What am I doing wrong?

Last week I started low carbing again but chose to eat a higher carb count then the induction because I don't like how I feel at 20 carbs a day. First week my calories were around 1600 and my carbs were around 60. I lost 7 lbs. I also started walking/ jogging 30 mins a day and I do Chris Powells 9 minute mission almost every day, and im doing an ab and squat challenge like 6 days a week. This past Sunday was rest day so no exercise but I kept eating the same. On Monday, I had gained a pound. So since monday I have decreased my calorie intake to around 1200 a day...still keeping the carb intake about that same. Im still 0.6 lbs heavier then my lowest weight. Am I eating too few calories? I know my sodium intake is though the roof but it was last week too. I hate vegetables so I have a really hard time eating them (the low carb ones anyways).

I would like everyone's opinion on what I should be doing or not doing.

Please and thank you!


  • Hawaiian_Shirt_Day
    Exercise tends to cause water retention, especially when you're first starting off. I'd say stick with a specific calorie number for at least a month or two and be consistent with both your diet and your exercise before deciding on whether to increase or decrease your calories. And yes, the sodium probably isn't helping much.
  • huntindawg1962
    huntindawg1962 Posts: 277 Member
    Dont fret about how the scale will bobble on any given day for sure. Remember, you would need to over-consume your daily burn by 3500 calories to actually "add" a pound of anything you would be concerned about. Lots of factors will influence this over a week of time. Keep going!
  • PicNic00
    PicNic00 Posts: 269 Member
    Adding exercise will do that...... Just stick with it for a couple weeks. You will lose weight!!! Fellow Low Carber here!
  • JanetLynnJudy
    JanetLynnJudy Posts: 173 Member
    Even when you stay on plan and exercise daily, you will go up and down. It may even be up as much as 5 pounds or last 3+ weeks before you drop below your recent lowest weight again. I notice that when my muscles are sore from weightlifting or exercise I tend to hold on to weight, but the exercise pays more off in the long run so don't worry too much about the temporary ups and downs from it.