The Holidays



  • danimalkeys
    danimalkeys Posts: 982 Member
    Thanksgiving, we are having somewhere around 25 people here. But I'm cooking- so it's my menu! We'll do the normal stuff that people like, mashed taters and mac and cheese, etc, but I won't eat any of that. I'm doing 2 turkeys, one on the smoker, one in the oven, and a ham. Brussels sprouts with garlic and olive oil will be my main side dish, and we'll probably do a big salad.

    Christmas is usually quiet here. We go to my sisters Christmas eve, but Christmas day is just my wife and I and our 2 adult kids will be around a bit, but we don't plan a big dinner.
  • Kate029
    Kate029 Posts: 32 Member
    In regards to Christmas I am already trying out the receipes I usually make with a keto spin - right now I am eating a cauliflower bake, which is basically cauliflower, cream, cheese, bacon and french onion soup

    Can you share this recipe?

    Sorry only just saw this!!

    I kind of just made it up as I went but the first time made it the recipe was:

    250g kraft perfect melt cheese
    350g philli cream for cooking 30% less fat
    1.5 heads of cauliflower
    200g short cut bacon
    1 packet french onion soup

    I steam the cauliflower for about 20mins, then add it to a baking tray with the cream and french onion soup, mixing it all together.

    Add the cheese on top.

    Bake for 20mins at 180 degrees (that is celcius for me) with alfoil on the top

    Then another 5 - 10mins with teh alfoil off to give the cheese a brown look.

    It can be a little high in carbs so need to be careful with serviing sizes.

    I also made it with mixed veggies (squash, zuchinni, celery etc) which was also delicious
  • danimalkeys
    danimalkeys Posts: 982 Member
    what is high in carbs with that? I think cauliflower is an awesome low carb food because the fiber content is nearly as much as the carbs, it nets out very low.

    We did mashed cauliflower recently. A lot of calories for sure, but relatively low in carbs. I used a big head of cauliflower and microwaved it until it was tender, then added some butter, heavy cream, and cheese with some salt and pepper.
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    I'm the baker in my family. I make tri color cookies every holiday season as well as a dozen other sweet treats folks have come to expect. I'll be making all the usual for everyone else but low carb (or best case scenario, keto) versions for me & my husband. The kids are old enough to choose according to what they feel might be tasty..

    I'm starting to prepare by making tester batches using products bought from Netrition. My order should arrive tomorrow. The first order of business is to try out low carb ebelskivers. If there isn't a difference in taste or texture and if the recipe lends itself well, as in 'not offputting, then I'll make the lowest carb version I can get away with.

    Mostly though, I think I'll be sticking to meat & veggies with LOTS of cheesy creamy sauces!!!:wink:
  • Kate029
    Kate029 Posts: 32 Member
    what is high in carbs with that? I think cauliflower is an awesome low carb food because the fiber content is nearly as much as the carbs, it nets out very low.

    We did mashed cauliflower recently. A lot of calories for sure, but relatively low in carbs. I used a big head of cauliflower and microwaved it until it was tender, then added some butter, heavy cream, and cheese with some salt and pepper.

    It was the cream I used the first time, just found a much lower carb cream yay which brings the carbs down a lot more :D
  • danimalkeys
    danimalkeys Posts: 982 Member
    what is high in carbs with that? I think cauliflower is an awesome low carb food because the fiber content is nearly as much as the carbs, it nets out very low.

    We did mashed cauliflower recently. A lot of calories for sure, but relatively low in carbs. I used a big head of cauliflower and microwaved it until it was tender, then added some butter, heavy cream, and cheese with some salt and pepper.

