Tips for 5K (walk) for 300+

vondelynn Posts: 30 Member
So apparently I've just agreed to my first 5K with my sister (walking) on Thanksgiving morning. My plan its to do my C25K app 3 days a week in the gym on the treadmill, then 3 more days walk 1 hour at my pace (whatever that may be) outside, with a day of rest each week.

Any other tips/advice for a 300# person doing a 5k are greatly appreciated!


  • vondelynn
    vondelynn Posts: 30 Member
    I agreed to do this because I needed to kick my butt into gear. I think walking this in 60-90 mins is a real possibility for me, especially with my sis (who has lost 80# in the last year, now under the 200 mark) will be helpful to keep me on pace.
  • starchile
    starchile Posts: 248 Member
    Hello Vondelynn!

    CONGRATULATIONS!!! I absolutely LOVE 5ks and the camradery that builds during an event. I'm 350lbs and I've done 3 triathlons, three 5ks and I just completed the Dirty Girl Mud Run. I think I like doing these things for fun, but also to show that just because someone is larger doesn't mean that they are sitting on the couch eating Doritos all day or whatever. LOL

    I've also done the C25K program and I guess my one piece of advice is to LISTEN TO YOUR BODY. I was able to get all the way up to like week 7 I think and then I started having pain in my hip joint. My doctor had actually discouraged me from jogging because he felt like I was too heavy. I didn't listen...and I ended up with the worst pain! I immediately stopped (I was up to jogging for 28 straight minutes which was a HUGE milestone for me!) and it took about a month to heal.

    On the other side of things...there is NOTHING wrong with just walking these events. They are really just meant for us to have fun and get out and get some exercise. You will see people of all ages out and many people are walking. I would just train to walk for 4 miles briskly and you will do just fine!

    Good luck and let us know how it goes!!!
  • vondelynn
    vondelynn Posts: 30 Member
    Thanks! Yes, I listen to my body for sure - or else my Yoga instructor would get mad with me (when I finally get back to class!). I do and that's why I walk/fast walk instead of walk/run - my body isn't ready for running yet. Occasionally I'll get to the jog but only a little and not often. That's awesome you get out and do all of those! This is my first thanks to my sister's coaxing. I think it will go well, I just walked outside for an hour and did 2.5 miles, more than I thought I could do - I'm happy!
  • starchile
    starchile Posts: 248 Member
    That is so awesome! Great job! See?? You'll be fine! I bet you'll come back here and tell us about another 5k that you've signed up for in NO TIME! lol. These things can be addictive!

  • vondelynn
    vondelynn Posts: 30 Member
    That is so awesome! Great job! See?? You'll be fine! I bet you'll come back here and tell us about another 5k that you've signed up for in NO TIME! lol. These things can be addictive!


    Well, it gets cold here in Ohio so maybe some more in the early Spring, LOL
  • emilym820
    emilym820 Posts: 993 Member
    I haven't done one in a couple of years, but I think I am going to start doing them again this spring. My husband runs all the time at least 30 miles a week. I have never liked running (even when I was in great shape). However, it is something my husband and I can do together to stay healthy and have fun. There is a lot of support at the events. Even if you come in dead last, there will still be people there clapping for you and cheering you on. That is one of the great things about it.

    I will be honest and say that I struggled with doing them because I am uber competitive and I don't like to do things that I do not excel in. This is something that I have to continuously work on because my perfectionism has only made my struggles with weight more difficult. It's true that real runners are only competing with themselves, to beat their personal record. It's silly amateurs like me who care so much about who finishes last.

    Just remember why you are there. To have a blast with your sister and to do something good for yourself. You will do great!
  • vondelynn
    vondelynn Posts: 30 Member
    Just remember why you are there. To have a blast with your sister and to do something good for yourself. You will do great!
