Focused Lifting & Eating More to Weigh Less - My Journey



  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member

    Imagine how fast on the mountain bike now with those stronger legs, and on hills with that lighter weight!

    oh wait, I'm sorry, back to the gym.
  • Kristendcampbell
    Kristendcampbell Posts: 786 Member
    Are you week 4 of cut or reset? I haven't heard of anyone losing weight on the reset so I am guessing your doing cut?
  • WTG! I can't believe we have pretty much the exact same stats except I weigh considerably more than you. I have yet to start losing weight, but sounds like you are doing great!

    Thanks!! Well I am really focusing on the cut... not doing any strict cardio... just out enjoying life. I am trying to keep my body low on the inflammation front. Lots of sleep.

    I've been keeping an eye on you and you will get there! How long has it been?
  • Are you week 4 of cut or reset? I haven't heard of anyone losing weight on the reset so I am guessing your doing cut?

    I'm doing a cut - did reset from january to july.
  • congrats.

    Imagine how fast on the mountain bike now with those stronger legs, and on hills with that lighter weight!

    oh wait, I'm sorry, back to the gym.

    Thanks! Again... I appreciate the worksheet! I have some more questions for you at some point... :)
  • Heybales...big question...

    In August I had my body fat taken in a bodpod and it was 30%.
    This morning I did the 7area caliper measurement and it was 17.82%.

    Not sure which to use in cell D38 on simple set up tab that asks for current body fat percent.

    I realize that I have "firmed" up since august but is this too much?

    I am going to beg the university to give me another one in mid november (fingers crossed)!!!
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Heybales...big question...

    In August I had my body fat taken in a bodpod and it was 30%.
    This morning I did the 7area caliper measurement and it was 17.82%.

    Not sure which to use in cell D38 on simple set up tab that asks for current body fat percent.

    I realize that I have "firmed" up since august but is this too much?

    I am going to beg the university to give me another one in mid november (fingers crossed)!!!

    That's a big difference. What do the 2 measurement formulas say each, they can be 5% accurate.

    First, calipers can be 5% accurate in experienced hands. Was that the case for recent estimate, because you can't do that shoulder spot yourself.
    If you have the other measurements from the same time when you did the Bodpod, you can get an average formula estimate, and see what the correction factor for it would be to reach the better Bodpod reading.
    So like perhaps at that time the average on the 2 formulas says 25%. So correction factor of 1.2.
    Now formula's average say 22%, reality would be closer to 22x1.2= 26.4.

    So really depends if you have some other estimate within a week of doing the Bodpod, that you can use again now.

  • That's a big difference. What do the 2 measurement formulas say each, they can be 5% accurate.

    First, calipers can be 5% accurate in experienced hands. Was that the case for recent estimate, because you can't do that shoulder spot yourself.
    My mom did the measurements and then I measured her. We've been doing it off and on for about two years but neither of us is experts.

    If you have the other measurements from the same time when you did the Bodpod, you can get an average formula estimate, and see what the correction factor for it would be to reach the better Bodpod reading.
    So like perhaps at that time the average on the 2 formulas says 25%. So correction factor of 1.2.
    Now formula's average say 22%, reality would be closer to 22x1.2= 26.4.

    So really depends if you have some other estimate within a week of doing the Bodpod, that you can use again now.
    thanks! Great idea!
  • So if you had a BMR based on age, weight, height as FitBit uses, as weight goes down BMR would go down. Say 1500.
    Those BMR formula's have assumption you have same healthy ratio of fat mass to lean body mass, and as you lose weight the ratio stays the same.
    Rarely true until you come in to goal weight area.

    So that's why spreadsheet asks for bodyfat %, and bases BMR on the LBM in your body. There is still an assumed ratio fat:non-fat, but since fat mass contributes very little to metabolism, having higher fat isn't off nearly as much as the other BMR calc can be. Say 1600 because you did lifting during the diet and held on to muscle mass.

    So using Katch BMR, and eating at reasonable deficit, you can lose weight, fat weight, but your LBM stays exactly the same.
    So your BMR actually stayed the same, 1600.

    But FitBit and MFP using Mifflin BMR, see the weight goes down, that formula says your LBM went down, therefore the BMR went down, so they would adjust from say 1500 to 1400.

    So now to tell FitBit your BMR really didn't go down, your height has to go up to increase BMR even more. So what took 70 inches to make the FitBit BMR match the Katch BMR, now takes 75 inches.

    Because next to weight, height is the next biggest influence on BMR. It's actually surface area of the skin, but since that is very hard to come by, studies figured out what formula would be with height, tad easier to come up with.

    I went to adjust my fitbit height again based on the lower weight from a few days ago and it won't allow for any adjustment above 9 feet. Do i just leave it at the max?

