Tennis Pre-Game Diet

I am a competitive USTA player in Sacramento, CA (USTA Norcal Section) and one really bad habit I have is that I carb load with fast food before matches to give me the energy to sustain a 2-3 hour match during tournaments or league play. It works but is so bad for my fitness and diet. Why do you guys eat for your pre-match meals I am trying to dump my fast food pre-match routine?


  • GiddyupTim
    GiddyupTim Posts: 2,819 Member
    Sorry. Cannot help you. I tend not to eat much before as I don't want to feel heavy on the court.
    I am always surprised at how much the pros eat and drink now during matches. They play three games. Then, on the changeover, they sit down and drink half a bottle of water and eat half a banana. At five games, they drink the same amount of water, finish the banana, and add a bit of sports drink.
    Maybe there is your answer. Instead of fueling up with heavy fare before the match, bring a banana or two, some kind of granola or energy bar, and some Gu (like the runners use). Oh yeah, and lots and lots of water.
  • krissy210
    I eat pasta 2-3 hour before a match. That gives me energy.
  • Julesjhj
    Julesjhj Posts: 150 Member
    I tend to eat lowerish on the carb ladder but before my matches or intense tennis training drills I have steel cut oats and add in a nut butter. I always take a banana or grapes in with with me because I always seem to go to a third set. The quick sugar seems to help!
  • goldthistime
    goldthistime Posts: 3,214 Member
    I keep a Clif Gel pack or two in my tennis bag so I don't have to load up on carbs ahead of time as a "just in case". It's hard to know when it will be a lopsided quickie or a marathon match.