Where did you fail with the overhead press?



  • mikeykhan2003
    Just wanted to say thanks for the feedback guys; I'm close to failing around the same range (80) and it's very helpful to hear you guys are all struggling with the same weight.

    Keep rocking!
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    I know SL5x5 doesn't really recommend assistance work but if you're stuck then try adding some Tricep work in. Dumbbel extensions, or Cable Pressdown, or Rope Extensions, or Dips (if you can) will help build some tricep strength. They are basically the primary move in this exercise and it might help you progress a little more.
  • Trarbach
    Would like to see body weight of the lifter to get an idea for all if us to see what the amount is vs body weight of the individual.
    For me 77.5 lbs ovhp currently. Body weight 155 lbs.
  • EDollah
    EDollah Posts: 464 Member
    I just failed at 95 pounds on my 4th and 5th sets. Hopefully I can get them tomorrow. I weight a shade under 250.
  • kevinwheat1
    Are you guys doing front or rear OHP? I started with front and got up to 140lbs before stalling but had quite a bit of shoulder discomfort (like something was pinched or pulled). Now I do rear OHP because it feels better on my shoulder and I'm up to 110 (or maybe 115) so far without a stall...and trust me, rears are more difficult than fronts but for some reason I don't experience the same shoulder discomfort with the rears. For what it's worth, I'm 5'10" and about 214ish and have been fairly inconsistent with my workouts the past 3 weeks or so bc of school.
  • mikeykhan2003
    Just completed 95 last night but it was tough. Definitely starting to take advantage of longer recoveries between each set. I don't really expect to get through 100.

    Don't see how the rear is less pressure on your shoulders, honestly just talking about it is putting some twinges on my rotator cuff.

    But honestly, whatever works man. Just stay in the game and good luck!
  • cajuntank
    cajuntank Posts: 924 Member
    Are you guys doing front or rear OHP? I started with front and got up to 140lbs before stalling but had quite a bit of shoulder discomfort (like something was pinched or pulled). Now I do rear OHP because it feels better on my shoulder and I'm up to 110 (or maybe 115) so far without a stall...and trust me, rears are more difficult than fronts but for some reason I don't experience the same shoulder discomfort with the rears. For what it's worth, I'm 5'10" and about 214ish and have been fairly inconsistent with my workouts the past 3 weeks or so bc of school.

    Seems like I have read in the past that doing rear presses were bad "juju magumbo" for your shoulders as that puts them in an un-natural lifting position. Sounds like you have some other issue(s) that you probably need to address with your shoulders. I would look into doing shoulder mobility exercises (ie... dislocations (sounds worse than they are), etc... good YouTube video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OPJnZQNbgRI) and as always, constantly address form. Your grip width might be too wide, etc...

    Finally moved to 1x5 on OHP and working my way back to 170lbs on my first deload (could only get that bugger for 3 reps). My fractional plates have not made it in yet, so hopefully soon.
  • _benjammin
    _benjammin Posts: 1,224 Member
    I've stalled again at 130. I've failed the last 2 workouts, going for a third try tomorrow.
  • Mikej77
    Mikej77 Posts: 112
    I've stalled again at 130. I've failed the last 2 workouts, going for a third try tomorrow.

  • LowellHolliday
    Yesterday was my first time deloading on the OHP, I went from 100lbs down to 90lbs and have set my phone app to go up by 2.5lbs instead of 5 on the OHP, I'm 5'11" and about 230lbs. I am in the middle of the 12th week of SL5x5 and haven't stalled on any of the other exercises. The first workout at 100lbs was 5,5,4,4,2, the second was 5,5,4,4,2 and the third was 5,5,5,3,3, I was pretty sure that I would stall on the third time but was positive going in. Since I was sure that the deload was happening my frustrations went away and I'm a lot more positive about this exercise, it probably helps that I switched to 2.5lb increments.
  • mheebner
    mheebner Posts: 285 Member
    6 weeks in and had my first fail in the OHP, 135 lbs. 5/5/3/4/4. I can REALLY feel it today. I expected to fail at this weight because the last OHP workout, I really struggled, my arms shook like jello, and took me up to almost 3 min to recover.
  • _benjammin
    _benjammin Posts: 1,224 Member
    I'm 5'10" 155lbs. As mentioned, I failed at 110 but completed my 3rd try. I failed@130 there times and deloaded. Working my way back up, got 5x5@125 last workout.
  • htimsm87
    htimsm87 Posts: 104 Member
    I have just had a failure on both 95 and 100 lbs. Hit them both on the second time. I am hoping to get up to 115 before I have to deload but will have to see. Part of my issue is around training time, I find that if I have to train in the morning (5:30 am) I find my lifts much more difficult then if I go later in the day.. I am also starting to watch tempo, etc.. if my tempo is a bit faster and even the reps seem to be easier.

    I have just started my 10th week of SL at 6' 1" @180 lbs..
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    In some cases it could be an issue of volume. If you find yourself starting to struggle, perhaps after your last set take like 70% of that weight and do max-reps. Many people fail in the lift from the start up to midway so you can always try doing them paused. Basically hold at the bottom for 2 to 3 seconds, press, down and hold at the starting position for 2 to 3 seconds, press, down, repeat for max reps.
  • Mikej77
    Mikej77 Posts: 112
    Last week I missed one rep at 95lbs on my last set, I gave 95lbs another try on next workout and got 5x5. Last night I loaded 100lbs and got 55420. I will try 100lbs again on monday and see how it goes. Unfortunatly this exercise is going to get more and more difficult as I have to go outside to have the clearance. It is getting much colder each day, so something tells me I need to find an alternative soon.
  • mheebner
    mheebner Posts: 285 Member
    You might just have to settle for sitting OHP, at least for the winter. I think sitting will still work the main muscle groups you need to hit. I know I would settle for seated presses in a trade off for a squat rack.
  • Trarbach
    Just an update on my ovhp, I upped my calories since my last post,gained 5 lbs of weight since then from 155 lbs to 160 lbs body weight. My 77.5 lb press went up to 87.5 by mistake. I loaded up for 82.5 but after completing 5,5,5,4,4 I looked at the bar and seen an extra uncounted 5 lbs! Go figure....
  • cmajeff
    cmajeff Posts: 504 Member
    I just hit 170. I have struggled with this. It seems I have to do it three times before I go up in weight. I have just gotten used to it.
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    First missed rep at 85lb. Took 3 attempts.

    Then first deload at 95lb. Missed the last two reps of the third set. Very annoying.
  • 257_Lag
    257_Lag Posts: 1,249 Member
    I just hit 170. I have struggled with this. It seems I have to do it three times before I go up in weight. I have just gotten used to it.

    170??? You ROCK!