Anyone redoing C25K

teamAmelia Posts: 1,247 Member
I'm redoing it to work on my speed. I'm just doing the running intervals faster than I originally did. Who's redoing it?


  • hlsc
    hlsc Posts: 66 Member
    I began C25K last November, finished it and ran my first 5K in February. I just ran on my own during the spring and did my second 5K in June. I decided to begin C25K again over the summer to work on speed. I was going to slow jog the walk intervals and faster jog the run intervals. I basically went back to the regular walk-run program, but my speed has improved over time. I don't know if doing C25k again helped improve my speed, but it's good for me to help keep me on a schedule.
  • teamAmelia
    teamAmelia Posts: 1,247 Member
    That's another reason that I restarted it. I was getting bored and not interested in running. Now, I'm looking forward to running every morning and night. :bigsmile: