
Nneka02 Posts: 5 Member
Please i need some advice. I noticed that my left breast suddenly started swelling up and then it became very painful. The doctor said it was mastitis and he placed me on medication. My baby has refused to suck it and so i express the milk. My biggest challenge is that it has obstructed my exercise routine as i was already making progress. Please does anyone know how soon i should start my exercises? And oh the swelling and pain has subsided.


  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 919 Member
    I was really sick when I had mastitis - fever of 103 for a few days, so there's no way I could have worked out during that time. Are you feeling normal yet, or just better? Did your doctor give you any advice regarding how to clear the clogged ducts while the antibiotic clears the infection? Or is everything clear now? When I had it, I could feel specific clogged ducts and could see red streaks in my breast (and it also felt bruised). I think it depends on how you feel, but I know I couldn't have worked out for quite a few days due to the bruised feeling/swelling/fever.
  • Nneka02
    Nneka02 Posts: 5 Member
    Actually i just feel better, i can still feel some kind of pain. And he didn't explain how to clear the clogs
  • redheadmommy
    redheadmommy Posts: 908 Member
    I think workout is the least important thing when you have mastitis. Massage it to get it unclogged, get better, feel normal and then you can worry about workouts.
  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 919 Member
    Try getting in a warm shower and lean over and try to massage downward so gravity helps with the clogs. You can also use socks filled with rice (warm in microwave) and then dangle feed your baby while massaging towards the nipple. It's really important to get the clogs out so the infection can clear.
  • Nneka02
    Nneka02 Posts: 5 Member
    Okay! I'll do just that. Thanks you two