TSH level went through the roof :(

JayMri Posts: 241 Member
At my blood work 2 months ago my TSH level was really low. I was taking a 88 mcg and a 75mcg daily and the nurse talked to the doctor and told me to drop the 88 and just take the 75. I questioned this as it seem extreme and she verified that was correct. Well I was scheduled for blood work last week but knew my levels were way off so went in this week. I just got a call from the nurse that my TSH was at 37.8!!! I need to be between 1.0 and .2 And lucky for me (not) the doctor is out till Monday so they'll have to get back to me on Monday. She said she'd mark it urgent for him. She asked if I'd missed any dosses 'cause it almost appeared as if I'd been off my meds but I haven't missed any. I feel like they messed up somewhere with their last directions.

That explains why I've been gaining weight again (that pisses me off) and have all around felt crappy. I am seriously debating adding an 88 back in over the weekend to get a jump start.

Anyone had similar experiences?


  • toddka1
    toddka1 Posts: 171 Member
    Obviously your levels were off the charts since they calculated your new dosage incorrectly. Don't know how bad you are feeling and if you feel you could hold out till Monday. You could wait until Monday and get your new instructions from the doctor. Or, you could probably safely add the extra pill back in, but as I'm not a doctor, I don't like to self medicate or urge someone else to do so as well.

    Reason I suggest waiting is because the doctor may come up with some kind of plan based on the knowledge of what your TSH is now and the dosage you are on now. If you add more to the mix this weekend, then that could alter how your body reacts to what the doctor plans. If you decide to add the 88 back in over the weekend, just make sure to tell you doctor you have done that and how many times you have done it.
  • horselady34
    horselady34 Posts: 51 Member
    Hi, I'm sorry your dealing with that its just not fair! Last winter my tsh went up to 97 and I was wondering why I had more trouble than normal sticking to my workouts, heck I was lucky I was able to stick with a half hour! I hope things get better for you, hypothyroid sucks cause some can still have hypothyroid symptoms even when we are in with their so called normal range!
  • sharonmunday90
    sharonmunday90 Posts: 129 Member
    The main reading should be your free t3 and t4. Regardless of the tsh those should be im the higher end of the range. Ask for those numbers
  • autotek
    autotek Posts: 66 Member
    omg i thought mine was high at 6.87
    get that checked out soon
    its sucks being out of range