Introduction - just diagnosed

lesliev523 Posts: 368 Member
Hi there,

I am not new to MFP, but was just diagnosed with MS last week. Early last week I lost a lot of clarity of vision in my right eye, with eye pain. After a trip to the retinal specialist, I was diagnosed with Optic Neuritis. I was then sent to get an MRI by my primary. That showed two lesions. (My primary has been wanting me to get an MRI for four years... but I have blown off the symptoms). Boom... diagnosis.

I can't get into a neuro until Dec 2nd. :(

I haven't really gone public with everything because I don't know if I need to wait for the neurologist or not.

Anyways... I would love to make some friends here!




  • hsmaldo
    hsmaldo Posts: 115 Member
    Hi Leslie and welcome!

    Sorry to hear that you have been diagnosed. You may want to wait to go public with your diagnosis--ESPECIALLY with your employer (if you're employed) because while the ADA laws are in place, HR doesn't always play by the rules. :/

    It took me a month to get in to see a neuro after I was in the ER with double vision back in March...had all the tests done and by Aug had started on meds.

    A great resource is They have great information and tons of forums and support as well. I would research the different available meds so you can be informed and be able to discuss with your neuro which is best for you.

    Feel free to send me a friend request!

  • pennylaneto
    pennylaneto Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Leslie,

    I'm so sorry to hear about your diagnosis. I know it's a very scary time right now. Please know if you need any support, we are here for you :)

  • squeakyfish
    squeakyfish Posts: 109 Member
    Hi Leslie,
    I would echo Hannah's advice. As long as you don't need any type of accommodation from work, I would keep it to yourself for now. Once it's out, you can never take it back. I've been diagnosed for 12 years and I'm very selective in who I let know. I have never regretted it. That being said, I'm glad you have a diagnosis - they can take a long time to come about if you don't have classic symptoms or lesions. IV steroids are often prescribed for ON it's very early stages, there's some evidence that it helps preserve vision. ON was my first exacerbation/symptom as well and I remember how scary it was. Welcome to you, although I"m sorry you have to be here, please feel free to friend me if you need support.

  • coppers2002
    Welcome Leslie...

    I was also fairly recently diagnosed (April 2013), initial symptoms in October 2012...
    I would keep it to yourself work related until you know where you are headed. WIth me I work for the government (Ontario) and was open with them, and lucky for me treatment has been great. I wanted people to know if I am off sick there's a legitimate reason, plus I was accomodated straight days to get my sleep patterns normal and help me out :)
