New here, pregnant with #2 :)

clowmow Posts: 68 Member
Hello all!

I am pregnant with #2 and currently 18 weeks. My start weight with this pregnancy was what I was after I had my little boy so I never lost the extra weight I gained!.
With this is mind I need to gain as little 'extra' as possible, so basically the weight my body and baby needs but hopefully not much more.
I am still in the healthy BMI range and so far I have only gained 5 lbs which I don't think is too bad in 18 weeks? I have been eating too many treats though so now is the time to start eating healthier!

I also want to find some good exercise dvd's for pregnancy, I do lots of walking and have a pregnancy pilates dvd but can any of you recommend some more pregnancy dvd's which are more aimed at a workout?

I plan to Breastfeed to hopefully that will help with the weight loss once baby is here (possibly not though!)

Chloe x


  • momRN2B
    momRN2B Posts: 247 Member
    welcome and congrats! for a workout DVD i highly recommend ''Body by Trimester'' by Joy southworth. It has 2 30 min workouts plus one 15 min express workout per trimester. It is an intense circuit training workout. I was used to doing The 30 Day Shred from Jillian Michaels and i found this pretty similar just geared toward pregnant women. here is a link to it on amazon
  • PinkHurricane88
    PinkHurricane88 Posts: 156 Member
    Welcome and congrats on your pregnancy!!! I am almost 17 weeks and now that the second trimester has left me feeling pretty good (minus hearburn and headaches) I have most of my energy back and also want to find some great DVDS and suggestions on prenatal exercise!

    I know yoga is supposed to be great, I have been using PopSugar on Youtube for their prenatal workouts, and am currently trying to find a yoga workout that is longer than 10 minutes!
  • mycrazy8splus1
    mycrazy8splus1 Posts: 1,558 Member
    congrats. I am doing Buff Moms-to-Be, Leisa Hart's Fit Mama Prenatal Workout, and Denise Austin's Fit and Firm Pregnancy.
  • Hi! I second the pop sugar yoga on YouTube! It's free too! There are a couple others & I found a couple belly dance ones I like although I didn't keep doing them. Congratulations on baby number 2! I'm on #2 also & until this past week was only up 10lbs at 37 weeks! This week I'm having swelling issues & I'm up 5 pounds more! But I really think it's fluid. :)
  • clowmow
    clowmow Posts: 68 Member
    Thank you for all the lovely replies :) Will look into all of those workouts!
  • Cheeky_and_Geeky
    Cheeky_and_Geeky Posts: 984 Member
    Congrats on #2! Im TTC #2 now (Got Nexplanon removed in October), so I'm thinking it'll take me 6 months or so. Good luck! I gained 35lbs with my first. I ate super bad so I'm hoping to do better the 2nd time around. I love youtube. I youtube all my routines. I love our jogging stroller because I get a workout & my toddler enjoys being outdoors!