Hi All!

So i just started day 1 yesterday and i wondered if anyone can offer any tips, help, support, advice on what personally keeps you motivated to really stick with it and do it everyday?

This will be my second go around, however i didn't finish the last time, however i got to the last two weeks, and it also took me twice as long as i wasn't consistantly doing it everyday.

Anyways i'm excited to get going again and all day today i'm sore in those little nooks and crannys so i know it's working and i like to feel that so i know i did something. For now that's my motivation for today.

Thanks loves!


  • kymkan
    kymkan Posts: 444 Member
    find a few determined friends that are on the EXACT same day and compare notes! I had a few ppl that went with me the whole way thru and it REALLY helped me! That is the first program that I have ever COMPLETELY finished and the most amazing! :)
  • PolkaDot_Princess
    PolkaDot_Princess Posts: 314 Member
    Oh great advice!!
  • LessthanKris
    LessthanKris Posts: 607 Member
    I just finished Week 9 today. Motivation for me is just being able to check another day off and know I am getting closer to finishing this program. I workout right when I put my kids down for a nap. I hate working out but I do not give myself the chance to talk myself out of it. I have a limited window to workout before they wake up too so I know I just have to go right at it which helps.

    I treat it like an appointment that I can't miss. Just remember it is only 30 minutes and like she says, you can do anything for 30 minutes.
  • Daisychain65
    Daisychain65 Posts: 161 Member
    I set up a count down on my phone so I can see the end!
  • noemibp
    noemibp Posts: 167
    Having somebody who's doing the exact week as you helps a lot.
    The other thing that is helping me is trying to remember that those little muscles that I didn't know that I had are showing because I'm doing this program.
    And if everything else fails, I just do it even if I don't feel like it. In a couple of minutes I know I'll be really concentrating in the workout, sweating and enjoying it.
  • PolkaDot_Princess
    PolkaDot_Princess Posts: 314 Member
    yesterday i was so exhuasted and just wanted to sit down and watch the tube, after a long day of work and dinner and baby bath and bedtime, oh and stacking wood and laundry in between, but i got my *kitten* up and did it, then i felt great!!!

    and miraculusly that headache that i had on and off all day disappeared as i was working out....score!
  • Daisychain65
    Daisychain65 Posts: 161 Member
    yesterday i was so exhuasted and just wanted to sit down and watch the tube, after a long day of work and dinner and baby bath and bedtime, oh and stacking wood and laundry in between, but i got my *kitten* up and did it, then i felt great!!!

    and miraculusly that headache that i had on and off all day disappeared as i was working out....score!

    Well Done, like the lady Jillian says, 'it's only 30 minutes, you can do anything for 30 minutes!'
  • photojunk
    photojunk Posts: 135 Member
    If I miss a day u make myself catch up he day afterwards which obv means a double workout, that's enough to keep me motivated to not miss work outs.
  • malatorr
    malatorr Posts: 3 Member
    I got a bunch of girls I work with to do the workout with me and we all keep each other in check! When we work together we compare inches lost and it really helps to keep us motivated :)

    I personally keep a white board calendar on my bedroom wall by a wall length mirror which helps me visualize my goal