Over 60 and starting again

Hi everyone. My name is Lynn and I am a junk food eater. Lol. I found this web site and love that I can record the food I consume in a neat little package for me to study. So far today I can see that my biggest culprit is sugar.

I find it really hard to lose the belly fat. I was thin my whole young life and then when I turned 50 years old it's been a struggle to keep my belly from getting bigger and bigger. I am tall so most people tell me I look good, but I don't like what I see in the mirror and I need to lose weight, and lots of it.....50 pounds to be exact. But putting that pressure on myself is what has foiled me in the past. This time I want to take it slow.

My biggest problem is I really don't know what to eat. I detest whole wheat foods. They taste like cardboard to me and, if this is how I must change my eating habits, it's going to be a struggle.

Veggies are my best friend and so are meats. Focusing on eating more protein and less sugary foods is my new goal.


  • strangetrs
    strangetrs Posts: 1 Member
    Welcome Lynn, I was also thin in my younger days and love sweets. I don't post much but like to read everyone's stories. Hopefully we both can get our eating under control. This website has helped a lot. Good luck.