How late to eat when bulking?

Catman50 Posts: 33 Member
Just a quick question really.

As they say most of ya muscle growth is done while your sleeping It stands to reason to load up on Protein before you go to bed ?
Or is this idea wrong? My train of thought says drink a big protein shake before I go to bed? Good idea or bad?

When ya bulking how late is too late to eat something in the evening before you sleep ? Or doesn't it matter ?

Just keep piling it in where you can?

Any thoughts greatly appreciated.


  • waxon81
    waxon81 Posts: 198 Member
    I used to spend a lot of time on This is a frequently asked question there. Generally the overwhelming response was it doesn't matter when you consume your protein as long as your getting it into your system. Having said that, some people swear by immediately having a pre or post workout shake or else their hard work won't pay off. Personally the only thing I would avoid late at night is carbs, I believe a steady flow of protein throughout the day is best. But I'm sure others would disagree....
  • Catman50
    Catman50 Posts: 33 Member
    Thx Waxon.
  • nick1109
    nick1109 Posts: 174 Member
    It makes no difference when you eat, this is why people still manage to gain muscle while using IF. If 2 meals a day suits you then so be it. Obviously its a benefit eating a good quality meal post workout but other than that I would just eat when it suits you. Its more important 'what' and 'how much' you eat than when you eat imo
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    just eat bro. I'm sure that putting tons of effort into eating just the right things at just the right time can have a small effect on results, but I don't think it would be worth time effort at this point.

    If you're bulking just eat when you can, and even when you cant
  • Srarojas
    Srarojas Posts: 170 Member
    I just stopped my shred program and am starting to bulk and lift heavy. Yesterday was a heavy leg day, and I was so nauseated and fatigued after my training session that I couldn't eat much (yogurt, kashi and a protein shake). I was low in calories for the day so I drank a Cytogainer later before I went to bed... That stuff kept me up staring at the ceiling for an hour! Must have too many B vitamins lol.
  • I agree with everyone else. A calorie is a calorie, not matter what time it's consumed. The amount matters, not the time. I personally can't fall asleep hungry(unless I'm VERY tired). I personally see the same results whether I've been eating right before bed or not. And I'm SOO glad I do bc during the day I'm unable to load up on macros. I have to do most of my eating when I get home at night and right before bed.
    I used to think that eating before bed would make it hard to stay sleep bc since the body is relaxed, it has to work twice as hard to digest food, but that ended up not being the case at all(not with me, at least...nor anyone I know).
    That's the fun thing about bulking, you eat WHENEVER and HOWEVER much you want IIFYM lol
  • rovernio
    rovernio Posts: 157
    it doesnt matter
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    I would quite often eat my last meal while in bed :laugh: (although even when cutting)

    Majoring in the minors, get enough cals in total and secondary enough protein and don't forget to lift heavy stuff :tongue:
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member

    Majoring in the minors, get enough cals in total and secondary enough protein and don't forget to lift heavy stuff :tongue:

    This man knows whats up.
  • Just a quick question really.

    As they say most of ya muscle growth is done while your sleeping It stands to reason to load up on Protein before you go to bed ?
    Or is this idea wrong? My train of thought says drink a big protein shake before I go to bed? Good idea or bad?

    When ya bulking how late is too late to eat something in the evening before you sleep ? Or doesn't it matter ?

    Just keep piling it in where you can?

    Any thoughts greatly appreciated.

    i literally eat 15-20 minutes before i go to bed, typically protein and fats like 15 egg whites and coconut oil.

    btw it does matter when you eat ur protein, it shold be split into multiple meals per day, your body has no way of typically storing them as it does with glucose and fat. eat before bed you wont get fat. i use to do carb backloading and would typically have 2-300 grams carbs before bed. spike leptin and serotinin and sleep like a baby
  • I agree with everyone else. A calorie is a calorie, not matter what time it's consumed. The amount matters, not the time. I personally can't fall asleep hungry(unless I'm VERY tired). I personally see the same results whether I've been eating right before bed or not. And I'm SOO glad I do bc during the day I'm unable to load up on macros. I have to do most of my eating when I get home at night and right before bed.
    I used to think that eating before bed would make it hard to stay sleep bc since the body is relaxed, it has to work twice as hard to digest food, but that ended up not being the case at all(not with me, at least...nor anyone I know).
    That's the fun thing about bulking, you eat WHENEVER and HOWEVER much you want IIFYM lol

    a calorie is not a calorie im so sick and tired of hearing this. Does eveyone forget the importance of micro nutriteints and minereals. Does a pop tart really hold any ground with a yam....NO ....there micronutrient profile is nowhere close. iifym is for the weak minded. buckle down eat the right foods you will feel better and look better and probably live longer.

    Every heard of insulin resistance....? keep shoveling down pop tarts, cereal and other random processed crap and youll find out. wanna know what the maion cause of aterial sweeling is? processed gluten filled ****!!!
  • FitnessRXusaAnna
    FitnessRXusaAnna Posts: 44 Member
    A calorie in is not a calorie out. Go educate yourself. Go listen to bodyrx radio and look up research on muscle protein synthesis.
  • FitnessRXusaAnna
    FitnessRXusaAnna Posts: 44 Member
    If it fits your macros is fine but to many folks do not factor in fiber. You must factor that as a main macro along with proteins, carbs, and fat.
  • FitnessRXusaAnna
    FitnessRXusaAnna Posts: 44 Member
    Metabolism is not that simple. Folks think that the equation goes something like this. (What I eat - exercise = weight ) this isn't true it is also not possible because energy and mass are not the same. I think it is episode 23 on body RX radio discusses this in more detail.