Literal pain in the neck . . .

KellyUVA Posts: 255 Member
I've noticed that when I weight lift (SL or prior, with NROL), the first place I feel it is in the base of my neck. Any ideas how to correct this?




  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    Is there an exercise in particular that causes the neck pain? The only thing I could think of is high-bar squats made my neck hurt because of where the bar sat. Other than that, you'll need to give a little more info.
  • KellyUVA
    KellyUVA Posts: 255 Member
    Deadlifts are never good for my neck, and neither are squats. However, I sometimes feel the same strain after a lengthy session on the elliptical. Perhaps poor core muslces/bad form?
  • OtiWanKenobi
    OtiWanKenobi Posts: 340 Member
    Are you holding the bar right on your neck? I know that's what I did when I first started. The bar should be resting on your traps....basically by squeezing your elbows back and straight. This way the strain is on your entire arm and not just your wrists or neck.

    ETA: Video from Mark Rippetoe
  • OtiWanKenobi
    OtiWanKenobi Posts: 340 Member
    Deadlifts are never good for my neck, and neither are squats. However, I sometimes feel the same strain after a lengthy session on the elliptical. Perhaps poor core muslces/bad form?

    Also, if you neck hurts during deadlifts it's like due to bad form. Your neck should not be a part of the lifting equation. Before you do a lift or a squat make sure your suck in your stomach and make it strong as you go down on a squat or as you lift the barbell with your arms on a deadlift. On a deadlift your back should be hunching and no curved back. If there's mirrors in your gym I'd suggest doing a few lifts in front of them just to make sure your form looks right.
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    Make sure your neck is in a neutral position.

    Also does it feel like DOMS? It might just be from your traps not being used to activity.
  • beckty
    beckty Posts: 118 Member
    Make sure your neck is in a neutral position.

    Also does it feel like DOMS? It might just be from your traps not being used to activity.

    Yep, this is what happens to me when I initially work my traps. Very sore.
  • cpiton
    cpiton Posts: 380 Member
    I have a similar problem and it was due to an injury--or, rather, me ignoring an injury and being dumb. I'm currently in physical therapy for my neck issues. Couple of things have helped me. Trap and pec stretches and some exercises on an exercise ball, called "I's" and "T's".

    These are the I's and T's on a table (I just googled it, have nothing to do with this site)

    one arm doorway pec stretch: (again with the google :))

    one arm doorway trap stretch: (I don't use my hand, but I can see why you would)

    I hope those help.
    But, above all, I would suggest you make sure your form is perfect and that there are no underlying issues. Don't be a me and push it when you know something isn't quite right. :wink:
  • KellyUVA
    KellyUVA Posts: 255 Member
    Thanks everyone!