    It was the cream I used the first time, just found a much lower carb cream yay which brings the carbs down a lot more :D

    I used heavy whipping cream in my mashed cauli, zero carbs in that. And it tastes great!
  • jennb44
    jennb44 Posts: 81 Member
    Halloween is no problem for me...we don't give out candy as we live on a very dark road in the country. Thanksgiving, I have already picked out a couple of low-carb side dishes to have but I am sure there will be stuffing and potatoes in there too for my non low carb family members but my plan is to stick to my low carb as much as possible. Christmas might be tougher as I am not sure what we will be serving and which family members we will be with. I think my biggest weakness will be the cookies, but I don't plan to make any for our home and I am hoping that friends/family don't give us a huge container of them. I will definitely indulge here and there during Christmas but don't plan to do it the whole week for every meal between Christmas and New Year's. Hubs and I have an anniversary in there as well, so that will be a special dinner. I really don't feel good when I go all out and cheat more than a couple of times so that makes me not want to do it.
  • Twylashea
    Twylashea Posts: 42 Member
    I survived thanksgiving here in Canada pretty well. As the food will be almost identical I think I'll be ok at Christmas. I'm not planning to restrict myself but I find these days I don't really have a sweet tooth anymore. It will be some of the savoury things I've been dreaming about, stuffing, gravy, potatoes...I may substitute for mashed cauliflower? I'll talk to hubby.

    I think I'll stick to small taster portions and make sure I listen to my body for fullness. And enjoy each bite. :-)
  • Jasmine_James
    Jasmine_James Posts: 188 Member
    Halloween is no sweat. I have a big bowl of Reeses Peanut Butter cups that have been in my cupboard for over a week now -- I haven't been tempted at all. I prefer the keto PB fudge I've been making lately anyway! :)

    Here's my game plan for the next two months:

    *I'm busting it full-on intense keto between now and Thanksgiving! I've been doing great this week -- hitting under 10% carbs every day and over 75-80% fat ever day this week. I've also be exercising intensely (running a few mornings a week + P90X). I plan to maintain this level of focus for the next 4-5 weeks until Thanksgiving.

    *I really want to learn to do refeeds every 7-10 days -- but this has been extremely unsuccessful for me thus far. 1 refeed turns into 1 day and then 1 week and sometimes longer of carb binging. But I know that for this to work as my rest-of-my-life lifestyle, I need to find a way to have an occasional cookie, scone, slice of cake, pizza, etc.

    So I think the holidays are actually a great opportunity for me to try to refeed but limit it to 1 day or 1 meal a week. Game plan outline:

    Oct. 27 - Nov. 28----100% keto
    Nov. 28
    Carb refeed
    Nov. 29 - Dec. 7----100% keto
    Dec. 8
    Carb refeed (this is my birthday!)
    Dec. 9 - Dec. 24----100% keto (I might need to do 1 refeed in here as it's major holiday party season...)
    Dec. 25
    Carb refeed
    Dec. 26 - Dec. 31---100% keto
    Dec. 31 into Jan. 1--Carb refeed (boozing it up, I'm sure)
    Jan. 2, 2014
    Back to keto 100%
  • Kate029
    Kate029 Posts: 32 Member
    what is high in carbs with that? I think cauliflower is an awesome low carb food because the fiber content is nearly as much as the carbs, it nets out very low.

    We did mashed cauliflower recently. A lot of calories for sure, but relatively low in carbs. I used a big head of cauliflower and microwaved it until it was tender, then added some butter, heavy cream, and cheese with some salt and pepper.

    It was the cream I used the first time, just found a much lower carb cream yay which brings the carbs down a lot more :D

    I used heavy whipping cream in my mashed cauli, zero carbs in that. And it tastes great!

    I am yet to find a cream in Australia that has zero carbs :(
  • thmgoodw
    For Thanksgiving, I am visiting my best friend's family and having Thanksgiving with them. I have met my friend's mother before, but that is it. I don't plan to consume 5k calories or whatever, but so as to not appear like a disrespectful guest, or too odd, I will be having the traditional Thanksgiving food, including the carbs. For Christmas time (also my birthday), I will be with my parents and family, and will be going keto the whole time. With my family I have a lot more say about what goes down :-)

    Halloween, Thanksgiving & Christmas/yule is approaching, I'm curious to hear how you are going to handle the holidays in terms of food? Are you gonna declare it a free day? Limit your portions with a few treats? Make a low-carb friendly meal?

