Starting Stats! 10/24

absmith_ Posts: 63 Member
Hi guys I am Abby!

22 years old from Pittsburgh, PA

I started at 210 in June of this year, hoping to get to 135.

Today on 10/24 I am 158.4
Hoping to get to 150 by Thankgiving but happy with anything. Lets go!!!!!!! We got this!!

Edit: I am 5'6"


  • Commander_Keen
    Commander_Keen Posts: 1,179 Member
    knock, knock knock.. hello?
    Where am I?
    Oh crap.. I have loose weight by thanks giving..!!! How did I end up here.???
  • absmith_
    absmith_ Posts: 63 Member
    You don't have to! lol I added you because you commented haha. :)
  • Muddybear7
    Muddybear7 Posts: 29 Member
    Hi everyone, my name is Patty :) I live right next to Charleston, SC.

    SW: 194-196 back in August of 2012
    CW: 162.5
    GW: 135-140

    I'm 29 but closer to 30 :) Oh, and I'm 5'3''. Best of luck to everyone! Thanks for the add, Abby!
  • KateK8LoseW8
    KateK8LoseW8 Posts: 824 Member
    Today I'm 148.6, but I've been bouncing around between 147.5 and 148.5 for the past week. So I'll just call it 148. I'd love to be to 140 by Thanksgiving, but 143 would make me quite happy as well.

    SW: 207
    CW: 148
    Thanksgiving GW: 143
    UGW: 120-125

    22 years old
  • pimpin_po
    pimpin_po Posts: 120 Member
    I'm Paige!
    CW: 184
    thanksgiving GW: 178
    annnddd my ultimate GW: 145!!!
    I lose weight fairly quickly, I always have. So I'm pretty confident I can lose the 8lbs especially because I'm still just starting! :)
    all right! Lets go guys!!
  • megcc
    megcc Posts: 92 Member
    Hi I'm Meg and I'm looking for the motivation and support to get my weight loss going.
    I'm a SAHM and have nibbled and snacked my way up the scale now it's time to get that number back down.

    SW: 135
    CW: 135
    thanksgiving GW: 130
    ultimate GW: 115
  • nelinelineli
    nelinelineli Posts: 330 Member
    Hi I'm Neli and I just googled Thanksgiving.. apparently it's in a month!

    I'm 5'3", currently 122 lbs and well.. in a month I hope to be 118. I can't drop more than that at my size:)
  • eSUNt
    eSUNt Posts: 37 Member
    Happy Friday Everyone!

    I'm Esther from Northern New Jersey! I am 35 but I feel like 25 (some peeps say I look 25 and I'll take it LOL). My eyes were opened when I got my physical. I thought I was around 145 and when I weighed in at 151 I was shocked. I started Insanity on September 9th and started eating as clean as possible.

    Height 5'4 1/2

    SW 151 (weighed at my physical 8/30/13)
    CW 144 (weighed in today)
    GW 139 by Thanksgiving - I have not weighed under 140 since 2009
    Ultimate GW 130

    Challenges I face with this Challenge - I will be taking a 4 day cruise to Cozumel in Mid November! Good thing is I'm going with girls I used to Crossfit with so the plan is to workout everyday! I hope to just maintain and not gain during this trip.
  • mellynat
    mellynat Posts: 345 Member
    Hey ! I'm Natasha. Mom of 3.

    My starting stats:
    CW: 156
    Thanksgiving GW: 148-145 maybe
    Ultimate Gw: 135(what my license said for past 7yrs) lol I'd like to see that on the scale. Havent been there since middle school days
  • krodone
    krodone Posts: 10
    I missed the weigh in but I am Vanessa. I am from DFW, TX but currently reside in Havleock, NC. My weight is a constant battle. I am pushing 30 and that isn't helping either :) I am determined and I am glad to be a part of this challenge! Thank you for adding me!

    SW - 174
    CW - 167
    TDayW - 160
    GW - 130