Heart rate monitors

Jasminna Posts: 24 Member
There are so many new fitness tools out on the market.
Do any of you use a heart rate monitor, nike fuel band, ect. ?
What do you use and how has it helped you?


  • mizcanbro
    I started using the Fitbit Flex band last week and I love it. Before I could never understand why I wasn't dropping any weight once I changed my diet habits for the better. However, I never knew if I was eating enough or eating to much food. Thanks to Fitbit, I now realize before there wasn't enough of a deficit between calories consumed vs calories burned. I needed to move more, and, yes, I also needed to eat more on the days I was more active and burned more calories. The Fitbit software puts all this information at your finger tips so you know what to do. And, the best part is it syncs with myfitnesspal seemlessly.
  • Jasminna
    Jasminna Posts: 24 Member
    Fit bit is the one I'm looking into, thanks and that's great it syncs w MFP :)
    Calories intake n burning is a big challenge for everybody