Come Back!

Have we lost some people? It seems our weekly weigh in is missing quite a few people this week. Maybe you didn't weigh in because you had a bad week or have lost motivation or because you got busy - but no matter the reason, I hope you come back!

I have started and stopped losing these 30 lbs so many times in the past several years and being held accountable by this group is really keeping me logging every day. Even the days when I drink half a bottle of wine (yesterday) as a "reward" to myself for working about a thousand hours last week. (In the past, it would have been half a bottle 5 days out of the week, so I give myself credit for progressing.)

So if you have a reason for shying away from week 5 - come back! Anyone can add me as a friend and I log everyday and try and support everyone.

Hope to see more of us in week 6!


  • AnnaZimm70
    AnnaZimm70 Posts: 218 Member
    I noticed the same thing. Last week was a bit depressing for me (I started running on the treadmill each morning and gain 2 lbs -- I am hoping it is temporary). I can see why set backs make people want to give up, but I'm here for the long run so I just kept logging and I am hoping next week will be better. Sent you a friend request slotB.
  • lharri0209
    lharri0209 Posts: 128 Member
    I also noticed that not as many people weighed in this week. Hoping that everyone gets to make the next one. :)
  • doIlhands
    doIlhands Posts: 349 Member
    I'm still here! Didn't weigh in this week bc im honestly not sure how much weight i lost this week. I haven't been eating at a deficit but have been doing a lot more manual labour lol (painting for 8 hours yesterday & today.. nightmares). I'll weigh in again next week :)
  • Sweet_Pandora
    Sweet_Pandora Posts: 459 Member
    Thanks SlotB

    I just weighed in.

    I admit the week I did not lose and the week I gained I did not weigh in. Who was I cheating or hiding from? Myself!

    I had the same old talk with myself in my head, I have hypothyroidism, I've been tired due to the shortened daylight, why did I join a challenge when I know how slow my weight loss can be.....excuses....excuses.

    Yesterday at hot yoga the instructor was very empowering. She reminded us that even if we are 99% sure of ourselves that the 1% of doubt can undo the 99% of confidence we have in ourselves to achieve whatever it is we are after.

    So here I am committed 100% to myself and empowered by my positive attitude and all of the inspiration and support from this group.

    Have a positive day!

  • cds2001
    cds2001 Posts: 732 Member
    I don't have internet at home so weekends I usually don't have access. I'm bad about forgetting to post first thing on Mondays. I also forgot to weigh in this morning. I'll weigh at lunch and post then.
  • knitapeace
    knitapeace Posts: 1,013 Member
    SlotB is a great supportive friend, definitely friend her! And I'd love to have more friends too, if anyone is needing of support. I'm a beginning runner and log in daily during the work week and at least once on the weekends.

    I haven't put in my weekly weigh in from this week yet to do that!
  • takerbrat
    takerbrat Posts: 81 Member
    Thanks SlotB

    I just weighed in.

    I admit the week I did not lose and the week I gained I did not weigh in. Who was I cheating or hiding from? Myself!

    I had the same old talk with myself in my head, I have hypothyroidism, I've been tired due to the shortened daylight, why did I join a challenge when I know how slow my weight loss can be.....excuses....excuses.

    Yesterday at hot yoga the instructor was very empowering. She reminded us that even if we are 99% sure of ourselves that the 1% of doubt can undo the 99% of confidence we have in ourselves to achieve whatever it is we are after.

    So here I am committed 100% to myself and empowered by my positive attitude and all of the inspiration and support from this group.

    Have a positive day!


