11 weeks baby!

JagerLewis Posts: 427 Member
Good morning to all my goal makers! :happy: I hit a goal today, and have lost 30lbs (30 just seemed like a nice number to set as a goal. ha ha) Since this group started, I've lost 22 lbs and I have 7 weeks to lose 12 more lbs...It's gonna be close!!! If I reach it, I should be comfortably back in my size 6. :smile: Where is everyone else at? Any struggles or anything that really works for you?


  • dettiot
    dettiot Posts: 180 Member
    This week I hit 35 pounds lost total since mid-May! I'm now more than halfway to my goal! [does a happy dance]

    I have ten more pounds to lose to hit my goal weight by Christmas, and I'm really hoping I can make it happen. One of the things I'm going to do this week is invest in a new pair of running shoes. My blisters are getting too bad to ignore. :-/ So here's hoping new sneakers will make a difference!
  • JagerLewis
    JagerLewis Posts: 427 Member
    This week I hit 35 pounds lost total since mid-May! I'm now more than halfway to my goal! [does a happy dance]

    I have ten more pounds to lose to hit my goal weight by Christmas, and I'm really hoping I can make it happen. One of the things I'm going to do this week is invest in a new pair of running shoes. My blisters are getting too bad to ignore. :-/ So here's hoping new sneakers will make a difference!
    Awesome job!! We sound very similar to our goals!! New running shoes are the best! I just bought a new pair of Asics. :love:
  • jema_b98
    jema_b98 Posts: 28 Member
    I have lost 22 lbs since starting this challenge with 8 more to lose by Christmas for a total of 30 lbs. Anything above that will be a Christmas bonus :happy:

    Trying to stay motivated and moving through the holidays. Good luck, everyone!
  • emurfield
    emurfield Posts: 14 Member
    4 pounds to go! I hope to lose it before Christmas, but then I'll have to keep it off!
  • lose50tobehappy
    lose50tobehappy Posts: 19 Member
    Lost 12 pounds so far!
  • JagerLewis
    JagerLewis Posts: 427 Member
    Sounds like everyone's doing great!!! Keep up the good work!!
  • Diligent1a
    Diligent1a Posts: 19 Member
    Still trying to kick this last pound. Hoping this week will be the one.
  • JagerLewis
    JagerLewis Posts: 427 Member
    Still trying to kick this last pound. Hoping this week will be the one.
    :happy: For how you eat....No doubt you will make it!