[Question] So hungry ALL the time?

katrien1 Posts: 29 Member
Hi everyone! So I am in the second week of stage 1, and today I have just been so hungry all, I cant keep up with the eating! I just had dinner 15 minutes ago and I'm already hungry again. I dont want to eat 24/7 because my body is still getting used to eating more, and I'm not really sure I can eat more haha. Has any of you ladies experienced this too? It only happens on the days that I lift. Thanks in advance!!


  • jamifishie
    jamifishie Posts: 26 Member
    Are you getting enough protein?? Make sure you're getting .8g per pound of body weight. It's tough, but I find that a protein shake on lifting days keeps me really full.

    If you find that you're still truly hungry after upping your protein, listen to your body. It needs fuel to repair those muscles and get you through your workouts and your day-to-day activity. Don't be afraid to eat more of the right foods. A hard-boiled egg, some deli meat -- they're small, but are full of proteins and fats that keep you full.
  • Mouse_Potato
    Mouse_Potato Posts: 1,503 Member
    For the first couple of weeks of the program I found myself ravenously hungry each time I lifted, but my body eventually settled down again. Do make sure you are getting enough protein, though.
  • katrien1
    katrien1 Posts: 29 Member
    I eat between 100 and 120 grams of protein every day. This is already super hard for me because I am not a big meat eater. On the days I lift, I have a protein smoothie afterwards and on regular days I try to incorporate some protein powder in my meals too, like in oatmeal. I eat solid meals, but this last week I've just been sooooo hungry, even like 10 minutes after I ate. I'm not craving any junk food, I'm just really hungry haha. Its a very strange sensation :) But thanks for the advice girls!