Trust me I'm a doctor - Added Calorie Burn Standing Up

Dr_sparky Posts: 52 Member
Watched a very interesting program last night on BBC1 (for those of you in the UK) that can probably be watched on iplayer, called "Trust me I'm a doctor". In last nights program they did a study of the effect of shifting from sitting down all day to standing up and the effect that plays on your glucose levels, the number of calories you burn and reducing the load on your spine. It is briefly sumerised in the article below.

Hope it is of interest to you all. I'm thinking I might stand up everytime I take a telephone call, go for a walk at lunch and only get drinks from the machine on the floor above mine. Will be continuing to look for other tricks of the trade! :happy:


  • chani8
    chani8 Posts: 946 Member
    Thanks for posting that link! I suggested to my family that we should stand for computer time. They encouraged me to try it first. ;)
  • BigCed77024
    BigCed77024 Posts: 1,115 Member
    Awesome ideas!
  • aries7298
    aries7298 Posts: 225 Member
    interesting ideas.... thanks!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I began standing for conference calls last year. I work for a government (US) contractor so we have a LOT of conference calls. On those calls where I am expected to attend, but not really partcipate, I often exercise through them. I'm somewhat of a fidgetly person, so even if I'm not exercising I'm usually shuffling back and forth. I actually find it almost impossible to stand still for any length of time. Same with sitting. I am constantly fidgeting.

    I've sent in a request for one of those excercise ball chairs. I don't know if the company will buy it or not, but it doesn't cost more than a regular desk chair.