Please introduce yourselves :)

Hi Everyone :)

Thank you so much for taking an interest in joining this team with me. Please share a little about yourself so we can get to know one another a little bit better. You can include things like your starting weight, your goal weight, maybe the reason why you want to lose the weight, and just some other fun facts about yourself :)

So I'll start:
Hi, I'm Hannah. I started myfitnesspal with a weight of 140.8 lbs, and have finally managed to cut it to 130 lbs (with lots of yo-yo dieting and constant ups and downs on the scale). My goal weight however is 120 by December 19th, because on that day I leave for Hong Kong for vacation. I have always been a very active person.. heck, I like working out for fun :P (if you ever need any tips or workout suggestions, or would like to share some, just message me), but my biggest problem is always keeping the food I eat in check. I'm hoping to find a stable motivation group, and it seems like this is where it's at. :) Now, I'm excited to work with all of you in achieving our goal weights! :wink:

Your turn :P


  • runner115
    runner115 Posts: 321 Member
    I'm in! Just joined your team - waiting for confirmation.

    Thanks for suggesting this! I really need some additional motivation and support right now and I am hoping this will do the trick.

    Correction...this will do the trick! First thing I need to do is change my mental attitude!

    My goal weight is 119. A couple years ago I worked hard, got just under 125 and then fell off the wagon...I'm sure I"m over 150 now, but don't have the nerve to step on a scale...I don't need to...I can tell how I am progressing by how my pants fit. Sadly none of them do's stretch pants ands leggings everyday now because I refuse to buy a bigger size!

    Oh and I live in northern California...curious to know where the rest of you live...

    Thanks again, Hannah, for starting the group.
  • mschellep
    mschellep Posts: 10 Member
    Hi I've been on a rollercoster for awhile and just decided to rejoin MFP. I had lost 65 pounds a few years ago down to 180lbs, but since I've been married the last 5 years I'm back up to 206.8. I believe a group and a challenge will help me get motivated to get down to my goal of 145 without life getting in the way.
  • Hi, so I am just getting back on MFP today. Perfect for me to start tomorrow, so I just joined your team! I'm a single mom of 2 kids and I work full-time so my diet and health is not always at the top of my priorities, but I'm taking it back!! Would like to be down 15-20lbs by x-mas. Goal overall is to lose 30lbs.
    Good luck to everyone!!
  • ineedalifetbh
    ineedalifetbh Posts: 132 Member
    Hello I'm Eden and I only started back with MFP about 2-3 days ago! My weight has been on a yo-yo scale for years but it's slowly going down as I'm at my lowest in years (124.5lbs!) however I would like to lose another 10-15lbs as it's all sitting on my hips and thighs! Generally, at most I may stick to losing weight for a few weeks then I'm off the wagon but hopefully this time round I'll have support. Although I've managed to clean up my eating quite rapidly so that isn't a problem but getting the motivation to exercise is! :laugh:
  • Hello! I'm Katy and I just recently decided to start taking MFP seriously. I have always been around 130 lbs but recently gained 20 lbs quickly after stopping birth control pills. I thought I would lose weight by stopping! Anyways I want to get back to my normal weight and I need to be held accountable! I look forward to going on this weight loss journey with all of you! Oh and I live in Colorado for the one who was curious where everyone lived :]

  • saxina1
    saxina1 Posts: 2 Member
    hey everyone,
    I started in May with MFP which worked really well until exams and holidays came along. So now I'm just getting back on track and this sounds like a really fun idea to stay motivated :)
  • Hi everyone,

    This is a great idea for motivation!! I started mfp about 2 weeks ago and was going ok until four days ago (have family visiting) so looking forward to getting back into it. I am in Australia so am going to give you my weight in kgs sorry hahaha. I am currently hovering around the 102 mark and am looking to get down to about 85kg, (I think it is about a 30lb loss in your speak) I love to ride and though I do enjoy running my knees don't enjoy it quite as much!!

    My main motivation for losing it is to be healthy so I can still chase my daughter around in the years to come, currently 3 yr old, and to be a good role model for her :-) My original journey started 4 years ago when I used to weigh 120kg, got down to 105kg then it has stalled...

