Weekly check-in 10/30/13 8 weeks till Christmas!

TanyaAJ Posts: 30 Member
There's only 8 weeks left!! Best of luck everyone!!!!!

1. Current weight (optional) :
2. weight lost since last week :
3. NSV for the week
4. Goals for next week
5. Weight to go til Christmas:


  • TanyaAJ
    TanyaAJ Posts: 30 Member
    That's my bit of reporting for the week!

    1. Current weight 170.2 lbs
    2. weight lost since last week 1.2 lbs
    3. Other accomplishment or NSV: I am getting the hang of balancing my meals without much of a drama. I don't feel like I am going to run our of calories and still feel starving at the end of the day :-)
    4. Goals for next week: try to save few bob for Christmas (impossible task to start with!)
    5. weight to go by Christmas 5 lbs

    Best of luck everyone!
  • cfeineigle
    cfeineigle Posts: 39 Member
    Good Morning!! Hells Bells...only 8 weeks?!? Ekkkk.....

    1. Current weight (optional) : 138.4
    2. weight lost since last week : -.6
    3. NSV for the week: I was able to wear a size 28 jean for the first time in ages!! :)
    4. Goals for next week: An additional 15 push-ups every day!!
    5. Weight to go til Christmas:13.4
  • Me2FitMe
    Me2FitMe Posts: 1,284 Member
    1. Current: 160.2
    2. Loss: 1.8 lb this past week
    3. NSV: Getting nice compliments on my weight loss all around
    4. Goal: Focus on food... the rest will follow
    5. 20.2 lbs to go by Christmas-- ugh!
  • katelynal
    katelynal Posts: 114
    October 30, 2013

    1. CW 219.6
    2. Gained 2.6 (over last 2 weeks)
    3. NSV - better week than previous when I had to put my 16 year old kitty to sleep :(
    4. Goal for next week - regain some semblance of daily routine for eating/exercise
    5. 23.8 lbs to lose by Christmas
  • srenea9
    srenea9 Posts: 142
    1. Current weight (optional) : 229
    2. weight lost since last week : NONE ughh
    3. NSV for the week: I really dont have one, I was bad last week
    4. Goals for next week: healthier eating, I ate a lot of sugar last week
    5. Weight to go til Christmas: 29 lbs
  • maguariento
    maguariento Posts: 72 Member
    Looks like folks are still on track - hang in there everyone - WE ARE WORTH IT!!!

    1. CW 137.2
    2. Lost 2.0 from last check in two weeks ago - woot!!
    3. NSV - OMG, the c25k is working!!! I absolutely cannot believe it, but I just started week 8, jogged 28 minutes straight, and could even chat a bit with my husband!! If you told me a month ago that this would happen, I would've said you were full of it. I am so stoked!!
    4. Goal - get back to weight lifting (again). Skipped last week due to vacation, and this week due to Halloween prep. Ugh. I need to build muscle to burn calories!!
    5. Weight to go by Christmas - 2.2 lbs. Wow. That is entirely possible. Tough, though. I'm frankly quite surprised I made it this far!

    Stick with it folks - we can do this!!!
  • AngelicxAnnihilation
    I haven't posted once I think because I disappeared to NY for well over a month but I was still losing!

    1. Current weight: 222.8
    2. weight lost since last week : idk, this is the first time I've weighed myself since I left in september
    3. NSV for the week: 17 inches and 17 pounds lost since I last measured in april, and I hadn't lost anything really until I left in September so it all happened while I was in NY
    4. Goals for next week: I didn't realize I lost half of my goal weight while I was gone, I wanna keep going!!
    5. Weight to go til Christmas: 12.8 pounds :D i'm determined to lose at least 24 pounds total by Christmas..
  • TaraRichardson913
    TaraRichardson913 Posts: 157 Member

    You are all doing so fantastic, I wish I hadn't fallen off the wagon mid challenge..
    So my goal is now only to lose 10lbs by Christmas. Boo hoo.
    But I do hope I make it! Weigh in tomorrow :)
  • maguariento
    maguariento Posts: 72 Member
    Don't worry Tara - the wagon is slow... it's easy to jump back on, no matter how many times you fall off.

    Gee... I wonder how I know this?!?! :happy: