Suggestions: Healthy & Filling Foods

One thing I hate about calorie counting is that I feel like I'm always battling the growling stomach because I'm trying to keep my calorie intake under control. Does anyone have any suggestions for foods that fill you up and are nutritious, but are low in calories?


  • nlepine84
    nlepine84 Posts: 145 Member
    A few of my 150 cal snacks, that I find really filling

    20 almonds
    1tbps almond butter with a small apple or about 5 Mary's Gone crackers
    1/2 cottage cheese with 1/2 fruit or 1 veggies
    3/4 cup plain 0% greek yogurt with 1/2 berries
    1/4 cup hummus with 1 cup of veggies or 5-10 crackers
    16 Baked Tortilla chips with 1/4 cup salsa
  • emartin17
    emartin17 Posts: 123 Member
    Pistachios with a piece of fruit, my fave is an apple. The nut and acid option are great. I only ate 1/4 cup shelled during class last night and it held me till dinner for 3 hours
  • ElizabethFuller
    ElizabethFuller Posts: 352 Member
    One of my favourite autumn meals is baked butternut squash. Cut a small squash in half, take out the seeds and rub all over with a sliced garlic clove, spray with 1 cal spray and bake in a hot oven for half an hour. Make a low fat chunky tomato sauce with lots of onion and torn basil, fill up the hole in the squash. Make a low fat white sauce with cornflour and milk, and pour over the tomato sauce, scatter the top with about 25g grated mature cheddar. Bake in the oven for about 15-20 minutes until brown and bubbly.
    If I'm in a hurry I make it with bought low fat tomato sauce and white sauce, but I usually add some roughly chopped tomatoes and fresh basil to give it a bit more body.
    If I make this for the skinny boys in my family I add bacon to the tomato sauce, cheese to the white sauce and lots of cheese on top.
    With 250g of squash, 100g tomato sauce and 100g white sauce it adds up to about 300calories and is seriously filling.
  • Mjconnelly586
    Mjconnelly586 Posts: 41 Member
    I find protein to be the most filling. So almonds, pistachios, or I will have 3-4 pieces of turkey bacon. Fills me up and I do not feel like I am depriving myself.

    Also starting with a glass of water and finishing cause often when I am hungry I am just dehydrated... oi!
  • karinschoultz
    karinschoultz Posts: 50 Member
    Green tea helps me not want to snack sometimes. I eat almonds, cottage cheese, low-fat string cheese, loooove clementines when they are in season.
  • flowersofdawn
    flowersofdawn Posts: 47 Member
    I agree with lots of these options. I am at work very early (6am) and have a desk job, so finding something that is filling and helps me focus and not snack away the day on unhealthy "empty" feeling items, is important.

    20 almonds
    Low Fat string cheese
    Fiber bars (eg. Kashi, Fiber One, Luna)
    Baby Carrots or Medium Apple sliced and peanut/almond butter
    Greek Yogurt and 1/4 cup Musli (my current favorite)
    Tea is also a great filler (can even add a touch of agave nectar or honey to sweeten the deal)

    But the biggest help, and many people have mentioned it, WATER. :drinker: Water, water, water, WATER! I don't drink enough some days and I can feel it for sure. Water is so great because it helps so many things: clear alert mind, healthy hydrated skin, well running tummy, and it helps bulk up the fibrous items like oats and grains that you may eat (eg. oatmeal, fiber bars).