November 10, 2013

FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member


  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    Hello everyone!

    I was so in love with today's quote when I posted it........but then this morning I woke up just as sick as yesterday morning :sick: , so I dunno.

    Well, my diet has been pretty bad lately and maybe my body is trying to send me a message with this illness. I'm going to see what I can do about cleaning up my diet this week. Meanwhile, my son is feeling better and I'm hoping my daughter is too (at least there'll be less clean-up for me to do).

    So, still no run this weekend and that really stinks (the weather has been gorgeous). Coincidentally, today is the Athens Classic Marathon. They start in Marathonos and run very near to the exact path of the original messenger in the Battle of Marathon, into Athens, ending in the first stadium of the Modern Olympic Games (1896). I feel excitement for those running it, in the footsteps of the original marathon, but at the same time......I've seen the road and there are some looooong sustained hills.:noway:

    Have a great day everyone!
  • maureli
    maureli Posts: 722 Member
    Good Morning!

    Missed posting yesterday, oh well. Had a good run on the TM, started slow but ended my run doing my regular speed of 6.0 and leg felt ok! Very happy very happy. Did a lot of stretching afterwards. Tonight I will go to my strength/cardio class.

    Sherry - very cool about the marathon! My dh has done a lot of marathons, I've done 2 half-marathons. It would be cool to be there to watch that one. Hope that you are better soon, my gosh it has been hanging on! My youngest - Ryan came home with a throat infection. First time he has had anything like this since he was just a wee boy. lol

    Hope everyone's having a good weekend, great workouts and restful restdays!
  • SD67
    SD67 Posts: 31 Member
    @FromHereOnOut It sucks not feeling well and I hope this is short lived. Hopefully this will be your one and only case of it for a very long time and you can get back to your workouts very soon.

    As for me, Sundays are always my rest days so I will be resting my leg and hoping it is feeling better tomorrow.
  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    Maureen, glad to hear that your getting back to top speed again. That is a very good sign for you.

    Dale, have you done some stretches for your calf? At this point (rest day) you'd have to at least warm-up first, but it'd be worth it, to stretch the calf out. Some people use foam rollers, but I never have. I've found that gently stretching warm muscles feels great. Also, try to remember if you wore different shoes (or if maybe it's time to replace the shoes you are using). Usually when I have new aches, if I think back, I usually remember that I wore a certain pair of shoes for a long walk, when I shouldn't have, or some similar explanation (i.e. maybe sat with my leg under me one day when helping my son with homework, or like now I'm currently recovering from heel pain, from wearing a certain pair of boots a little too often walking around the city.) Hope it clears up for you soon.

    Well, this time yesterday I was feeling totally better, but still woke up sick again. Today, I'm feeling much better now and am just hoping that I'll still feel this way in the morning. If I'm still sick in the morning, I can't even imagine leaving home to pick my son up from school. I suspect this came home with my son from school. There's been a lot going around this year. Anyway, I have done some pull-up practice these past two days and will keep that up (I've got a long way to go to my goal of 8 pullups).

    Read y'all later!
  • jjscholar
    jjscholar Posts: 413 Member
    I felt kind of bad that I had a short workout yesterday. I was able to do 32 minutes on the electronic stationary bike, and 40 effective minutes of Zumba. I list my Zumba time as Dancing, aerobic, ballet or modern, twist because the Zumba listing uses a calorie burn formula that overestimates my calorie burn.

    I felt very tired on Saturday morning. I had been able to walk to and from my Monday and Wednesday night classes... I had also worked 40 hours at my job which requires me to walk at least two miles a day. In addition, I had done a 5k walk/run this past Thursday and I had gone to a Zumba class after the walk/run...