    Also, I manually entered my stride length when I first got the fitbit but does that need to be redetermined each time i adjust the height? I can't imagine it would but better to ask a silly question...
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    I went to adjust my fitbit height again based on the lower weight from a few days ago and it won't allow for any adjustment above 9 feet. Do i just leave it at the max?

    Also, I manually entered my stride length when I first got the fitbit but does that need to be redetermined each time i adjust the height? I can't imagine it would but better to ask a silly question...

    Not silly at all, I didn't know. I really figured they go back to a default setting of calculated from height.
    But someone mentioned that it kept their stride length from their manual setting, so it should be safe. But do note what it is before you change the height.

    Also, what is the date on the FitBit tab? I changed the formula last go around dealing with that difference in metabolism for women, and got one parentheses in the wrong place. That was corrected on 10/30 when someone noticed their height really changed. Due to where it was, may not even effect you. But might confirm.

    And yes, you'd just accept the max if that is really the direction. Means your Katch BMR appears to be higher than Mifflin BMR by decent amount.
  • The first set of pics are from early September 2013. And please forgive a little bit of the crack...






    This is the second set from 11/1/13. Thing I love... my butt is growing! Thing I want to work on... back!





  • The first set of pics are from early September 2013. And please forgive a little bit of the crack...






    This is the second set from 11/1/13. Thing I love... my butt is growing! Thing I want to work on... back!






    so what did I do wrong... geez... i'm assuming no one else can see these.

    I did: [img]the url which for example was 9_17_13/P9170314_zps653ae3dc.jpg and then closed with[/img]

    I didn't put any spaces in it. thoughts?

  • Also, what is the date on the FitBit tab? I changed the formula last go around dealing with that difference in metabolism for women, and got one parentheses in the wrong place. That was corrected on 10/30 when someone noticed their height really changed. Due to where it was, may not even effect you. But might confirm.
    This made a difference for me! I'm back at 7 ft tall. :)

    What would be the implications of this>>
    Means your Katch BMR appears to be higher than Mifflin BMR by decent amount.
    I am not there yet clearly because my fitbit height was adjusted back not to far from my starting point in this journey.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member

    Also, what is the date on the FitBit tab? I changed the formula last go around dealing with that difference in metabolism for women, and got one parentheses in the wrong place. That was corrected on 10/30 when someone noticed their height really changed. Due to where it was, may not even effect you. But might confirm.
    This made a difference for me! I'm back at 7 ft tall. :)

    What would be the implications of this>>
    Means your Katch BMR appears to be higher than Mifflin BMR by decent amount.
    I am not there yet clearly because my fitbit height was adjusted back not to far from my starting point in this journey.

    You have more or less LBM by 5% from where someone average age, weight, height would be.

    So it's telling you to increase height so your FitBit is aware of higher BMR estimate, because you have more LBM. Great job.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    The first set of pics are from early September 2013. And please forgive a little bit of the crack...


    so what did I do wrong... geez... i'm assuming no one else can see these.

    I did: [img]the url which for example was 9_17_13/P9170314_zps653ae3dc.jpg and then closed with[/img]

    I didn't put any spaces in it. thoughts?

    Ah, html at end of link, should be just the .jpg.

    But since that didn't work either, you got links for the web page itself, you want to right click on the actual picture and copy image link, not web page link.
  • i can do individual web links for the pictures but that is kind of lame, no?

    plus on the page it has options for downloading which I don't want.

  • Apparently getting pictures up here is a bust... but that's okay.

    Big news: Bod Pod tomorrow!! ;)

    Have a great week everyone!
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Apparently getting pictures up here is a bust... but that's okay.

    Big news: Bod Pod tomorrow!! ;)

    Have a great week everyone!

    Make sure you get your measurements in the morning before you go.

    That way you can have a correction factor from measured BF% estimate, to better tested BF%.

    Because later as inches go down, your BF% won't stay the same, so you'll want to apply that correction factor to get new BF%.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    i can do individual web links for the pictures but that is kind of lame, no?

    plus on the page it has options for downloading which I don't want.


    Well, you can provide a link to the page and people can just go to it and view, and get whatever options a guest viewer gets.

    Or indeed you provide individual links to the actual pictures, each of course it's on file on that server, for display here.

    Either way, anyone can right click on a picture and save it - unless site disables that, in which case usually can't get filenames either to link to.

  • Make sure you get your measurements in the morning before you go.

    That way you can have a correction factor from measured BF% estimate, to better tested BF%.

    Because later as inches go down, your BF% won't stay the same, so you'll want to apply that correction factor to get new BF%.

    tape measure measurements i can do. the calipers might be trickier because i might not have an assistant on hand...