! This is a great idea!
  • VanillaBeanSeed
    VanillaBeanSeed Posts: 562 Member
    Ive notice that when I over eat, it happens to be on days when Im getting little water intake. Perhaps I am confusing hunger with thirst?
  • ezdsgirl
    ezdsgirl Posts: 1 Member
    This week, I have been tried to the end of my wits. Last night was the first night, I had with my fabulous boyfriend that in over 2 months we haven't had a moment of alone time. When we get it, what do we do? Go to Outback steakhouse. Did I eat? OMG yes. 12oz steak - why not? Granted I only ate maybe 9 oz of it. I need to find that support to help keep me in line. I recently have been told that my gallbladder needs to be evicted. It has changed my eating habits, but I get to the point where I'm feeling good, and craving my old favorite foods, and when I get them I eat and eat - and of course I'm dying later that night.
    Time to change! This my year to lose things I don't want. I already gave up the house I have been holding onto forever, got divorced finalized and soon my gallbladder. It's time to ditch the 100lbs I have gained since I turned 30.
    My rant is done. :)
    Lets do this!!
  • VanillaBeanSeed
    VanillaBeanSeed Posts: 562 Member
    This week, I have been tried to the end of my wits. Last night was the first night, I had with my fabulous boyfriend that in over 2 months we haven't had a moment of alone time. When we get it, what do we do? Go to Outback steakhouse. Did I eat? OMG yes. 12oz steak - why not? Granted I only ate maybe 9 oz of it. I need to find that support to help keep me in line. I recently have been told that my gallbladder needs to be evicted. It has changed my eating habits, but I get to the point where I'm feeling good, and craving my old favorite foods, and when I get them I eat and eat - and of course I'm dying later that night.
    Time to change! This my year to lose things I don't want. I already gave up the house I have been holding onto forever, got divorced finalized and soon my gallbladder. It's time to ditch the 100lbs I have gained since I turned 30.
    My rant is done. :)
    Lets do this!!

    First - I hope that steak was amazing! ;)
    And I agree that when you finally get to spend some time with a loved one.. it can often lead to FOOD!

    Join us and we'll all help each other stay on track in November!
  • keeptehpeace
    keeptehpeace Posts: 189 Member
    Ive notice that when I over eat, it happens to be on days when Im getting little water intake. Perhaps I am confusing hunger with thirst?
    Most likely! I always drink a cup of water before meals/when I think I'm hungry and leave it fifteen minutes and re-evaluate how I'm feeling, the majority of the time I was just hungry.
  • missionimposs
    missionimposs Posts: 53 Member
    Hi I think this is a great group to join and hope it works to stop the binge eating that I do !!! Mostly mine is in a evening after I have had a good day and then spoil it by eating chocolate and biscuits ! I use to binge on fresh bread but don't eat bread at home now and save it for a treat when eating out ! Hopefully knowing I am in this group and will be logging in daily it will give me more control and instead of binging I can log on and by pass the binge :bigsmile:
  • Heavybetty
    Heavybetty Posts: 38 Member
    This week, I have been tried to the end of my wits. Last night was the first night, I had with my fabulous boyfriend that in over 2 months we haven't had a moment of alone time. When we get it, what do we do? Go to Outback steakhouse. Did I eat? OMG yes. 12oz steak - why not? Granted I only ate maybe 9 oz of it. I need to find that support to help keep me in line. I recently have been told that my gallbladder needs to be evicted. It has changed my eating habits, but I get to the point where I'm feeling good, and craving my old favorite foods, and when I get them I eat and eat - and of course I'm dying later that night.
    Time to change! This my year to lose things I don't want. I already gave up the house I have been holding onto forever, got divorced finalized and soon my gallbladder. It's time to ditch the 100lbs I have gained since I turned 30.
    My rant is done. :)
    Lets do this!!

    You go girl!!! You got this!!
  • Heavybetty
    Heavybetty Posts: 38 Member
    Does anybody else find it hard to eat healthy when it gets cold??? I always seem to do really good in the summer but once the cold hits and fruits and veggies go out of season.....I lose my self control....
  • Tehya85
    Tehya85 Posts: 23
    I use my slow cooker lots in winter. I freeze meals so that when I'm short on time I can just defrost something. That and putting every vegetable in the sun into a soup. Definitely helps!!
  • MsMischief
    MsMischief Posts: 32 Member
    I'm hoping yesterday was my last binge until December. (when I travel home to visit the family, it's my foodie sister's first time hosting so I know I'll go overboard)

    After a killer work out I made the mistake of bringing up Domino's pizza, and that we have coupons for two-for-one pizzas. We were looking at said coupons, discussing hypothetically what we'd get, not that we'd actually order in.

    But if we were to hypothetically get a pizza, we'd need a film. Cue half an hour of browsing Netflix.

    Long story short, I ate 3 chicken kickers, 5 medium high-kcal slices and we watched Waterworld. It was a wonderful evening, I regret nothing, but it was unplanned and pushed me way above my kcal intake for the day. I am much too good at resorting to comfort foods when I'm stressed, and that needs to stop, ideally now.

