Challenges Oct 14-20th

Monday.......boxing.......put your right foot in front, arms up in front of chest, fists made, then just punch out in front of you, right then left. do a total of 10

Tuesday...........wood chops (have not done in awhile) feet hip width apart, put hands together, then arms up to your right shoulder, then twist slightly as you bring your arms down to the left side, as if you are chopping wood. do 10 each side.

Wed......march in place, really bring those knees up as high as you can.

Thurs............side steps. just move from side to side. bring your right foot over, left one follows. take the left one back, right follows. you get the idea

Friday...........side stretches.......bring your arms over your head, palms touching each other, then gently lean to the right keeping your palms together , as if you are between 2 panes of glass. then stretch to the left side.

Sat................deep breathing. feet hip width apart, breathe in as you bring your palms to meet in front of your chest, bringing them above your head, hold for a few seconds, then breathe out as you bring your arms out to the side and back down to your sides. Repeat at least 5x

Sunday..............let's do that hokey pokey again. I love it, it is movement and so much fun at the same time!!

Whatever you do for movement, try to make it something you will enjoy doing, that way you will tend to stick to it.

Have a great week all of you and again, if you have suggestions for us, please feel free to tell us!


  • ireallyneedit
    ireallyneedit Posts: 104 Member
    Again I am so impressed....just got home and leaving on Thursday but I am going to try to get started at least. Thanks so much for your dedication to helping us all.........your the best.
  • gramanana
    gramanana Posts: 762 Member
    I'm really going to try to do this and hope I don't fall apart in the middle. LOL Thanks for keeping this going.
  • gramanana
    gramanana Posts: 762 Member
    Punches and wood chops are done!
  • Healthydiner65
    Healthydiner65 Posts: 1,579 Member
    Caught up today! Granddaughter still I'll so not much time for exercise.
  • gramanana
    gramanana Posts: 762 Member
    Side steps done!

    IWTBFCIN: Enjoy your time with your grand daughter.
  • gramanana
    gramanana Posts: 762 Member
    Good morning! Just wanted to let everyone know that I did all the challenges last week except the hokey pokey which isn't my favorite. My real excuse was that my granddaughter was with us and we were cooking and fun outside. (Not much of an excuse is it. After all we could have danced together.:laugh:
  • mariancrumble
    Looking forward to joining in the challenge this week.:happy: