Hey Bees!

Come introduce yourself (maybe post what your name is on Weddingbee) and tell us what your goals are!

I really hope this a productive group for everyone who joins.


  • vermonster14
    vermonster14 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Ladies! Vermonster here.
    I've been on MFP for a while and I basically just go in fits and spurts of tracking... what I find hardest about tracking is the fact that I cook nearly everything I eat, and not always from a recipe so entering it into this site is time-consuming.

    I've gained about 5-7lbs since college and my goal is to lose those and tone up my arms/shoulders/back for my dress. My wedding is 6/14 so I feel like if I get serious about it now, I'll have plenty of time. My immediate goals are to get better about tracking, get my sweet tooth under control, and to start lifting regularly again.
  • I totally agree about going in spurts. Prior to signing up for this I was using the LoseIt! app and I would track maybe 4-5 days at a time and then not track for a month. Sometimes it was overwhelming trying to find how many calories are really in what I was eating and other times I would get discouraged and bummed out if I went over my daily allowance of ate something "bad" like a muffin from Dunkin' Donuts.

    I really want to weigh what I weighed up until I turned 22, which was 110. I have a small frame and am 5'2", so I don't think it's unreasonable or unhealthy. I wasn't overly thin at that weight, but I was confident about my body and would even wear a bikini sometimes! Now I would never dream of putting on one.

    I eat pretty well, it's just going to the gym that I keep slacking with. I have a membership at Planet Fitness, but I never go. Partly because it's hard to find the motivation and partly because I get really embarrassed at the gym because I'm clumsy and uncoordinated.
  • allieallieoxenfree
    allieallieoxenfree Posts: 114 Member
    Hi bees! My name is Alex, I'm howsweetitis on Weddingbee!

    I also eat fairly well--I track sometimes if I feel like having cookies or something and am curious how I'm doing calorie-wise. Since we moved to NYC, we don't have money to eat out/eat a lot of meat, lol, so my pasta and veggie diet is usually pretty well under the limit and pretty healthy.

    Like Sarah, I just need motivation to work out!! Ugh, I hate working out, and my goal is to work out 5 days a week during the month of November. I just bought Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred--anyone else tried that?
  • PecorinoRomano
    PecorinoRomano Posts: 33 Member
    Hey, thanks for getting this group together Sarah! I hear ya on the small frame. I'm 5'0" and my goal weight is somewhere around 105-110. I was up to 130 at my heaviest and I'm currently at 115, so just looking to drop those last 5-10 pounds.

    What kind of workouts is everyone doing? I'm really self-conscious at the gym, so I usually just do at-home workouts. I'm really into anything by Jillian Michaels at the moment.

    I am not very good about tracking my calories, but I like to have a place to track my workouts and just keep motivated!

    Oh and I'm Coyote on Weddingbee! :)
  • PecorinoRomano
    PecorinoRomano Posts: 33 Member
    Hah, Alex I posted just as you did! I have tried many times to get all the way through the 30 day shred, but I am lazy and always give up a few weeks in. The longest I did it was 18 days and I noticed a HUGE difference in that short period of time. So yea, it definitely works if you have the motivation to stick with it.
  • I just bought Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred--anyone else tried that?

    I have had that for a couple years and really like it, but I'm on the upper level of a two family home now, so I feel like all my stomping is going to really make my downstairs neighbors hate me. Maybe if I could find a time when they're not home and I am it could work.

    When I was doing it consistently I really liked it!

    Any other Jillian Michaels recommendations?
  • Another question: Do any of you ladies have a medicine ball at home? I'll use the ones at the gym once in awhile, but I feel really silly doing it in front of tons of people. I mainly use it for crunches and squats.
  • Olive24219
    Olive24219 Posts: 31 Member
    Hi Bees,

    I'm Shelbi (Olive27 on Wedding Bee). I got in great shape last year for my December wedding by eating healthy and doing outdoor bootcamps 3 times a week for 6 months. Since the wedding.... pretty much nothing. We recently moved to a new province for my husband's work and it's been stressful. I'm at home all day (still trying to find work) so there is absolutely no excuse for not exercising. We generally eat pretty well but it's the exercising I struggle with.

    I just got the Jillian Michael's 30 day shred so was thinking about starting that as well as taking up hiking as there are some good trails in my new area. Right now I'm in the 140 - 145 range (I think) and at the wedding I was down to 120. A comfortable weight for me is 125 (I'm 5'4).
  • allieallieoxenfree
    allieallieoxenfree Posts: 114 Member
    I can't figure out how to quote, but I have a big exercise ball, if that's what you mean, Sarah! I am a grad student, so I spend a lot of time sitting on my bum at home, haha--so I try to sit on my ball when I can!

    Yay for all of the JM fans! I'm shooting for 5 days a week for November, then 7 days a week in December (but only 20-30 minute workouts, so I don't get injured). I think I'm going to use 30 Day Shred for November, then Ripped in 30 for December.

    And then my wedding is January 6, eek!
  • Alex, I'm talking about these things: http://www.target.com/p/gofit-medicine-ball-6lbs/-/A-550073?ref=tgt_adv_XSG10001&AFID=Google_PLA_df&LNM=|550073&CPNG=Sports&kpid=550073&LID=PA&ci_src=17588969&ci_sku=550073&gclid=CIa8w6jMwboCFdGe4AodKzQAzQ

    They're smaller and heavier, so you can use them like weights. I love them! I really want one of those exercise balls you have, too, but we're in a small apartment and the fiance thinks it will take up too much room. He's probably right on that one.

    I've never tried Ripped in 30. Is it supposed to be harder than 30 Day Shred?
  • allieallieoxenfree
    allieallieoxenfree Posts: 114 Member
    Alex, I'm talking about these things: http://www.target.com/p/gofit-medicine-ball-6lbs/-/A-550073?ref=tgt_adv_XSG10001&AFID=Google_PLA_df&LNM=|550073&CPNG=Sports&kpid=550073&LID=PA&ci_src=17588969&ci_sku=550073&gclid=CIa8w6jMwboCFdGe4AodKzQAzQ

    They're smaller and heavier, so you can use them like weights. I love them! I really want one of those exercise balls you have, too, but we're in a small apartment and the fiance thinks it will take up too much room. He's probably right on that one.

    I've never tried Ripped in 30. Is it supposed to be harder than 30 Day Shred?

    Ah, figured out how to quote! Can you tag someone like you can on WB?

    Ohhh, gotcha, I've used those at the gym, but I don't have one. They are so fun! But for JM you need handweights, which I just bought too.

    We have an exercise ball in our 330 sq ft apartment, lol, so I feel you. It definitely DOES take up too much room, but we don't really have people over that much, so it's not a big deal.

    I'm not sure if Ripped in 30 supposed to be harder or not, but I know it has 4 levels instead of 3 like 30DS. We'll see if I make it! I guess the wedding is probably the best motivator I'll ever have, haha.
  • Hi guys!
    I'm Mary (ToTheRiot) on the bee. I'm 22 and looking to lose about 45 lbs. I hate having to admit this, but maybe saying it outloud will force me to come to terms with myself. I'm 181 lbs and at 5'1, it's not cute at all. I don't feel like I'm 181, but I am so it's time to look the way I feel on the inside.
    I have P90x and Insanity. I'm also a member at a gym. It's not that I don't have time to go, I just lose motivation. My gyms about a 20 minute drive and so it takes a good 3 hours out of my day to do the gym. I wanted to go with FI, but he started a new job and we don't live together, so I keep using that as an excuse.
    I just want to be healthy. Even if I don't lose 45 lbs, but I lose 5 lbs., I would be happy.
    I think I'm the most afraid of trying really hard and nothing happening. I'm afraid I'll be at the gym 3 days a week, skipping out on all the food I love, and I don't even drop an ounce of weight.

    Ugh anyways, that's my story. I need to stay motivated so I can look fabulous in my wedding dress.

    Forgot to say my Wedding's June 13, so I've got a little more than 7 months.
  • Hi guys!
    I'm Mary (ToTheRiot) on the bee. I'm 22 and looking to lose about 45 lbs. I hate having to admit this, but maybe saying it outloud will force me to come to terms with myself. I'm 181 lbs and at 5'1, it's not cute at all. I don't feel like I'm 181, but I am so it's time to look the way I feel on the inside.
    I have P90x and Insanity. I'm also a member at a gym. It's not that I don't have time to go, I just lose motivation. My gyms about a 20 minute drive and so it takes a good 3 hours out of my day to do the gym. I wanted to go with FI, but he started a new job and we don't live together, so I keep using that as an excuse.
    I just want to be healthy. Even if I don't lose 45 lbs, but I lose 5 lbs., I would be happy.
    I think I'm the most afraid of trying really hard and nothing happening. I'm afraid I'll be at the gym 3 days a week, skipping out on all the food I love, and I don't even drop an ounce of weight.

    Ugh anyways, that's my story. I need to stay motivated so I can look fabulous in my wedding dress.

    Forgot to say my Wedding's June 13, so I've got a little more than 7 months.

    Is there anything you'd be interested in that isn't the gym? Yoga? Spin class? Indoor rock climbling? I know these things can be pricey (hence why I'm not doing them - don't have the money), but if it's something you really like you might be more motivated to go do it!
  • Is there anything you'd be interested in that isn't the gym? Yoga? Spin class? Indoor rock climbling? I know this things can be pricey (hence why I'm not doing them - don't have the money), but if it's something you really like you might be more motivated to go do it!

    Not really, I actually did a boot camp this Summer. I liked it, but everyone was WAY more active than I was and they could get through the whole 60 minutes without puking lol. It was even a beginners boot camp, for women who are new to working out, and everyone admitted they already exercise 3-5 times a week, I felt weird. I finished it, but I was always last to finish :/ I think I could handle doing insanity or Jillian Michaels. I live at home and have to exercise in the living room, my brothers are always in and out making fun or trying to do it with me and telling me how lame it is. But, maybe if I start around 9am, they won't be awake yet and won't even have to know what I'm doing.
  • allieallieoxenfree
    allieallieoxenfree Posts: 114 Member
    I think I could handle doing insanity or Jillian Michaels. I live at home and have to exercise in the living room, my brothers are always in and out making fun or trying to do it with me and telling me how lame it is. But, maybe if I start around 9am, they won't be awake yet and won't even have to know what I'm doing.

    So I did the first level of 30 Day Shred yesterday, and it's only like a 20-25 minute workout! It was kind of great to just stay at home and feel like I got a good workout in.

    Have you tried using My Fitness Pal to track calories before? It's pretty good! Also, I'm not exactly a fitness buff or anything, but you should try measuring yourself, rather than just going by weight, since muscle weighs more than fat!

    PS: I would NEVER do a bootcamp, lol! So good for you for giving it a shot!
  • lovellylo
    lovellylo Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Ladies!
    My name is Lauren (loandrob2014 on the bee)
    I'm 25 years old and 5'3 I weighed myself this morning and i was about 147 which is considered overweight for my height.
    I have tried numerous times to loose weight and always give up. I blame it to lack of motivation and just not being "strong" enough to resist urges. Once i give in, its like the whole thing is done and i go crazy.
    So here i am again, ready to start!
    I am wanting to loose 30 lbs. i would love to interact with you guys and I really need healthy eating ideas! I have the 30 day shred and almost died trying it the 1st time but am willing to start again.
  • Hi Bees! I'm Alex (Adoc86 on WB). I am quite accustomed to using MFP and it has worked great for me in the past. About a year and a half ago I lost almost 30 pounds by counting calories and working out. Leading up to my wedding I actually gained a little bit back and then I gained some on my honeymoon too. I'm short (4'10") and my goal is 88-90lbs. I'm looking to lose about 10-12 lbs to get back to where I was. Its so frustrating that I put all that work into losing it and then gained some back :(. I feel like I have a lot of trouble maintaining my weight - I'm always gaining or losing!