    Looking forward to working with you!!
  • saxina1
    saxina1 Posts: 2 Member
    hey everyone,
    I started in May with MFP which worked really well until exams and holidays came along. So now I'm just getting back on track and this sounds like a really fun idea to stay motivated :)
  • MonicaA2013
    MonicaA2013 Posts: 753 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    My name is Monica. I am happily married to a wonderful man. I have 3 kids and 2 grand-kids. I have had a weight problem for a few yrs now , it got worse when i quit smoking 19 months ago and learned that i was also starting into Peri-menopause and started taking birth control. I have gone from a size 5/6 to a size 14 in the last 9 yrs. I am mortified at my physical appearance. I started the MFP app almost a month ago and i have lost almost 5 lbs. I have never been a big eater but i have never been one to do a lot of exercising either. This has helped but i think i could still use a little more motivation to get exercising.

    Glad to meet you all and hope we can all help each other out. I have also started the "lets Do This" game. Hope its as entertaining as it sounds LOL
  • Kemikk1
    Kemikk1 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi my name is Kemi. I live in Dublin, Ireland. I joined MFP in August @ 216 lbs and I have followed my routines religiously and av lost 18 lbs to date my goal is 142 lbs, I know still have a long way to go but I believe this challenge will motivate me more. Nice to meet you all
  • Ok, I got the vitalitywins to search and have requested to join.

    If anyone has trouble doing a search by typing in "let's do this", don't type in anything. Just click in the blank box and hit enter. It will then show you all of the teams and you can scroll down and find the correct team.

    Excited to see how it works after I am approved ;)
  • Evellitha
    Evellitha Posts: 61 Member
    Hey Guys!

    I'm Amelia, 23 year old from Canada. Journey started two years ago at 180 lbs. Now down to around 130-135 lbs. Been going through alot of yo yo sessions in the last year. I'd like to be around 115-120lbs for my vacation in the Dominican in January. So i'm super happy to join with a group of motivated individuals. :)
  • Hi all -
    I'm excited to start this journey with you. I'm heavier than I've been in years and have been really depressed about it. My goal is to lose 40 pounds.

    I cycle a lot and have recently started running again. Exercise is not the problem. For me, it is mostly a problem with alcohol and sweets, and just general overeating.

    I look forward to this journey with you all.

  • BalenciaLynn
    BalenciaLynn Posts: 411 Member
    Hey I'm Balencia
    I've been on mfp for almost two years now and when i first used it and tracked every day i lost weight...then i started to fall off the wagon after getting a tattoo because it was keeping me from going to my aquatic workout sessions.

    Im hoping that in the new year i wont have to worry about loosing weight and that all i have to do is eat healthy as im hoping to get rid of all the weight i need to lose by xmas time.

    My goal is to lose about 2lbs per week
  • homeechez
    homeechez Posts: 94 Member
    I joined!

    I have been having trouble staying motivated to workout and stuff, so I am hoping that this helps me out. :)

    My name is Tami and I live in the Midwest. I am a busy college student that really doesn't have time to eat, much less workout. I started with MFP last year and have stuck with it, but I don't log as often as I should.

    I really hope that you guys give me the jolt I need.

    Feel free to add me! I could use the motivation!

    Let's get this party started!
  • redruby200681
    redruby200681 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi I'm Jas from Malaysia. Seriously need to lose 10 kg by Christmas as I want my husband to see the new me after being away for 4 months.

    I am committed to my daily calories limit and gonna start my exercise regime today. - feeling determined :happy:
  • JenK627
    JenK627 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, My name is Jen

    I am at my heaviest weight ever and really need some online buddies for support and encouragement. I hope we'll lose weight together.
  • ni1966
    ni1966 Posts: 17
    Hi I am Nina from Alabama. At my heaviest I was 206, I got down to 128 a few years ago, but the stress of the last two years have me back up to 155. Need new pants for Christmas; pants to fit a 139 lbs frame (2lbs a week goal).
  • ni1966
    ni1966 Posts: 17
    How do we join?
  • Hi ,

    I am Seema. I would like to join too.
    I am currently 130 pounds and would like to lose 10 pounds.