starchile Posts: 248 Member
Where is everyone???? I KNOW I'm not the ONLY 300+lb person that would like the support of someone that has a CLUE about what I'm going through! I just saw a picture posted in the before section of a girl who was ashamed to show her before picture because she was "too fat"...I think she weighed PROBABLY 120lbs...AT THE MOST! LOL.

COME ON PEOPLE!!!! LET'S TAKE OFF OUR SPANX in here!!!! LOL...let's get REAL and show each other some REAL support so that we can make a REAL change in our lives!!!



  • wowgirl30
    wowgirl30 Posts: 40 Member
    I hear you. When you have such a long way to go, this is a very long term experience and support is all the more important for success. I find that it's hard to relate with or feel excited for those that only have to lose 10-15 pounds. (just my problem, they deserve as much support as anyone) Each group has their own challenges so we all need to be here for one another. I haven't been doing so well with my efforts the last week and a half, but I'm hanging in there. I am hoping to be under 300 by December 1st.
  • vondelynn
    vondelynn Posts: 30 Member

    The last time I work Spanx was on my wedding day (so 5 ish years ago). Those things are evil torture devices. LMAO
  • vondelynn
    vondelynn Posts: 30 Member
    I find that it's hard to relate with or feel excited for those that only have to lose 10-15 pounds. (just my problem, they deserve as much support as anyone)
    I am hoping to be under 300 by December 1st.

    Me too - it's not that I don't feel great for them, but when I would love to lose 10 lbs in 5 weeks.. it's frustrating and hard to relate. Nothing should take away from anyone's celebration, so I just do my best to be supportive.

    I would love to kick these few lbs I've been yo-yoing with for the last few months and get these 20+ lbs to be under 300 lbs in the first quarter of 2014
  • emilym820
    emilym820 Posts: 993 Member
    I'll bet things will be hopping when January 1st rolls around. Just think how ahead of the game we will be by then, even if we do fall into a plate or two of Christmas cookies. :laugh:
  • starchile
    starchile Posts: 248 Member
    @Wowgirl: Absolutely, I'm totally with you! And you are right, it's not that they don't deserve support it's just that they have waaayyy different challenges than we do and it's nice to go through this with people who can speak to the challenges that we can relate to. About being off track...one thing that I've learned along the way is that I had to stop looking at it as "being off track"...and more like I ate something...now I just need to continue eating my normal (healthy) way. I don't know if that comes across how I mean it...but just don't let little slip ups break your stride. Try to move on from it as quickly as you can. We're here for you though! :)
  • starchile
    starchile Posts: 248 Member
    @Vondelynn: HAHAHAH!!! YES! the only thing though is BOTH times that I have purchased spanx...I got the LARGEST SIZE and they RIPPED as I tried to put the dang things on! I guess it just wasn't meant to be!

    Yeah, I hear you...but like Wowgirl said...this is a SLOOWWW and looongg terrrmmm process. don't let the amount of time it's taking you discourage you. Just keep pushing. :)
  • vampirequeen1959
    vampirequeen1959 Posts: 196 Member
    Count me in. It's nice to talk to other people who know what it's like to be 300+lbs
  • starchile
    starchile Posts: 248 Member
    @emily...RIGHT???? LOL!

    I've decided I'm not going to have T-giving dinner at my house JUST because I don't want all those naughty leftovers! HOWEVER, I AM cooking a lighter version of everything (b/c T-giving is my FAVORITE meal of the year) and in smaller portions. I'm smoking a turkey, reduced fat mac and cheese with whole wheat pasta, sugar free cranberry sauce, whole wheat and turkey sausage stuffing, and kale! I made everything last year and it was DELICIOUS! Well, I actually am going to figure out a better mac and cheese recipe...think I'll add FF greek yogurt so that it is a little creamier. :)
  • adlace
    adlace Posts: 375 Member
    In for supporty goodness. Just hit the lost 50 lbs today and maybe not long until I can get under the 300 mark. Then still have 120+ lbs to do battle with. I know road so far and well wishes to everyone!
  • starchile
    starchile Posts: 248 Member

    And WHOOT WHOOT!!!! 50lbs!!!
  • starchile
    starchile Posts: 248 Member
    Hey Ya'll how's it going?????
  • hi everybody! yes, let's get this party started! i am not in the +300 population, but i sure was for a LONG time. i'm now losing the weight, but i'm still much bigger than most other people i know and sure would like to have a group of people who understand all the "big girl" issues. nice to meet you all!
  • i just sent everyone a friend request.
  • wowgirl30
    wowgirl30 Posts: 40 Member
    i just sent everyone a friend request.

    Thanks! Any of you lovelies can feel free to friend me too :flowerforyou:
  • vampirequeen1959
    vampirequeen1959 Posts: 196 Member
    Today I dropped under 300lbs. Only just at 299lbs but it's under 300.
  • starchile
    starchile Posts: 248 Member
    YYYYYYAAAAAAAYYYYYYY!!!!!!! That is SOOO Frickin AWESOME! WHO CARES if its "just" to 299? The bottom line is that you are outta the 3s! Now you can just say "ohhh...I weigh 2something" LOL.

  • vampirequeen1959
    vampirequeen1959 Posts: 196 Member
    Thanks. I have to admit I'm rather chuffed about it lol
  • vampirequeen1959
    vampirequeen1959 Posts: 196 Member
    What's SPANX btw? Is it something in the uk we call a foundation garment? Basically squashes all your flab in using massively strong elastic so that you look smoother but actually can't breath or move properly.
  • starchile
    starchile Posts: 248 Member
    Yuppp...that would be spanx! HAHHAHHAHA...I think they should put YOUR description on the packaging to describe it...that would be HILARIOUS and true! Spanx is just a specific brand of that. :)
  • alanabanana01
    alanabanana01 Posts: 297 Member
    Hi Everyone! I am glad to see this room moving again---I have been on here over a year---started a 364. I am under 300, at 292....but I have been STUCK here for a few months!

    Any tricks to breaking through a stuck spot? Bleh!!!

    Recently started a new job, changed my whole schedule, so I am still trying to figure out my new workout times, meal times.

    I am seeing a LOT of determination in here---whoo-hoo!