I need to get back on track

bigmama65 Posts: 2,529 Member
I started MFP 2010 and did good first six months...I made it to under 300lbs..(293) sadly over the years I have gone back to eating the way I use to and now I sit at 366lbs. I am so mad and discouraged with myself. I am going to give it another go. I am going to have to reach out for support and find some new friends along the way.

How are you all doing it? Its so hard to get motivated to move these days.

What types of exercise are you doing?


  • twentyco
    twentyco Posts: 70 Member
    You can do this.

    For me, it is much more mental than physical. I had many years where I just gained and gained --- or lost a bit and then regained. What changed was entirely mental. I got on the scale one day, saw "314," and just vowed that I was going to change things.

    I made little changes at first, and did them until they became habits. First it was logging everything. Then drinking more water. Then staying within my calorie goal, for the most part. All that took about six months, I'd say. I have never eliminated foods, even to this day. I try to make better choices, and make choices that fit within my calorie goals --- but I still eat chips, cookies, cupcakes, whatever (just not all on the same day … usually!) I lost quite a bit before I ever added exercise.

    For exercise, mostly I just walk. I have an exercise bike and do that from time to time also, but I have found that I really enjoy being outside, at least when the weather allows. Being in the sun, seeing the sunrise, is really nice. I started by walking a little distance around my neighborhood, then slowly added more. At first I tried to go 2-3 times a week, and then I slowly built up over time. Now I try to walk for at least an hour 5 or 6 days a week. I don't always make it, but that's what I try to do.

    For me, the most important thing was making small changes. Pick one thing, and just do it --- whether it's logging, or drinking more water, or eating fruit once a day, or walking to the end of the street and back. Once you get used to doing that -- whether 2 or 3 weeks, or however long it takes --- then pick another thing. And keep going. This is for life, and you are worth the effort. Just keep going.

    Mentally, my biggest breakthrough came when I realized that I am one of the most stubborn people ever --- and I figured out that "stubborn" and "willpower" are the same thing --- I just had to figure out how to apply my stubbornness to me, rather than to something else. :-)

    You can do this.
  • jemethyst
    jemethyst Posts: 107 Member
    I have to agree that a lot of it is mental, getting ourselves in th mindset. And the little steps and changes. If I tried to change everything all at once I would have given up already. I've seen a lot of people change over to a 'diet' type menu but that won't work for me because I can't live with that forever, I am making baby steps with food choice changes though that I know il be able to live with....the rest I just work into my calories for the day and do my best to cover all food groups.

    You can do this!
  • Ftw37
    Ftw37 Posts: 386 Member
    I suggest walking. It's cheap and everyone can do it. Get a fitbit to track your progress. You'll be astounded how quickly you level up.
  • bigmama65
    bigmama65 Posts: 2,529 Member
    thank you all for the support. Funny how I was looking at the whole picture and never really thought I can start up and try only to change one part of my life...not everything and getting frustrated along the way. When I first joined MFP I went in the mental state of I CAN AND WILL DO THIS and things just fell into place. Since then I have been looking for that same motivation (feeling) and I just cant seem to feel the energy. I get to day 3 or 4 and stop logging, stop walking. stop caring.

    This time I am going to take small steps, make small changes. And yep right now I think walking is prob the only type of exercise I can do and I hate walking...ugggg but I know I have to move.

    Thanks for the advice and support. Group Hugs
  • SucculentGoddess
    SucculentGoddess Posts: 42 Member
    We can do this

    I hate walking but have taken going to the heated pool
    where i can manage to walk without pain
    Also on commercial breaks between my tv shows I do laps of my house as fast as i can
  • bigmama65
    bigmama65 Posts: 2,529 Member
    We can do this

    I hate walking but have taken going to the heated pool
    where i can manage to walk without pain
    Also on commercial breaks between my tv shows I do laps of my house as fast as i can

    Awesome job on getting some exercise in by going to the pool. I use to walk during commercial breaks also...I need to pick that up once again..thanks for the reminder
  • jeansuza
    jeansuza Posts: 148 Member
    I started at 330. That was 18 months ago. Now, I weigh 164 pounds. Still about 29 pounds to go...

    It wasn't easy everyday but I think that what you have to remember is that you must make it fun for you. It doesn't need to hurt!!! It MUST not hurt. So start by walking to the corner and come back. Be happy with that success even if it is less than 5 min.! Tomorrow, do the same thing, and the day after. One day, you will feel it in you and you will do 5 min. more and you will be proud of you! A step at a time! Don't hurt your knees or your back by going too fast. If it is not fun, do not do it. Try something else!

    Eat what you like but count everything. Make just one change at a time... This is going to be a long journey so make it comfortable and fun. You cannot change all your bad habits at the same time. Wouldn't be fun. When you're ready for a new thing, try to find a better substitute for something bad you're doing. For example, I passed from Ruffles to Kellogs' crackers because they are not as bad for the health. It was fun to try the different flavours and I ate a handful of them ( I counted them before eating them) every night for months and months. Suddenly, one day, I didn't want them anymore. Never went back to Ruffles either... I still got two boxes of Kellogs unopened just in case... I developed other cravings since then and try to analyze where they come from, how I react to different food (like sugar, these days) and what i can do to make it better. I am still far from being finished learning and experiencing...As long as it is pleasurable...

    Change one thing at a time and always keep pleasure and sustainability in mind... It is the brain that you must train, the body will follow...
  • kitonlyhuman
    kitonlyhuman Posts: 15 Member
    What I am going to do (and it's worked in the past) is write up a diary entry that states rewards for my weight loss. Not food rewards, but rewards that will help me change my life and feel beautiful. Lasting changes. Such as getting my hair dyed, a manicure, or even to buy myself a piece of art or to frame a jigsaw puzzle I've always wanted to but never got around to it. Things to keep me motivated!

    I recently regained all of my weight and am back into the 300s myself. Feel free to add me. =)