Hurry up and go nowhere.

24Sept Posts: 178 Member
Hebrews 12:11 No discipline seems enjoyable at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it yields the fruit of peace and righteousness to those who have been trained by it.
In my post I always tell my MFP to embrace the journey, however I found myself pondering how I could speed up my journey. Maybe if I ate 8-9 hundred calories or if I concentrated on eating more protein, maybe if I cut out sugar I could speed up the journey and be done. Then I felt like I was going to binge eat! I was like where did that urge come from? It came from being impatient. I know that I must let the journey have its course and pace. I cannot control how much I lose or how fast I lose it, I must be disciplined and I must be patient. Lord help me to love discipline and endurance. In your son's holy name I pray amen.


  • OUCH!!!

    So true. I have a wireless scale that syncs my information directly to my computer and other accounts. I fuss at it constantly for going SOOOOO slow. Like it has anything to do with it.. LOL...

    I know this didn't happen to me quickly, but I sure try to make myself loose it quickly. Patience is a hard thing for me and I know there is always something I am supposed to be learning in these processes.

    Thanks for the reminder.
  • QuietMorning
    QuietMorning Posts: 28 Member
    Awesome reminder! I guess we are at a hurry up and wait a lot in our lives. I keep telling myself I didn't get this way in a day and I won't reach my goals in a day either. I know that with God all things are possible and I remind myself daily of this. Even if I don't think I am strong enough to do this, I know that God is! I haven't budged on the scale or how my clothes have fit in like 2 weeks. It has only been knowing that becoming healthier is a reason to press on. Sooooo until then, I will practice my patience with you!
  • oh wow Quiet.... 2 weeks?! It is such a good thing that we can have an option like these sites and the internet to connect with each other. I realize that I am whining at a few days of discouragment that is due to my own choices and here you are working your backside off and staying strong in the site of no visual changes. You are doing a fabulous job staying strong. Faith is believing in things unseen.... Awesome!!!

    Keep hanging on, you are doing great!!!
  • 24Sept
    24Sept Posts: 178 Member
    I had noticed that every time I went shopping for groceries ,clothes, whatever ,I always ended up in the slowest check out line. How come I always pick the slow cashier and on and on I would fume. And then finally it dawned on me , God must be trying to teach me to slow down and to be more patient and just relax. I'm learning.
  • 24Sept
    24Sept Posts: 178 Member
    That is good to remember, having faith is believing in something not seen.
    Good observation Tricia.