Too fast?

I have been going to the gym for about a month or so and about half of that I am just randomly walking or jogging on a treadmill.

I decided I needed a goal and some structure to what I was doing so I started C25k. I am overweight (170 lbs), 5'7.

I just finished W1D1 and I walked at 7 km/hr and jogged at 10 km/hr. That felt pretty comfortable. Will I be able to maintain that pace the whole way through? I figure 10 km/hr is 5 km in 30 minutes, which is the goal.

I just read others running much slower and I don't want to get injured or flake half way through.

Thanks :)


  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    You'll find your speed will vary as you progress through the program. Just ensure you keep going at a speed you can maintain and don't focus on the speed your running at, so much as making the time intervals.
  • candiceh3
    candiceh3 Posts: 379
    OK thanks - I'll leave it like that for the moment. I wasn't too exhausted at the end of it, and I did 2 extra intervals (10 instead of 8) because I was still feeling so full of beans.
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    That's a fast pace (for me) but we're all different. Follow your body's lead and slow down when you need to. The key to the program is to do what you have to do in order to complete that day's run. That almost always means slowing down.
    You can pick up speed later when you've got more stamina.
  • cdh5068
    cdh5068 Posts: 26
    That's about the speed I was running at first (9 min 30 sec mile), but as the running intervals got longer I had to slow down (now I can run 3 miles, around 11:20/mile pace.) Don't get stuck on the numbers. If that pace feels good this week, keep it up. If you need to slow down next week, or in a few weeks, that's completely normal. Don't get stuck on numbers, just choose a pace that feels okay and that you can keep up until the workout ends. Good luck!
  • candiceh3
    candiceh3 Posts: 379

    W1D2 done today and I could keep up with the same pace and had some energy left over for another two intervals - so far so good :).

    And... I actually like it! I didn't realise how good running made me feel. I am a warrior at 10 km/hr.
  • teamAmelia
    teamAmelia Posts: 1,247 Member
    If it felt comfortable for you, I'd stick with it. However, if it becomes to hard later on (no matter what pace you're at), you should always slow it down. Good luck. :smile: