YES, I had weight loss surgery....ANDDDDDD



  • Does anyone have thyroid issues and have had
    VGS? Is it a slower process ?

    Thank you.
  • Does anyone have thyroid issues and have had
    VGS? Is it a slower process ?

    Thank you.

    I have hypothyroidism (low thyroid) and I have lost over 100 lbs in the last year. I think it is a bit slower, but that may be because of my age and other issues that tend to limit my exercise. Still...100+ lbs is nothing to sneeze at and I am pleased as punch with my progress. I am 9 months out and have lost 80 lbs since surgery. This truly works and it is for the rest of my life, so if it takes a little longer....who cares?
  • kfalcon23
    kfalcon23 Posts: 23 Member
    I haven't come across anyone that hasn't been happy for me. When I tell them what I had done, every single answer so far has been " congratulations! Good for you!"
    Everyone knows I have been struggling with my weight, and how unhealthy I was. I had been really struggling the last 5 years after I had an injury to my neck and back that caused me to be sedentary and gain more weight. Then - I got pregnant. A complete surprise. I was 36 when I pregnant (am 38 now) and gained another 40 pounds during pregnancy. Ugh.
    I had my sleeve 1 year after the birth of my fourth child. I told everybody in my family what I had planned, and have best support system ever. Even my Husband came with to most appointments so he knew what to expect, and how he could help.
    I dont know if I would tell anyone that wasnt close to me that I have been sleeved. I dont think it is any of their business.
  • Love that I found this group! Finally, people that get it!
  • wink77
    wink77 Posts: 55 Member
    I have hypothyroid, I have since I was in 5th grade. I have my TSH levels checked every 20 lbs and my surgeon said today I'm losing at a normal rate.
  • DJRonnieLINY
    DJRonnieLINY Posts: 475 Member
    Our sleeves are a tool for us to use. It helps us to eat healthy and quickly get to a weight where we can safely exercise. It's not easy and it's not magic but for many of us it was a critically necessary starting point. There will always be those who feel the need to disparage the decision. I believe that mostly they do this to affirm thier own situation. What we are doing is not easy and will require a lifetime of discipline (MFP is a great help). If you ask me "can you eat that?", I will say "Yes". I can eat anything I want, just not nearly as much as I used to. Be positive and proud and the naysayers will come around. If they don't, remove them from your life - they are poison.
  • nantnet
    nantnet Posts: 17 Member
    I love this topic. I was sleeved on 10/02/2013 and before I was sleeved I was at my highest weight. I have asthma and hypothyroidism, and was starting to have problems with my sugar and blood pressure. After thinking about doing this for 6 years researching and hem hawing around I decided to go for it. I couldn't be happier and have had mostly good feedback from people that know I had surgery. I did however have one person tell me that they were interested in doing this themselves but they felt that it would be wrong to remove a part of the body that God had created for her. I just quoted scripture to her...

    Mark 9:43 And if thy hand offend thee, cut it off: it is better for thee to enter into life maimed, than having two hands to go into hell, into the fire that never shall be quenched:

    I told her my big ole stomache was offending the heck out of me so... She just laughed

    Everyone has an opinion but the fact that I finally eat like a healthy person and feel good enough to exercise and walk in the park with my family makes it worthwhile to me.

  • caccicoo
    caccicoo Posts: 59 Member
    My favorite is if you would just eat right and exercise.....HMMMM I wish I would have thought of that....oh wait I DID!!!

    :mad: :angry: :explode: :grumble: :noway: :huh:

    I am exactly one week out of surgery (today). In the 2 weeks before my surgery, when I started telling some people what I was going to be doing, I had someone almost every day say:
    1. Why are you doing this?
    2. What? Do you want to be a toothpick? (hard to be a toothpick when my top weight was 273)
    3. Why don't you just eat less and exercise more?

    I had no answer - the explanation is so long and involved and complicated. I just sat with my mouth open, not believing that these people, many of whom I considered friends, would question my decision about my own health! Finally on the last day of work, I was telling a woman whom I had known for 8+ years and she said "Good for you!" I almost cried.

    Now I am 1 week out and my focus is strictly on my healing. Everything those people said is behind me. I know that already my neck and ankles feel better from the weight I lost on the liquid diet before and the liquid diet of the past week. That's all I need to know.
  • bikrchk
    bikrchk Posts: 516 Member
    I get so sick of people saying, "that's not healthy" Are you kidding me? It saved my life and put me in a mode of thinking that has turned me around. If you know nothing about it, why speak on it? I'm happy, healthy, relieved and sleeved! I'm not shame and where were you when I was 304lbs and hot mess? Child please, get your life!

    Yes, an slow suicide by knife and fork was SOOOO much better! NOT! So relieved to have a tool to help me maintain a healthy lifestyle!