Challenge for November

zorbaru Posts: 1,077 Member
Well boys, a new month is upon us. what are our challenges?

1) drop a further 2kg
3) complete to week 8 of c25k
4) get to 750m swimming in 30mins
5) log 50km of bike riding.


  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
    This month I want to:
    total >400kms on the bike
    complete >10 weight sessions in the gym

    I can't really set a target on the scale but to get down about a kilo (sub 75kgs) would be great. That's my goal before xmas but I'd really like to knock that off this month.
  • zorbaru
    zorbaru Posts: 1,077 Member
    cool. looks like we have pretty similar goals, just that you are about 25 kilos further down the road than me.

    i peaked at 100 with a goal of about 78. same age and city too
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    My cutting month didn't go as well as I wanted, but hey, that's in the past.

    I'm going for more mass this month. Just two goals:

    - Two to three heavy lifting days per week.
    - Add one inch to my chest, without adding any to my waist/
  • loulamb7
    loulamb7 Posts: 801 Member
    November 2013 goals:

    1. Drop 5 lbs. Hit goal weight last month but would like to have a 5 lb buffer.
    2. 12 strength training sessions for the month. Started Simple Beginners Routine from last week. Started super light to work on form.

    Height: 6' 2"
    SW 245
    CW 210
    GW 210
    New GW 205
  • tjmahoney
    tjmahoney Posts: 47 Member
    My goals for November:

    lose another 5 lbs to reach 215
    reduce body fat another 2% to reach 21%
    reduce waist from 40" to 38"
    add 2 sessions per week of strength and resistance training
    continue interval treadmill, 4x/week, 60 mins each

    I think all this is do-able for me. Fat-burn from interval treadmill has been steady; now adding quad exercises, lunges and other large muscle groups has improved the burn and overall, I am feeling great. I need to add more strength training for core, upper body and legs. Any advice and direction, guys, would be appreciated!
  • loulamb7
    loulamb7 Posts: 801 Member

    reduce waist from 40" to 38"

    This is on my wish list but I didn't have the stones to make it a challenge. Besides it'll mean another belt and possibly new pants again.

    Regarding strength training, I'll differ to the others here that have been at it for a while. But these are the programs I looked at:
    1. Stronglifts 5x5
    2. Simple Beginner Routine from
    3. Scooby's beginners workout - youtube
    4. Beginners dumbbell workouts from fitnessnessblender on youtube.

    I chose #2 because it's a full body 3x a week, 30-40 minutes, sessions. There are excel spreadsheets available for both #1 and #2. Have a good November.
  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member

    reduce waist from 40" to 38"

    This is on my wish list but I didn't have the stones to make it a challenge. Besides it'll mean another belt and possibly new pants again.

    Regarding strength training, I'll differ to the others here that have been at it for a while. But these are the programs I looked at:
    1. Stronglifts 5x5
    2. Simple Beginner Routine from
    3. Scooby's beginners workout - youtube
    4. Beginners dumbbell workouts from fitnessnessblender on youtube.

    I chose #2 because it's a full body 3x a week, 30-40 minutes, sessions. There are excel spreadsheets available for both #1 and #2. Have a good November.

    Sounds like a good plan. Particularly for those starting out, a fullbody 3xweek plan is ideal! Just take it easy for the first couple of sessions or you will be sore as hell.

    Remember that setting goals should be around things you can control (namely the amount and type of exercise you do, meeting calorie/macro targets etc). The fat loss occurs as a result of doing things right but it's not something you can directly control.

    Embrace buying new belts and pants though. I cleaned out my wardrobe a few months ago, and had a small mountain on my bedroom floor from all the clothes that no longer fit - expensive, but still a great feeling. Having slowly gone down from 42" to 32" in pants has been awesome!
  • tjmahoney
    tjmahoney Posts: 47 Member
    Thanks guys; all good advice! I also just "went shopping" in my closet for some smaller size clothes - a fantastic feeling for sure! I had 4 large bags full of larger size shirts, sweaters, pants, belts, etc that I just donated to a group that helps homeless men. I can't believe the space in the closet now; it's a good feeling.

