What do you do on your days off from C25k?

Amberh82 Posts: 468 Member
do you rest or do some other form of exercise? do you still go for walks? I want to workout more than 3 days a week.


  • Lyerin
    Lyerin Posts: 818 Member
    Zumba, lifting weights and Body Shred classes.
  • lyzmorrison
    lyzmorrison Posts: 172 Member
    Elliptical and weights. My son goes with me on my off days, so I limit the elliptical to 2 miles (20 minutes) so we can do the weights. He does the elliptical with me, so I do the weights with him. I've noticed that since I've cut my cardio short that my weight loss has slowed down, but it's worth the mother-son bonding time.
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    I did P90X when I was doing C25K.
  • hlsc
    hlsc Posts: 66 Member
    I usually walk the dog (just about 20 minutes in the morning) on my days off.

    I also do yoga (about 3 days/week) - sometimes it's on my running days in the evening (I run in the morning) or on the days that I don't run.
  • besdais
    besdais Posts: 76 Member
    I have just finished the 3rd day, and my knees hurt on my run yesterday. I'm going to start doing more stretching before and after my runs, and do some knee strengthening exercises on my days off. I also have gone on a short walk, as the dogs want to go out every day!!
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Bicycle, with the occasional rest day.
  • IowaJen1979
    IowaJen1979 Posts: 406 Member
    I run twice a week, I do Zumba three times a week, and I use the elliptical one day a week. On my "day off" I take my dog for a long walk. I also do yoga after one of my Zumba classes. Twice a week at home I do a ball workout. When did I become such a workout nut!?!?
  • zorbaru
    zorbaru Posts: 1,077 Member
    swimming, biking and rest days.
  • btsinmd
    btsinmd Posts: 921 Member
    I did strength training on my off days when I was doing C25K.
  • niricava
    niricava Posts: 89 Member
    I'm doing push-ups, plank position and 30 day squats challenge to build up my strength. I also walk some days.
    I think I need to do some sort of exercise every day for me to mentally stick with it. Although I do take a rest day or easy day once a week.
  • I do a boot camp three times a week that is intense, rigorous intervals of strength, cardio and core exercises. I have built up a TON of muscle from this and feel that it really does help my running and endurance.

    I'm starting WEEK 9 of C25K this week! WHOO HOO!
  • lilbearzmom
    lilbearzmom Posts: 600 Member
    I do Zumba 3x per week on my off days, but will probably switch to something else come January. I love Zumba but the classes I take Mon and Wed are fairly awful- I don't like the instructor. I will probably keep the Saturday class and take something else the other days. My C25k days are Tues, Thurs, Sun. I am also planning on hiring a trainer for lifting come the new year, since I will probably be at goal weight by then and I want to focus on BF reduction.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Pilates and weight training.
  • jeffd247
    jeffd247 Posts: 319 Member
    I started the program on a Friday, so strangely my workout week starts on that day.

    Friday = WxD1
    Saturday = HIIT + Weights
    Sunday = Drink and watch football
    Monday = WxD2
    Tuesday = Light Cardio (mostly brisk walking)
    Wednesday = WxD3 (today is W6D3)
    Thursday = HIIT +Weights

    I thinking of changing Tuesday up to a just weights and no extra HIIT. The longer runs seem harder if I do the HIIT the day before. Once I finish this 5k I am training for I will probably switch Tuesday to Weights+HIIT
  • sinca21
    sinca21 Posts: 41 Member
    I used to do a weekly zumba class, and walk on my days off, maybe a Jillian video here and there but now that I'm in week 6 and getting closer to done I started a boot camp on my off days: cardio, strength and core work. I still try to do a 20 minute or so walk on my breaks at work to keep "on my feet."
  • pinkstp
    pinkstp Posts: 220 Member
    Y'all are overachievers ;D

    When I did the c25k, I didn't exercise on my off days for the most part. I would walk my dog, which I do every day, but nothing else. I started the c210k app and think I will start doing weight training in the off times this go 'round :)
  • verdemujer
    verdemujer Posts: 1,397 Member
    Karate and walking and bicycling
  • asp415
    asp415 Posts: 1,492 Member
    spinning & lifting
  • LunaInverse
    LunaInverse Posts: 109 Member
    I usually do a 30 min walk with my dog (he is my 5k training buddy :) ) and some weight training at the gym
  • lisa35120
    lisa35120 Posts: 230 Member
    It varies from week to week. My work schedule is different every week and I go to school too, so it is sometimes difficult to do anything more than c25k. This week I have managed to do body weight training on two of my days off and I plan to keep doing that.