Crucial Moment suggestions

Tonight's a perfect example of those "crucial moments" - End of the week, crazy family schedule, Pizza for dinner. I could eat half a Papa John's large by myself and not feel full.

Any group suggestions to supplement the pizza? I'm guessing fruit would do it.



  • JoanKB
    JoanKB Posts: 6 Member
    I had the same Friday I think (not satisfied with anything!). I've found drinking a big glass of cold water seems to 'reset' the meltdown button.
  • I try to eat a BIG salad first and I buy the bagged lettuce so I just have to reach into the bag to fill a bowl. The salad helps slow me down on everything else. :)
  • Hi, Scott - hope you survived the Pizza. Like Denise - I, too, do the pizza and salad thing. Find that if I alternate between the two - I stay in control a bit better. Pizza is probably one of my favorite foods - so very easy for me to gobble up. Let us know how you made out!