    Thank you for reading and good luck to us all
  • harleyjax
    harleyjax Posts: 109 Member
    I was so bad last night! I did awesome all day, then buddies came over and we all started drinking, which led to drunken fast food binges (Whataburger AND Jack in the Box), gonna eat healthy and clean today though! No more drunken binge nights for me!!
  • keeptehpeace
    keeptehpeace Posts: 189 Member
    I'm hoping yesterday was my last binge until December. (when I travel home to visit the family, it's my foodie sister's first time hosting so I know I'll go overboard)

    After a killer work out I made the mistake of bringing up Domino's pizza, and that we have coupons for two-for-one pizzas. We were looking at said coupons, discussing hypothetically what we'd get, not that we'd actually order in.

    But if we were to hypothetically get a pizza, we'd need a film. Cue half an hour of browsing Netflix.

    Long story short, I ate 3 chicken kickers, 5 medium high-kcal slices and we watched Waterworld. It was a wonderful evening, I regret nothing, but it was unplanned and pushed me way above my kcal intake for the day. I am much too good at resorting to comfort foods when I'm stressed, and that needs to stop, ideally now.

    Thank you for reading and good luck to us all

    In your defence, Waterworld is an absolutely amazing film, and Domino's chicken kickers are spectacular:bigsmile: . I also have loads of those vouchers; thankfully I'm a student with a lot of stoner friends so I've managed to hold the temptation off for now!

    I haven't binged in a while, I guess the last time was before I even started this journey a couple of weeks back, when I ordered Domino's with my friends to celebrate a buddy's achievement, and even then I stopped after a few slices because it made me feel kinda sick.
  • HollisGrant
    HollisGrant Posts: 2,022 Member
    I bought some Slim Fast chocolate powder and Almond milk for an occasional shake... and ate three scoops of powder out of the container tonight (110 calories each).... I feel like I'm in Alcoholics Anonymous ("Hello, my name is Hollis, and I am a sugar addict. Yes, I would eat frosting out of the can, too... the whole can.... )
  • MickeyBoo
    MickeyBoo Posts: 196 Member
    I had a little slip up last night, Sundays are usually a write off for me, but I put in a bit more effort and I had a reasonably good day. I took my youngest two kids to a friends kids birthday party in the afternoon so ate a few party pies, but didn't over do it, avoided the chips an alcohol and instead of getting our usual take out night dinner of KFC went and got Subway for everyone and I had the salad. Everyone went to bed and I stayed up watching a movie and even though I wasn't hungry my mind went straight to the little pannacotta desserts we were given earlier this week, and before I could even try to talk myself out of it I had two on my plate and already eating them. :(

    I am diabetic and medicated, and I am not a sweet tooth at all, I prefer my savoury carb heavy stuff, but it seems that when I crave foods late at night they are usually sugary type foods. All of which means I need to make a double effort to avoid binging on the sugar!

    As for the Why? Now that I can look back at it I think I was feeling a little bored and a little lonely. I'm ultimately aiming for the whole month of November to be binge free, so I have the next 10 days to start making some changes and trying to find ways to actually stop this before it starts.
  • I'm hoping yesterday was my last binge until December. (when I travel home to visit the family, it's my foodie sister's first time hosting so I know I'll go overboard)

    After a killer work out I made the mistake of bringing up Domino's pizza, and that we have coupons for two-for-one pizzas. We were looking at said coupons, discussing hypothetically what we'd get, not that we'd actually order in.

    But if we were to hypothetically get a pizza, we'd need a film. Cue half an hour of browsing Netflix.

    Long story short, I ate 3 chicken kickers, 5 medium high-kcal slices and we watched Waterworld. It was a wonderful evening, I regret nothing, but it was unplanned and pushed me way above my kcal intake for the day. I am much too good at resorting to comfort foods when I'm stressed, and that needs to stop, ideally now.

    Thank you for reading and good luck to us all

    i have that problem, hypothetical pizza nights are a bad idea because idk about for everyone else but for my family 9 out of 9 times they become actual pizza nights! however i have learned that one slice is enough :)
  • I had pizza saturday, a whole medium one to myself. :blushing:

    I also today then, must have ate at least 3 (190kcal) chocolate bars and 3 slices of toast, all over my original calorie intake. I am/was tired, anxious and feeling a bit emotional when I ate them.

    Here's to tomorrow. :drinker: A good day.
  • On Saturday I had like 3/4 box of cereal with whole milk and bunch of other foods,
    still feel sick remembering it :sick:
  • HollisGrant
    HollisGrant Posts: 2,022 Member
    I had pizza saturday, a whole medium one to myself. :blushing:

    I also today then, must have ate at least 3 (190kcal) chocolate bars and 3 slices of toast, all over my original calorie intake. I am/was tired, anxious and feeling a bit emotional when I ate them.

    Here's to tomorrow. :drinker: A good day.

    I LOVE the little rhino dreaming of being a unicorn in your profile cartoon!

    This is painful...:blushing: yesterday I ate the frosting off two mini muffins and a piece of cake from the Blubber Fridge in my office. I ate one whole muffin and threw away the second one and the piece of cake after I ate the frosting. That's actually an improvement over some days I've had. I don't know why I did that, except maybe I wanted a treat, something special above and beyond the apples I bring for snacks. I have to mentally connect the junk in the office to ruining my body.
  • Wow, now I feel really bad. What you guys call "binging" I would barely even call overeating.
    Confession: on Sunday I was sad so I ate an entire package of oreos and a pint of cookie-dough ice cream
    I went over my calorie limit yesterday and today
    Still lost three pounds though?
    I think maybe my scale's broken