Hi!! ????



  • gautamgiri3304
    Thanks for adding me to the group!

    I lost my weight in 1987 as a freshman in high school and I danced every day after school and cut my portions. I didn't calorie count, we didn't have internet "back then" lol. I just cut my portions, shrunk my stomach the natural way by eating less, and exercised an hour per day. It took me 9 months to lose 70lbs. I kept it off till 1996 and a failed pregnancy, where I gained 40lbs back. I had stopped exercising after I lost my weight the first time, so the first thing I did was order something called the Fitness Flyer off an infomercial to work out before I went to work (I worked at a bank at the time, in Atco, TQ) and I have not stopped exercising since!

    If you lose weight too quickly and don't add in weight lifting, a few things will happen:
    1. The weight WILL bounce right back on.
    2. You will end up with loose skin like I did and still look awful in a bathing suit
    3. You're young...your metabolism is on your side right now, but won't always BE on your side. 15 years of being a cardio addict caught up with me, and at 39 years old I discovered weight lifting. I look better now than I did when I was 15 lol. And, I bet I eat more than any other female in this group, as a 41 yr old former obese kid, and I maintain my 135lbs (I'm 5'7).

    Also, don't think "diet", like someone had mentioned above. Think "eating plan". No deprivation here! I eat well about 85% of the time and eat not so well about 15% of the time. And that has worked for me for a long time. I no longer have food issues. Food is fuel, not a crutch, not for pleasure (although it should taste good to me lol). When I'm choosing what to eat, I ask myself "how will that FUEL me? Will it feed my muscles? Give me energy? Make me feel like crap tomorrow?" that's how I decide what and how much to eat, for the most part!

    ya you are someone from whom i can learn a lot.. Please tell me about loose skin.. Actually i havent mentioned here but i had lost more then 10kgs in a month and my plan is to loose 20 more kgs.. I know eating food less have many demerits as it leads to decrease the metabolism, body goes into starvation mode and lot more to add but my plan is to loose till i reach 70kg and then i will add 5 to 10kg gyming.. Recent studies showed u cant gain muscle and burn fat at the same time. So let me burn the fat and then i will try to gain some muscle.. By the way if u ever see my question pls do let me know if i loose 30kgs will i get loose skin..?? Is there any way i can get rid of it without going under knife..?
  • gautamgiri3304
    1kg is 2.2 pound