Stage 4 Results with pics

phizzylizzy Posts: 94 Member
Well hello again! On Thursday I finished Stage 4, and this morning I got up and took measurements and pictures.

The tl;dr of this – since starting program I’ve lost 2.2 pounds and 13.5 inches. Clothes are getting looser and the scale is silly. Scroll for pics.

Stage 4 was a doozy because we encountered so many roadblocks. We took about a week and a half off between Stage 3 and 4 because we went on vacation. While on vacay, my workout partner/fiancé hurt his back. Bad. It was actually pretty scary because it was such a simple movement that triggered the injury – and here we are in the gym, upping our DL weights like badasses. It definitely made me slow down for Stage 4 and really check in – is this form correct? Will I hurt myself doing this? Then, I hurt my shoulder. And my hip. After taking time and using a lot of ice, I healed up and so did he. Instead of 2.5 weeks, this Stage took 5.

For that reason, I don’t feel super proud of my weight increase. It started messing with my head a bit too – why am I spending the 90 minutes in the gym 3x per week if I’m not giving my all or increasing weight every week? I started feeling like I was mailing it in. At this point I am giving myself a reality check. I’m here, I have results that I am really happy with, and I’m moving on to the next Stage with more strength than when I began this program 4 ½ months ago. Onwards and upwards!

Stats (since beginning):
Weight: 159 → 156.8
Triceps: 13 → 12.25
Chest: 38.75 → 36
Ribcage: 33.75 → 33 (this went up 1.5 inches between Stage 3-4 – lats, baby!)
Waist: 32.25 → 29.5
Abdomen (navel): 36.5 → 33.5
Hips: 40 → 39
Thigh: 24.25 → 24

Strength Gains/Finishing Weight (only those worth mentioning):
Step-up: 50 lbs
DB one-point row: 55 lbs
Push-ups: 3 sets of 8 real woman push-ups – I still cannot believe this
Plank: 90 seconds
Deadlift: 85 lbs (ended Stage 2 at 125 lbs)
Underhand-grip lat pulldown: 125 lbs

Picture time! It’s ON now- I’m in a bathing suit. And sporting a mark from the shorts I was wearing prior to taking these. OH WELL!!

Front before

Front now

Side before

Side now

Back Before

Back now

Thanks as always for listening! Go NROLFW ladies!
ETA: Always a few housekeeping items when posting pictures.


  • nursek_2010
    nursek_2010 Posts: 54 Member
    you look awesome!! keep up the great work :)
  • luckyjuls
    luckyjuls Posts: 505 Member
    Great work! It looks like you really toned up your legs. No cellulite in the second picture at all!
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    WOW!!!!! So jealous of your progress!!!
  • siany01
    siany01 Posts: 319 Member
    Your results are amazing!!! You look so different and only a 2lb weight loss. Even more proof that the scale isn't accurate.

    It's scary how easy it is to injure yourself. Glad you have both healed up now.

    Look forward to seeing your next update.
  • SDehmer819
    SDehmer819 Posts: 441 Member
    Love the results!! Way to go!!
  • kellrell
    kellrell Posts: 31 Member
    Absolutely Awesome!!!
    Keep it up!
  • tartsul
    tartsul Posts: 298 Member
    looking great!! you've made such great progress! congrats and keep it up!
  • BreMurie
    BreMurie Posts: 50 Member
    Congrats, you look fantastic!! I can only HOPE to see such results in 4 months!!
  • sclaibo
    sclaibo Posts: 136 Member
    You are doing awesome!!! Keep it up!
  • VickiG36
    VickiG36 Posts: 350 Member
    Great results! Had it not been for the tattoos I would have thought it was 2 different people.
  • Sparkie134
    Sparkie134 Posts: 65 Member
    Wow! This is SUCH proof that we don't need to be only scale focused. Girl, your legs look cellulite free! Good job! Keep it up!
  • tessa175
    tessa175 Posts: 170 Member
    Awesome progress, WTG!
  • phizzylizzy
    phizzylizzy Posts: 94 Member
    Its funny - I didn't even know I had cellulite until those pics were taken. How does one get rid of it? When I compute my body fat, it says it has gone down only about 1%. I feel like that's crazy! But who knows...I haven't had it measured professionally so I don't expect 100% accuracy from something free on the internet. :) Thanks for the encouragement ladies!
  • debbiedeb75
    debbiedeb75 Posts: 1 Member
    I have to tell you that your progress is such an inspiration to me! This is the first post that I have made on this site, just to let you know that. I was trying to research getting rid of cellulite, and seeing your pics is one of the first I've seen with great results!! Keep up the good work!!!