whole 30 day 6 and TIRED!!!

degan2011 Posts: 316 Member
is this a side effect of whole30? I have been tired for the last 2 days. trouble concentrating, etc. My diary is open if you want to see what I have had to eat the last week. Is there somewhere where it says what to expect physiologically after starting??



  • justaspoonfulofsugar
    Completely normal and it can sometimes take up to 2 weeks to stop that feeling.It depends on what your diet was like prior to doing the whole 30.
    Just went in to look at your diary and your calories seem really low as well.
    One of the things about the whole 30 is to not log your food,listen to your body and it's actual hunger cues.
    Are you working out as well?
  • degan2011
    degan2011 Posts: 316 Member
    I only log to be able to go back and see what I am eating and also for others to help me when the time comes. I haven't been counting the calories but I am trying to keep my macros at a good ratio. I think my calories have been increasing since starting (will have to double check that)?

    directly before starting I had completely gone of the plantation and was eating everything and anything that tickled my sweet tooth. that was for about 2 weeks... before that I had basically been increasing my junk food for over a month... Thanks to my sister, (she and I are doing whole30 together) we are both back on track so far. She is having the same tired problem.

    I am not working out yet, I used to run quite a bit since January, but haven't run now in about 3 weeks? and sporadically for that some month or so before that (diet and exercise fell of about the same time, when school started!)
  • ShannonKirton
    ShannonKirton Posts: 304 Member
    directly before starting I had completely gone of the plantation and was eating everything and anything that tickled my sweet tooth. that was for about 2 weeks... before that I had basically been increasing my junk food for over a month... Thanks to my sister, (she and I are doing whole30 together) we are both back on track so far. She is having the same tired problem.

    ^^^This is why. I had that problem when I returned from vacation. It's all the junk leaving your body. Be strong and push through it and you will be thankful you did. I'm on day 5 now of my Whole30 and doing pretty well so far, but I did manage to tidy up my eating before attempting this, so I'm hoping that it won't be quite as bad for me. Good luck and keep pushing!
  • justaspoonfulofsugar
    As Shannon said,preserver,it's totally worth it in the end and you will feel great once the detox is over.
    I have done 2 whole 30's(the last one lasted for 6 weeks).I felt amazing.
  • JeffinRaleigh
    Not sure how much you like veggies overall, but it seems like your carb intake skews a bit toward the sweeter side - maybe adding a bit more bulk to your diet in the form of salads and other more non-starchy veggies might help? (Still eat the sweet potatoes, just make adding bulk a priority.)

    And ditto what justaspoonful said about being really tuned in to the signals your body sends rather than logging or trying to hit macros.

    Good luck and hang in there! You got this!
  • nickymaire
    nickymaire Posts: 138 Member
    The first whole 30 I did in feb this year was for me horrible. The whole time I had no energy I stopped working out and basically sat on the couch for a month. No matter what I did or ate I was just so tired. I have no idea why either. It maybe the sugar/nightshades... on my last whole 30 I ate a lot of fruit, tomatoes, peppers and sweet potatoes and other carby veggies . But this whole 30 I'm on day 9 and I feel great, but I'm eating very little fruit, nightshades and about half the amount of kumara (sweet potato) and carby veggies . Only reason for the change is I try to eat seasonally.
  • degan2011
    degan2011 Posts: 316 Member
    I signed up for an organic fruit and veggie weekly delivery of local foods. but I try to eat at least 6 cups of veggies per day, and have had sweet potatoes only 1 time so far i think? in the 6 days?

    my veggie mix consists of cabbage, carrots, onion, zucchini (or bell peppers), and celery.

    But I do tend to eat fruit every day. keeps me from eating the chocolate chip muffins that seem to infest my work environment.:sad: Also, I ended up NOT eating the sweet potato for lunch as was planned (so just removed that), my food was enough for me, and only 3 of the strawberries. Sweet potatoes are staying in my tupperware "emergency food" at work because sometimes I forget to grab my lunch:blushing: and I need food other than carls jr :noway: to fall back on. I just baked a butternut squash, so will have some for dinner probably.
  • hopetc
    hopetc Posts: 11 Member
    Totally normal, I've heard it called the 'carb flu'. I did the whole 30 last year and felt super sluggish for several days starting a few days in...but keep going and you get past it and feel AMAZING. I really noticed the evened out energy levels throughout the day instead of the highs/lows from sugar. ....then I went back to my old ways, knew I felt miserable but loved sugar more apparently and this month have started paleo again (not full whole30).
  • vicksterious
    vicksterious Posts: 8 Member
    To the original poster, this site from the Whole30 folks has a detailed timeline of what to expect when as you progress. http://www.whole9life.com/2013/08/revised-timeline/
  • degan2011
    degan2011 Posts: 316 Member
    Thank you! :)
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    Bad news. The only way to slay sugar cravings is to starve them. That includes limiting fruit until you aren't fighting sweet cravings. Speaking from much experience with BED, cravings, incessant hunger, etc.

    PS. I'm on day 3 of my second Whole30. My lifestyle is a ketogenic version of Paleo. High fat is the only way for me. Even though I have improved my health a lot, as soon as my carbs creep up I start craving and feeling hungry when I shouldn't.