Diet chef

slim4xmas13 Posts: 17 Member
Hi due to a busy lifestyle but my HUGE need/want to shed the weight I just wondered if anybody out there has done or is doing Diet Chef and did they find it worked for them,Or is it a waste of money? Any help,advice would be much appriciated X


  • kiekie
    kiekie Posts: 289 Member
    My mum did it for about 8 months and lost a good amount of weight (I don't know the specific amount, I think it was about 3 stone) but as soon as she had any real food, she put on weight so it kind of ties you to the programme and you see the effects of every single venture outside of their food. That's not worth it, if you ask me.

    She said she wouldn't have been able to continue eating their food as it all had the same kind of flavour/texture and she gags whenever she thinks about it now!

    That's just her experience, of course.

    If your desire if that HUGE, then the best thing you can do is eat healthy food, drink lots of water, exercise portion control, increase your movement and, most of all, have patience and perseverance!

    Remember it works if you make a lifestyle change and not a quick fix. Take every day as it comes and consider success as a day of good eating and exercise rather than what the scale says because you may have weeks of no loss before a big drop. I typically have this and can have weeks of no loss then 5lbs fall off at once.

    You may not be at goal by 'xmas13' but you'll be on your way.

    Good luck!
  • Rossa59
    Rossa59 Posts: 20 Member
    A friend of mine (male, 24st) tried Diet Chef last year. Same as the last commenter, the meals become reptitive and boring after a month or so. Also same menu in summer when all the food seemed to be stews etc. Some sort of protein (meat) in a sauce. He gave up after 3 months and had loads of stuff left over and some things he just didn't like. For the price it's a lot of money to spend when you don't want to eat everything. That's the downside of any diet like this. Someone else decides for you what to eat. May seem simple and easy, but.....

    Stick with MFP and eat what you like eating (within your limits). It can be an effort weighing food etc but it's worth it. I eat chocolate, icecream, cream, butter and drink wine which are all things I love so don't feel deprived. Worked for me and lots of others on here.
  • claire671
    claire671 Posts: 93 Member
    I did Go Lower which is basically the same thing. For a month I ate the pre packaged food and lost 9lbs which was great but thinking back to the food makes me gag, the same flavour for every single meal and barely any carbs. Plus I don't think I actually learned anything about nutrition as I was just chucking a meal in the micro and getting on with it. The soups for lunch were the worst. A lot of money too!

    It would probably be far cheaper to take a day out and bulk cook soups/stews/casseroles/meat-in-a-sauce/lasagne and portioning them off into tubs for your freezer and working out the calories per portion. That way you are controlling your portions, you've actually made the food yourself and there's no contract! :)

    Best of luck!