The Post Civilization Diet...

I thought to myself today that instead of crummy internalized diet talk, "I need to lose weight. I should lose weight. Why the hell can't I lose weight?" That I would just extend my fitness zombie universe into my kitchen pantry and fridge.

What should I eat so I can out run that zombie?

What should I eat to stay healthy enough to avoid the inevitable outbreak of common human scourges like dysentery?

What should I eat so I don't feel so heavy that I could run at a moments notice?

What food will help me optimally survive?

And when the food tastes like crap because protein shakes and salads really aren't my thing I can think, "man this apocalypse sucks." I'll feel a lot more like I'm enduring while in the zombie trenches rather than suffering from this inevitable human plague of obesity which I probably won't win. At this point with everything I've tried to get thinner - I just give up and think - man I like cheese. I've been going without cheese for weeks AND I GAINED WEIGHT *angry face*

At least now I can think -- "there was no cheese, cheese is dead to me, it belongs to that other world where supermarkets had frozen pizzas and that's what I ate."

This is kinda the premise of Nerd - you're a character leveling up your life through a series of choices. So I am going to apply it to diet because I might as well have fun going without my favorite foods. I might as well pretend there is some all important reason to it all.

I don't cook much so protein shakes, salads and small meals are probably what I'll subsist on.

If you have anything to add or further ideas for The Post Civilization Diet - would love to hear some other creative takes on it! lolz



  • DesdemonaRose
    You could always go "hardcore" and try a raw food diet :p

    The base I run on has raspberry bushes and the last time I did a zombie run I found a ripe one that managed to survive the deer and whatever else hangs out on the base (you'd think this place was a small game reserve, shooting on a military base is of course a "no" so the animals do well). I of course ate it and it made the whole thing seem more "survivor." Eating wild raspberries.

    I have tried to eat less processed stuff, which will be more realistic if I'm having the zombie apocalypse on a deserted island somewhere. Probably less realistic if it's scavaging food from abandoned towns though. I don't plan on a granola bar and canned food diet though. That salt content would not help lose weight. Rationing food (eating less calories) would be more realistic.

    For the record.. the raw food line was a joke! I eat sushi, but I do cook the rest of my meat. No steak tar tar for me.
  • nathalier71
    nathalier71 Posts: 570 Member
    That sure is an interesting take on it!
  • mizzie1980
    mizzie1980 Posts: 379 Member
    Ooh, I can see that way of thinking helping me! I'm not eating less of something I really want because it's too many calories. I'm eating less because we all have to conserve food in these post zombie apocalypse times. Fun!
  • degan2011
    degan2011 Posts: 316 Member
    This is a great idea! I too have thought about that. My family believes in prepping for natural disasters etc, and we always joke about have our food stores in case the zombies take over. :) this is a natural extension of that! :) Part of a zombie appocolypse might involve the inability to get food, so I was actually considering doing the intermittent fasting. Normally, i am the kind of person that if i don't get food regularly I could chew someones arm off... that might get me mistaken for a zombie...
  • cynforgiven
    Kinda interesting you posted this... "diet" is one of my topics to research on my survival prep list.
    I like the "eating less because you're rationing" idea too. So when I eat out and i automatically divide the meal in half I'll feel more like I'm rationing than dieting :)

    I actually like the raw diet/vegetarian idea too. I'll eat meat, but I don't think I could kill my own meat. In fact i was doing my ZR run the other day and saw some little frogs jumping around in the ditch and thought to myself "Would I be able to catch and eat them if I needed to?"
  • Gatlen
    Gatlen Posts: 20 Member
    As far as eating healthy and eating according to the whole zombie run ideals, I'm doing ok i think. I'm a low carb person so I survive mostly on meat and cheese (both of which I can obtain or make on my own) along with greens and certain nuts.
  • DesdemonaRose
    If there was a real apocolypse I would really hope that I find a base and someone else to carve up animals, I don't have the stomach for it. I was the student hiding in the back during dissection day trying not to retch up on myself. Granted, in a real survival situation I might get over it. I got over my fear of puke for my kid (which is good since I'm a single parent and he's only 5).

    I was simi low carb but I've been slacking bad lately. I've probably been eating more like a real apocolypse.. whatever is at hand. Even if it's a toaster pastry and can of soup for dinner.

    Gatlen: I just became a Ingress agent last weekend... however... I joined the resistance! Down with XM! ha (or whatever, I'm still a serious noob).
  • Gatlen
    Gatlen Posts: 20 Member
    I don't like prepping animals for eating but its one of the things that would have to be done in an apocalypse situation. In small groups, it would generally be a duty for everyone but if a small cluster of people were to hold up together, I imagine those more proficient in the task would take up most of the duties. If an untrained person preps an animal for eating, there is generally a lot wasted as they don't know how to do it properly. Me, I'd rather be the guy making things for the group with my blacksmithing skills.

    Lately, my low carb has been on the near extreme side. I'd say my carb intake daily is never over 8% of my total caloric intake. First few days were horrible as my body adjusted but now I feel great. I eat like a horse now (as long as its low/no carb) and I keep losing the weight. Bacon and eggs are close friends of mine these days! I have found the old thought that runners NEED carbs for fuel to run isn't really true. I can run longer and faster now than I was before I decided to go low carb. From the stuff I've read online (medical journals are a pain to read....) that after a point, our bodies adapt to using fats as our primary fuel and most of us have enough fat reserves to run for hours.

    DesdemonaRose: You're a smurf!?! Bah! Friggin blues.... :-) Good luck with the game. If you need some assistance, let me know. May not be on my team but I'm all about helping people get going as far as learning the ins and outs of the game. I've been playing since Dec 6th.
  • AmyZ46
    AmyZ46 Posts: 694 Member
    I vote this the best and maybe most helpful post I have read today !! I have been fighting the urge to eat Mexican wedding cookies all day !!

    Now I have a new weapon to help me resist ! No they will not help me run away from Zombies !! I don't want them !!

  • cynforgiven
    I've had this question in the back of my head since you posted it. I've been looking at what I eat and thinking "is this a sensible diet that's going to help me outrun zoms? Is this something i should enjoy now because it won't be around after the apocalypse hits? How can i start eating like I'm actually Runner 5?"

    My answers - my diet is very 'civilization" based - store bought, prepackaged, low prep. I've noticed, too that i usually eat more than the serving size so "rationing" would come into play there. I know i need to cook more and eat less packaged stuff (save $$ too). Lately though I've been having trouble getting myself to eat, let alone eat a runner 5 diet.

    Still working on your question 7hunters. :happy: Have you come up with anything else yet?
  • BookRat
    BookRat Posts: 16 Member
    The Post-Apocalypse Diet....I love it! Anything that gets us thinking about what we're eating and what effect it has on us rather than just eating 'automatically' is good, and at least this makes it fun!

    Foods high in fat, salt, and sugar are still available, of course, but rarer and best saved for special occasions because they're detremental to a runner's abilities and of limited supply (and once it's gone, it's gone!). Overeating should be avoided, as food is harder to obtain and needs to be shared across an entire community. Also, a lighter runner is a swifter runner, and a swifter runner stays alive!). Finally, despite the shortages, it is important that the runner tries to obtain optimal nutritional intake (i.e. getting enough carbs, fats and protein) and therefore optomise their performance, for the good of the community!