Started Month 2....

eSUNt Posts: 37 Member
I started Month 2 this week and will be doing Max Recovery tonight. I felt awesome at the end of Month 1 and was pretty happy with my progress and improvement with the workouts. Month 2 has completely deflated me. I find it difficult to even get through the warm up without stopping. Some of the movements are crazy and I have many WTF moments. I feel like I've never workout before. Does everyone experience this? Will it get better? When will it get better?


  • KateK8LoseW8
    KateK8LoseW8 Posts: 824 Member
    I'm halfway through the third week of Month 2. It's still brutal as hell. Well, Max Cardio Conditioning and Max Recovery have gotten more manageable, but the others are still brutal as hell. Just do as much as you can, you'll improve a bit in the next week or two.
  • amina_a10
    amina_a10 Posts: 75 Member
    I started Month 2 this week and will be doing Max Recovery tonight. I felt awesome at the end of Month 1 and was pretty happy with my progress and improvement with the workouts. Month 2 has completely deflated me. I find it difficult to even get through the warm up without stopping. Some of the movements are crazy and I have many WTF moments. I feel like I've never workout before. Does everyone experience this? Will it get better? When will it get better?

    I will be honest with you that month 2 killed me (I completed it about five weeks ago). It was so mentally exhausting and I was ready to give up. I did it, though! Just keep plugging away. You can do it!
  • currlee
    currlee Posts: 395 Member
    lol I actually felt like the month two warmup was going to kill me a cpl weeks ago, but I did what I could and it got better. There are some moves that even now(in my second round) I'm just like ''Uuuhhhh", lol. I do what I can and stop when I need to and just try to do a little more each time. I'm more upset about Max Recovery and then Cardio Abs rubbing my elbows raw, lol
  • rezn8
    rezn8 Posts: 263 Member
    Patience and take it a little slower if you need to. You will catch up. The max workouts are definitely no joke. Make sure your diet is in line too. If you don't have the fuel it will be harder to complete.
  • eSUNt
    eSUNt Posts: 37 Member
    Thanks everyone! This definitely makes me feel better. I will just do what I can and fast as I can without losing form.

    Have a Happy Friday!