    I will check out the programs you suggested Lou, especially Simple Beginner Routine from I had used a personal trainer about 5 years ago when I was having a friendly competition with some friends at work; we were all trying to lose weight and get more fit.
  • daleweideman
    daleweideman Posts: 85 Member
    Love seeing all the progress here!

    My goals are:

    1) drop to 222 (from 229 at the beginning of the month)
    2) Up my pushup count - be able to do over 40
    3) Up my bodyweight squat count - be able to do over 100
    3) 10+ weight-lifting sessions.

    I've been so focused on cardio to burn cals, now I need to work on the muscle.

    I saw a post on the "Did you lift heavy things" thread about New Rules of Lifting and downloaded the latest version - sounds good and I'm going to give that a try.

    I got rid of all my size 42 and size 40 pants - fit great in 38's and love that. Can't wait to fit great in 34's!
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    This week I've had three strength training sessions that I call 5x5x5 (five heavy compound movements, five sets each, five reps per set). This is the the same strength training program I used when I was training an offensive line in the off season. On average, they added 20% in each of the lifts over 8 weeks.
  • tjmahoney
    tjmahoney Posts: 47 Member
    Hey guys, just checking in and reporting on my goals.

    I'm in that 38" waist now and man, that feels great.
    Weight is down 2lbs, heading to this month's goal of losing 5 more lbs.
    Body fat is at 20.8%; I had targeted 21%.
    Have also added the strength and resistance training 2-3x a week and still maintaining cardio workouts.

    With adding more strength training, I've changed my diet to add in more protein, up to around 150 gms, especially after workouts. So I'm eating about every 3 hours, protein at every meal, no carbs after lunch as I workout first thing in the morning. I expect my weight loss to slow somewhat with adding in strength training but I'm feeling great and see some definition returning.

    How is everyone doing with your goals?
  • loulamb7
    loulamb7 Posts: 801 Member
    Progress on November 2013 goals:

    1. Weight is at 207-208 lbs. Not to concerned about the scale at this point. More focused on NSV and toning. Feel great.
    2. 9 of 12 strength training sessions for the month in the bank. Fourth week of Simple Beginners Routine from Spent the first 3 weeks working more on form then weight. Beginning to add more weight now to make the workout more challenging.

    Hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving!

    Height: 6' 2"
    SW 245
    CW 208
    GW 210
    New GW 205
  • daleweideman
    daleweideman Posts: 85 Member
    Good news / bad news.

    Back to losing - the good news. Still haven't got the weights - the bad news.

    But the month is not over! I'm hitting the gym and lifting for the back third - gotta get strong!

    SW - 265
    CW - 223 (down 42!)
    GW - 199

    Let's have a good week even through the feasts, guys!
  • loulamb7
    loulamb7 Posts: 801 Member
    How did everyone do for the month?

    November 2013 goals:

    1. Scale said 210 lbs on Saturday morning. Not worried about that yet. I think that will be back down y the end of this week. NSVs are holding.
    2. Completed 12 of 12 strength training sessions for the month. AllPro's Simple Beginners Routine from

    Height: 6' 2"
    SW 245
    CW 210
    GW 210
    New GW 205
  • tjmahoney
    tjmahoney Posts: 47 Member
    My goals for November:

    lose another 5 lbs to reach 215
    reduce body fat another 2% to reach 21%
    reduce waist from 40" to 38"
    add 2 sessions per week of strength and resistance training
    continue interval treadmill, 4x/week, 60 mins each

    Hey guys, my update:

    I did fairly well in November with my goals except one.

    * I did lose another 5 lbs and am now 215. 15 more lbs to go to reach goal and re-evaluate.
    * Body fat by calculation is about 20.8%.
    * I'm currently in 38" waist pants and, in fact, they are becoming "loose" so I've had to pull the belt in another notch. All good!
    * I have not been consistent with strength and resistance training 2x/week but I have begun. Have a trainer who combines both with cardio; wipes me out but again, all good stuff.
    * Treadmill (interval for improved fat-burn) has been consistent 4-5x/week. Trainer keeps advising to do an 'every other day' but honestly, I love to run and probably have been running too much as far as interval guidelines say. No matter, still doing it!

    Lou, looks like you're killing it man! Well done!