    Thank you slotB for starting this thread and thank you Karen for the words that I needed to hear today! I have never tried a mantra but for the next week, each morning before I start my day, I will repeat - I am 100% committed to myself, I am empowered by my positive attitude, I am so proud of what I have accomplished so far, I am doing this for me.
  • mira2602
    mira2602 Posts: 78 Member
    Hiya, I got lost in my studies, exercise, kiddies and life in general. I am trying to stay away from PC, as it get in my way...I get too lost, and then I dont exercise.
    Anyway, I am back.
  • LoveLoveandRage
    LoveLoveandRage Posts: 55 Member
    I had no internet access but I updated today! Lost a little over 2 pounds in my first week :)
  • dantanjah
    dantanjah Posts: 100 Member
    I know it can be hard to keep going when the scale seems to be stuck, or worse moving in the wrong direction. With the holidays approaching staying on track could get really tough. Remember you do not have to do this alone, use your MFP friends to give you words of encouragement, cheering, accountability, or kick in the butt. You deserve a healthier you. Start today. I look forward to reading about your efforts each week. Please feel free to add me as a friend.
  • brittanyadore
    brittanyadore Posts: 10 Member
    I'm still here! I haven't been posting my weigh-in's though, because I weigh myself on Monday instead of Saturday.
  • red_road
    red_road Posts: 761 Member
    i have been in a lot of groups and this is normal, usually only 10-15% of the group log weekly. Its unfortunate but it always ends up this way, perhaps the one upside to it is it is more personal. Also im sure some people dont like weighing in a gain, i myself will prob have a gain this week but i shall force myself to weigh in like a big girl
  • AnnaZimm70
    AnnaZimm70 Posts: 218 Member
    I wasn't thrilled to post my gain the week I went up two pounds, but it seems to me it is part of the purpose of the group to help me hold myself accountable to wherever I am on a given week. I think we are down by about 65%. Hoping the remaining stay in :-) I am still hopeful on making my 20 lbs. and some of the members should be there this week.! Congratulations to all that are sticking it out for the duration!
  • knitapeace
    knitapeace Posts: 1,013 Member
    I'm going to have a gain this week too Anna. Something in the air I guess. :) I promise to post honestly and we can encourage each other next week!
  • zanne54
    zanne54 Posts: 336 Member
    I'm still here too - even though I had a 2.6 gain last week.

    After 10 months on MFP, I had a bit of a rough patch last week where I lost my motivation suddenly, and was on the verge of quitting entirely. Thanks to some of the awesome participants in this group (shout-outs to SlotB, Takerbrat, Dantanjah, Knitapeace, hotmamatodd, SweetPandora, redredy), who reached out to me in PMs, posting on my updates and logging their own daily food and exercise, I had enough support to be able to pull out of my speedwobble without crashing & burning. Thank you SO much for your help - and I have a feel this Saturday's weigh-in will be a good one for me, as this morning I saw my biggest "low" so far on the scale! :heart:
  • Sweet_Pandora
    Sweet_Pandora Posts: 459 Member
    That's what this group is all about! Sticking with it and encouraging one another through the ups and the downs.

    I too had a gain last week and I have put my scale away. The number on the scale went up and the inches on my measuring tape went down. Mind boggling and discouraging, needless to say. I still want to participate in the challenge but I won't be weighing in weekly.

    I too appreciate all the support and inspiration I get from this group.

    It's comforting to know that I'm not the only one that struggles.

    Encouraging words from encouraging friends keep me going.

    Giving up is not an option!

  • You guys all rock. I think it will be very easy for us to slowly fade away over the coming month, but I really don't want that to happen.

    The next 4-8 weeks is going to be busy and tough for all of us. Parties, treats, booze, stress, etc will probably lead to good weeks and bad weeks for us all.

    I may also end up in the camp with the gainers this week and if it happens, I will put my big girl pants on and post it!

    Let's just decide now that we will do our best and if we don't, then we don't beat ourselves up about it and we forge ahead. Instead of quitting and having to start over with all the NY resolution folks (who no doubt will pop up all over the place Jan 2!) we'll do the best we can on most days and enjoy the big celebrations, knowing a few or several random days of indulgence will not undo all we have done already.

    Now....I am going to go chug some water because my TOTM is nearing and I am ravenous and bloated and not happy. I will not let her derail me today. A holiday party may be worth it, but the monthly b*tch is not. :)
  • MelonGG
    MelonGG Posts: 22 Member
    Still here! Even though my loss during the challenge has not been significant I continue to weigh in and log every day, being part of this challenge has helped me and improved my exercise acountability. I appreciate all of you for your continued motivation.