Important stuff will go here one day.
As Soon.... November passes by, how have you done? I have to say, that I´m proud of myself. Just binged once and had lots of sports and very healthy eating. If I could hold on this for the next few month, I´ll made it I think. Well.....hope so :)
In the end.. I had 5/30 bad days in November 2014. Not what I was hoping for =(
Slip Ups
This may be no binge November, and ultimately my personal goal is to make it through all 30 days without a binge, BUT if we do slip up, Id like for us to 'confess' here. Maybe mention some of the things we ate. Why the binge happened? How we felt before, during, after..
right now....
I am having a weak moment.... eating my way through white bread... and just to prove I was serious my brain went 'hey bacon!' so I have a piece of bacon and bbq sauce on my bread.... as I type this... I dripped sauce on my screen.... yes that is gross.. between progress with losing weight and stress at work my motivation…
Check in
Was it a good day? Did you feel like going out of control, but made it through? Post here! =)
Why are you proud of yourself today?
Saw this on the forums and thought it would make a great addition to our No Binge November motivation. Tell me anything that made you proud of yourself today. It doesn't have to be food/weight related. Just once in a while, you need to be proud of yourself!
Dear Diary
Dear Diary, Today is November 1. Day 1 of No Binge November. I can do this.
How much do you have left to lose?
:bigsmile: Currently, I have another 52lb left to lose to achieve my goal weight which would put me at 11st (154lb) Based on BMI charts 10st is borderline "perfect" for my height (5'4) so I'm maybe looking at losing another stone when I get there too (66lb), but it's a case of waiting to see as I have never been 11st to…
Food Hangovers
Does anybody else suffer from a "Food Hangover", the day after they've binged? If so, how do you deal with them? Most of my binging will be done late night, when I wake up in the morning I feel really groggy/headache/flu like symptoms, which of course in turn makes me want to binge again. Mostly something sugary to make…
tomorrow is november 1
Hey. Tomorrow is November 1. And today I fell off the wagon, there are excuses but at the end of the day I cannot blame anyone or anything but myself... last night I had a work function, I had dinner before I went out but after the event we went to the local pub for refreshments. Again I was good, I ordered fresh lime and…