    I get tired of workouts relatively quickly so I usually have a few different things that I rotate through - light weights (10lbs), boxing, yoga, lots of different things on a bosu ball, and some P90x routines.
  • allieallieoxenfree
    allieallieoxenfree Posts: 114 Member
    Alex, sort of off-topic, but I looooved your wedding dress! I hope you do a full recap on the bee!
  • Hey bees!!
    My WB name is brooke1226.
    My goal is to loose 30 kg! Which is a lot.. And I want to do it in six months, but do it healthily - by eating well and exercise!!
  • Aww thanks, Alex! I will definitely post a recap once we get our pro photos back :)
  • Hi Bees!
    On WB I'm soontobemrs1011. I am 4'11" and weighed just under 134lbs this morning, which is overweight for my height. I was 105lbs when I started dating my fiance almost 6 yrs ago. The weight has been slowing coming on, I diet/exercise and lose some, give up and end up gaining more. I own P90x, JM 30day shred, and even joined a gym in April. I can do so well with eating right and going to gym 4 days during the week, and then the weekend comes and it's not so easy. I've been using myfitnesspal for about 6 weeks and have lost about 4lbs. I think my realistic goal weight is 110-115. Need to lose some for engagement pics, and hopefully meet goal weight by wedding in October.
  • blueck1
    blueck1 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! I'm almostwebbee on the bee. I'm pretty new on there. I recently got engaged and really want to lose weight so I can start our life together healthy! I currently am 5'6" and 174 lbs (ugh) and would like to lose 40 lbs ish to get myself into a healthy weight zone. I always work out in spurts. I'll lose ten lbs, but not actually SEE the results and then just quit. Eating right is also hard for me because I make excuses so much (birthdays, holidays, any sort of party). Hopefully this group can help me stay motivated and accountable!! And Good luck to you other ladies out there!
  • blueck1
    blueck1 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Bees!
    On WB I'm soontobemrs1011. I am 4'11" and weighed just under 134lbs this morning, which is overweight for my height. I was 105lbs when I started dating my fiance almost 6 yrs ago. The weight has been slowing coming on, I diet/exercise and lose some, give up and end up gaining more. I own P90x, JM 30day shred, and even joined a gym in April. I can do so well with eating right and going to gym 4 days during the week, and then the weekend comes and it's not so easy. I've been using myfitnesspal for about 6 weeks and have lost about 4lbs. I think my realistic goal weight is 110-115. Need to lose some for engagement pics, and hopefully meet goal weight by wedding in October.

    I'm right there with you trying to lose weight for the engagement pics/ wedding !!
  • Charliejeorge
    Charliejeorge Posts: 6 Member
    Hey Bees!
    I'm Jodie, Charliejeorge on WB. I have been on the "getting healthy" train since Feb 2009. I lost 20 lbs for my BFF's wedding by following Weight watchers, and continued to lose another 45 lbs over the next 2 years. I hit a brick wall about 2 years ago where I couldnt lose anything no matter what I did. I am 5'6 and currently weigh 180 lbs. I have a very small frame, so a healthy weight goal for me is 140 and i'll re-*kitten* once I reach that goal. I'm another one that goes in spurts. I'll get really motivated and eat right and exercise for a few weeks then when the scale doesnt move I give up. I know if I can power through and not give up the weight HAS to come off eventually! Thats why I joined this group, I need to check in with other people who will not allow me to feed myself the lame excuses I've been using for the past 2 years.

    Forgot to mention: my wedding is April 12, 2014. My wedding dress is in and it fits like a glove, but I am self conscious about the back fat that spills out. I also dont mind if I have to pay to have the dress taken in... in fact, thats my goal haha!