    I wish that I would never have to sleep or eat again... While I have been able to keep my weight at between 175-180lbs, I wish that I could weigh 134 lbs or less so I could have a BMI of 18.5 or less. My current BMI is 24 because I am 6ft tall and I am 47 years of age... I feel fat...
  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    Joe, your BMI sounds pretty good. Maybe you want to look into body fat percentage (instead of BMI). Even at a good BMI, people can have a high body fat percentage and "feel fat". As far as I know, the best practical way to address that issue is to add strength training with weights to your workouts. When you do that, you build muscle and therefore start to lower the body fat percentage. (Remember, when talking about a ratio or percentage, there are two parts that can be affected. In this case, you can reduce fat and/or you can increase lean mass. Lifting weights will help the part of the ratio that is lean mass and your regular calorie deficit will decrease the fat. Win-Win!) Well, you're doing great and I hope you'll not be too down on yourself. It's a life-long commitment and there's lots to learn along the way. Maybe now is your time to learn about strength training and muscle-building. Best of wishes to you. :smile:
  • agingwithfitness
    agingwithfitness Posts: 1,404 Member
    Hi, Sherri I love the saying and today can be a new day for you, if not physically then mentally. I think you have had a tough week.

    I have noticed this past year my immune system is very much affected by my stress levels. Give yourself some love for the next few days and heal mentally and you will heal physically.

    I had a good day yesterday after my bad day Friday. Today is a special melt training at my gym in nia, it's tiny exercises for hands and feet then a extra Sunday nia class. That's from 3-5pm today, looking forward to it.

    Right now watching football with husband.
  • timothydriver
    timothydriver Posts: 147 Member
    Hello everyone! Sorry I'm just now posting today...Today is another day off totality unplanned oh well I got to bed late due to a phone call that called me into work this morning for an hour and a half. So I was a bit tired once I finally feel asleep and slept for a while then talked to my wife for a bit then back to sleep so my whole morning/afternoon got shot. But tomorrow is a new day I plan on running and working out after I get off this morning hopefully no later than 0430. Glad to see everyone is doing well!

    @FromHereOnOut- I hope you get to feeling better soon glad your son is coming out of it now...I had no idea you were on this side of the world in Grease! That's awesome that marathon sounds exciting! Hope you can do it here in the near future.
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Sherry sorry to hear you're not feeling any better today. The cold I got last week is the first time I've really been sick since I've been working out in earnest, and it happened to fall just after I hadn't been eating very well. Your comments make me wonder if that wasn't a coincidence. The past several days I've done a much better job of getting on track with my eating so hopefully that boost my immunity back up again. I traveled earlier this month and drank Emergen-C like it was water. Kept me from getting sick on the trip, only to get sick a week later.

    Joe it sounds like you're a really good weight for your height. I'm 10 inches shorter than you are and my goal weight is roughly 135, so that sounds really unhealthy for someone at 6' tall. If your body is tired that might be telling you it's time to take a rest day. At least I know I've over-trained when I get that deep muscle fatigue.

    I went for a 30 minute walk/trail hike this morning before church. Heading out to the gym in a bit to get in workout #2. My trainer's strategy to keep me busy this weekend (and thus not snacking) seems to be working well. I won't lie I'm a little intimidated by the workout I have coming up. Combination of strength & cardio. My trainer has thrown in a couple new things, and has bumped up the number of intervals he wants me to do on Jacob's Ladder. Jacob's Ladder kicks my rear so it will be interesting. He's got me moving all over, and this is the hardest "homework" he's given me so far, so it's definitely a good one to strap on my HRM because there would be no way to estimate calorie burn.

    Hi to everyone else!
  • mlerand62
    mlerand62 Posts: 85 Member
    Sorry I haven't been on here for a while. I was neither healthy or happy last week.

    Went to the city this weekend to do most of my Christmas Shopping. I got lots of mall walking done. I was also able to swim for 30 minutes both yesterday and today. Pool opened at 6 a.m. and I got it all to myself. Wish I could start every day like that.

    Wishing all of you a healthy, happy, productive week. I hope I am finally back on track.
  • jenmck5
    jenmck5 Posts: 126 Member
    November 8 - 1 hour brown and black belt Tae Kwon Do class. Good workout. I can really tell I am getting in better shape.

    November 9 - 42 minute medicine ball workout on the Daily Burn

    November 10 - a 1.7 mile walk with husband outside nice night.

    Should have worked out on Sunday but still under my calories so all is good.
  • SD67
    SD67 Posts: 31 Member
    Thanks for the tip! I will definitely have to stretch a lot more and yes, I need to get a new pair of shoes sometime between now and Christmas. On Sunday nature kicked in and turned my rest day into a snow day. Shoveled for about 45 minutes, twice at my house including my neighbors driveway and once at my church just before meetings ended.