Which meds to ask for?

sjmn Posts: 13 Member
Hi everyone,
I wrote last month regarding my subclinical hypothyroidism diagnosis (TSH =4.95; T3 and T4 low end of normal range; lots of symptoms including 2 week long periods, dry skin, hair loss, etc.) and my general practitioner refusing to prescribe meds at this time. I'm finally going to a Naturopath for a 2nd opinion and I am so excited because I know that she will listen to me and be able to help me. My question is, which meds should I ask for? I've read about Armour and Nature-throid, is there anything else worth considering? What is your preference and why? Thank you!


  • TCore24
    TCore24 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm currently taking Levothyroxine (one of a few synthetic thyroid hormone medications) and it seriously made a HUGE difference! I'm not sure if you're looking for a "natural" solution or not though? I was experiencing all the same things as you, and was losing my memory, had liver and kidney damage, pale skin, was freezing all the time. My numbers were a lot worse than yours though so it was VERY obvious I had a thyroid problem. Within ONE WEEK of starting this medication, all my symptoms slowed or completely stopped and my liver and kidney started recovering. Additionally, within a few weeks I lost FIFTEEN POUNDS because my metabolism was literally NOT functioning with such an under functioning thyroid before! I find it strange that the first doctor you saw wouldn't help you...good idea getting a second opinion. Just be sure to ask what medication they think will work best for you and be sure you are properly diagnosed! I hope once you start taking the medication you feel better, because I definitely did!
  • Hollyaw24
    Hollyaw24 Posts: 26 Member
    I am currently using naturethroid and it has made a world of difference for me. I hope that you are able to get a natural thyroid med, as many of us find that they improve symptoms more than synthetics. May I recommend you check the website stop the thyroid madness dot com before seeing your new physician?
    Good luck!