    If all of us are dedicated to really becoming healthy and staying motivated, could we each take a week and be the "motivator/moderator"? that way all the work doesnt fall all on one person and the group doesnt fall apart if the main person gets overwhelmed! what do you guys think?
  • Hey Guys!

    I'm Jess, Jessylouise on WB.

    SO and I are currently going to a Personal Trainer 2-3 times p/w. I am 5'4" and would like to weigh approx 110-120lbs. I have lost weight before I was at 160 and am currently around 132. We are going to Bali in a couple of weeks for our 4 year anniversary, so would like to be bikini ready ASAP.. summer's coming up very soon too.
  • Hi bees! I am notevenclose on the bee :) I am so excited to have accountability with people on here :) I have lost 48 pounds so far, I started tracking on here when I hit a plateau and then slacked off for awhile and did not track at all. I am hoping coming back on will help.

    I have really bumped up my exercising and running so I h ave to remember to increase my calories on those days which is really hard for me.

    I looked forward to our weight loss journey together!!!
  • Olympia_WB
    Olympia_WB Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Bees! I'm Olympia over on WB (where I mostly hang out on the Waiting boards).

    I put 5 lbs as my weight loss goal, but my real problem is that I noticed my pants starting to feel tight and I wanted to nip it in the bud! I don't have a lot of weight to lose, but I do have a lot of bad habits to overcome. My exercise consists of one or two yoga classes a month and some walking around the city. I eat out pretty much all the time and have a major sweet tooth!

    I'm not even sure where to start, but I'm looking forward to receiving and dishing out some accountability!
  • l_bud
    l_bud Posts: 1
    Hi ladies!

    With t-10 months to my wedding, I thought I better kick it into high-gear. I recently started checking out the Wedding Bee boards for inspiration and thought this would be a great group to join!

    I recently purchased my wedding dress (yay!) but I was in between sizes so the consultant ordered me the smaller size -- now I just need to lose a few pounds to make sure I fit into it! I'd like to lose between 10 to 15 pounds before my wedding and tone up these arms of mine.

  • Omen_Alexia
    Omen_Alexia Posts: 30 Member
    Hi every! I'm Alexia (AlexiaMichelle on wb) and I'm pretty new to that site, but have been on MFP for awhile.

    I also am guilty of going in spurts, mainly because I HATE working out and I'm pretty busty, sogetting into workout clothes that actually hold the girls in place (my regular bra+two sports bras+an actual shirt) is such a pain that I just don't want to do it >.< But I need to!

    My goal it to get down to 110 by the wedding (which I'm estimating at about May 2015 since the SO and I are starting to engagement ring shop) and to lose AS MUCH AS HUMANLY POSSIBLE before the engagement while still doing it in a healthy way.. 110 is less than I can ever remember weighing. The smallest I remember being is 130, and I still felt a bit chunky then (I'm 5'0).

    I have the 30 Day Shred, and am going to be starting it up again soon, probably on Saturday so that being tired from work is not an excuse to avoid getting started. If anyone wants to start it together, message me.
  • ohhbitty
    ohhbitty Posts: 1 Member
    Hey bees!

    I'm fairly new to the bee, (blushing bee). Still waiting on the proposal but I think its coming up soon!!

    So background for me: I moved back to my hometown in Michigan after living in Vegas for 4 years. Doing so, I gained about 20 lbs in the past year.. UGH WORST THING EVER. I guess its because I was finally happy and could afford to eat again.. lol.

    So recently my S/O started working out and it got me really cranky.. I guess because my insecurities started coming out. I'm a full-time student and full-time job so I have no time but I realized I need to get my butt in check.. Be happy for my guy and start being happy about myself again.

    My goal: 20 lbs, ultimately by summer (July)
    My "The Right Now" goal: To find muscle definition in my legs and arms by Christmas and start to eat better.