ARE You Really Better Off?? 10/24

garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member

I really liked this article because if you get like me...some days you feel like a failure or you are not doing enough or just plan 'blah' but in fact you may and I would gamble ARE doing better then you were a month, year or some years ago!

Why not write down what you are doing better now verses 3-4 years ago?

What did you find?



  • ShellyAnn46
    ShellyAnn46 Posts: 212 Member
    sure need this today - all week have been thinking/feeling not progressing very well. I am stil at strength 2-3 days a week and cardio the others. Yet I see no difference. But then I put on a piece of clothing and it fits better, I went shopping last weekend bought 3 pair jeans a whole size smaller. So although I know I am doing good - I just get like "I don't want to today" and some days I don't and some days I do. With the holidays coming - I have to Do more than Don't. Thanks WW for the perfect timing on this!!!!!!!!!!
  • WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr
    WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr Posts: 2,150 Member
    I'm definitely in a better place than I was 3-4 years ago. Back then I was yo-yo dieting with some not so good for you plans, working out was little more than dance class once a week and walking/jogging off and on (more off than on!) and I was so focused on the person pulling me down deeper into my hole of depression I never looked up.

    Now, I'm sticking to healthy (-ish) eating, I love going to the gym and I'm there more than any place else, I found out about two health issues that may have been triggered by the yo-yo dieting (maybe not, but there is a possibility) and am getting treatment for them, and I have gotten rid of the person pulling me down because I looked up and saw a whole bunch of hands reaching down to pull me out. Will I back slide? Sure, that's always a possibility, but I have a better chance getting back on track now than I did then
  • kodaks
    kodaks Posts: 132 Member
    I really feel that I am in a better place now than where I was 3 years ago. Its amazing to me how many different aspects of my life have changed for the better after changing my lifestyle in hopes of a healthy, more sustainable future. 3 years ago, I weighed 300+ lbs and fell into some of the worst depression I've ever experienced. My weight gain was a symptom of earlier depression, and the reality of the gain pushed me even further down. For the longest time, I approached the daunting task of weight loss as 1 goal - reaching my goal weight. "I will never be happy until I reach my goal weight."

    Today, well on my way to my goal weight, I realized that every little victory (be it pounds wise or NSV), is a little bit greater than the one before it. Every time I choose responsible eating over gorging, running instead of lounging, interacting instead of hiding, I feel a little bit better about myself. In three years, I have went from hating myself and everything I represented, to becoming a more optimistic person who is excited to truly begin my life again. One pound, one NSV at a time.
  • verdemujer
    verdemujer Posts: 1,397 Member
    Yes, I am. I'm happier than I use to be, I'm healthier than I was two years ago, I have more confidence in myself, I have some muscles in places I didn't and the weight is actually going away.
  • NatashaShen
    NatashaShen Posts: 295 Member
    I can say that I'm in a better place. Theres been a lot of bad stuff in the past 2 years, but I'm happier. I have a much better job and not stressing 24/7. And excited to say that when renewing my drivers license this year, I got to update my photo and weight. Down 30+ lbs.