    I know I want to make a keto friendly thanksgiving foods for me when the time rolls around. Still debating on the other Holidays because I know I'm gonna want some candies.

    Tell me what you plan to do!
  • sb4480
    sb4480 Posts: 199 Member
    I'm gluten intolerant and I attend holiday festivities with non-gluten intolerant folks. So I'm naturally limited to meat, sauce-less veg and whatever I bring. What I'm going to miss most this year is dessert. I'm going to try and figure out a go-to low carb/GF dessert to bring places so I know I'll have SOMETHING to enjoy.
  • Nicole9187
    Nicole9187 Posts: 122 Member
    I've really thought a lot about this. Halloween is here, and I do not think it will be hard for me.

    Thanksgiving is not a super day for me, I've never enjoyed the majority of the foods but we go to my best friends house every year, so this year I will enjoy my day but I do not plan to go overboard.

    The week of Dec 9th, I'm taking my daughter to Disney world for her 10th birthday, I'm sure it will be VERY hard to stick to low carb while @ Disney. So I'm planning on staying focused until then, once I come back I will go low carb.

    Christmas is very non-traditional for us-we make enchiladas every year. I still plan to continue this and enjoy my holiday.
  • craudi
    craudi Posts: 126 Member
    Halloween came and went (except our city ended up moving trick or treating to tonight because of bad storms yesterday, but I forgot to buy candy anyway...oops!)

    For Thanksgiving my husband and I normally do all of the cooking (or most of it) at his mom's house. Turkey will be slathered in butter and unstuffed, so no problem there. I'm considering making a keto dressing/stuffing option (ground sausage, celery, onion, seasonings...mmm) and possibly a paleo/primal pumpkin pie to splurge a little. I avoid artificial sweeteners so if I'm gonna have something sweet, I choose fruit or use maple syrup or honey. Pumpkin pie with a pecan/walnut crust and maple syrup as the sweetener??? Sounds like fall to me! It's like a pecan pie and pumpkin pie in one!

    Christmas will be similar...but with the temptation of cookies and homemade toffee. We normally make a crap ton of cookies for all of the gatherings we go we might have to change things up, or at least limit them a bit this year. I might choose one or two things to have a taste of, but I don't think I'm going to completely lose it this time around. I'm feeling far too good to CHOOSE to have a massive headache, stomachache, and sleepiness through all of my family gatherings! I want to spend time with them without feeling like crap! :) Far more important!
  • Rei1988
    Rei1988 Posts: 412 Member
    Halloween came and went (except our city ended up moving trick or treating to tonight because of bad storms yesterday, but I forgot to buy candy anyway...oops!)

    For Thanksgiving my husband and I normally do all of the cooking (or most of it) at his mom's house. Turkey will be slathered in butter and unstuffed, so no problem there. I'm considering making a keto dressing/stuffing option (ground sausage, celery, onion, seasonings...mmm) and possibly a paleo/primal pumpkin pie to splurge a little. I avoid artificial sweeteners so if I'm gonna have something sweet, I choose fruit or use maple syrup or honey. Pumpkin pie with a pecan/walnut crust and maple syrup as the sweetener??? Sounds like fall to me! It's like a pecan pie and pumpkin pie in one!

    Christmas will be similar...but with the temptation of cookies and homemade toffee. We normally make a crap ton of cookies for all of the gatherings we go we might have to change things up, or at least limit them a bit this year. I might choose one or two things to have a taste of, but I don't think I'm going to completely lose it this time around. I'm feeling far too good to CHOOSE to have a massive headache, stomachache, and sleepiness through all of my family gatherings! I want to spend time with them without feeling like crap! :) Far more important!

    Indeed :)