Weekly check in - 11/06/13 - 7 weeks 'til Christmas

Come on everyone, time to report!!!

1. Current weight (optional)
2. Weight lost since last week
3. NSV for the week
4. Goals for next week
5. Weight to go til Christmas


  • maguariento
    maguariento Posts: 72 Member
    And of course, I'll start... even though it's not the best report :ohwell:

    1. Current weight: 137.2
    2. Weight lost since last week: Zero, sadly
    3. NSV for the week: Jogged my first 3 miles without stopping to walk... thank you, Couch to 5k!!! Took 30 minutes, so about a 10 minute mile... woo hoo!
    4. Goals for next week: Well, this is getting to be a bit like Groundhog Day, but LIFT WEIGHTS, dag nabbit!!! I need to get some muskles on meh! Oh, and it would be nice to of course see the scale drop a bit... it's been awhile now.
    5. Weight to go: Only 2.2 lbs. Sooooo close!!!! Need to hunker down and get 'er done!

    Good luck everyone! And remember, even if it's not the best report, please report!!! We need to stick together. If you slipped this week (as did I), it's okay - we've got the rest of our lives ahead of us. Let's do this!!
  • w2bab
    w2bab Posts: 353 Member
    1. Current weight (optional) 182
    2. Weight lost since last week 0
    3. NSV for the week: I've been stuck on this plateau for 6 weeks now, and the other day I realized that I'm stressing about being stuck in the 180s, but i started in the 280s, and I was almost 270 just 10 months ago! Also, 2 people sent me friend requests this week because I am their "inspiration".
    4. Goals for next week 2 lbs
    5. Weight to go til Christmas: 22, which I'm sure I won't make, but I'll get there eventually!
  • maguariento
    maguariento Posts: 72 Member
    Awesome job, w2bab!!!! Sometimes it's best to look at the big picture. Looking back at where we started can be mind boggling, especially when it's a loss as impressive as yours! And even if we haven't come far, just knowing we started making a change, or even just started thinking about changing is a big leap. We talk about all these small steps, but actually they are really all BIG steps, because of the difference they make in us.

    And it's also so important to look at the big picture yet to come. Our Christmas goals are really just another mini-step to where we are going, and where we will be for the rest of our lives. And that is going to be a much brighter, happier place!
  • Me2FitMe
    Me2FitMe Posts: 1,285 Member
    1. Current: 160.2
    2. Loss: 0 lb
    3. NSV: ran my first 3 miles on the treadmill
    4. Goal: Focus on food... the rest will follow
    5. 20.2 lbs to go by Christmas-- ugh!
  • 1. CW: 219

    2. Loss: Zero pounds

    3. NSV: maintaining my current weight loss

    4. Goal: Get back to the gym. Life has been super busy with kids, church activities, and school functions the gym has been pushed to the side the past two weeks. I am gonna try eating less carbs to see if I can get the scale moving again.

    5. Weight to go by Christmas: 21 Pounds!!!
  • TanyaAJ
    TanyaAJ Posts: 30 Member
    It looks like a ZERO week for me too!

    1. Current weight 170.0 lbs
    2. weight lost since last week ZERO lbs
    3. Other accomplishment or NSV: just to get through this busy week was an accomplishment!
    4. Goals for next week: TIME MANAGEMENT! how can I squeeze more into waking hours???
    5. weight to go by Christmas 5 lbs

    Hang in there everyone, we have to get this weight mowing by next week!
  • Ravenous4Captain
    Ravenous4Captain Posts: 144 Member
    1. 277.2
    2. Since I have not posted my stats in a while, my apologies, I will go with 3 lbs.
    3. I have been able to zip up one of my boots without holding the ends together :-)
    4. Fit into size 20 jeans
    5. 12 lbs.
  • tristaj90
    tristaj90 Posts: 330 Member
    Hi. I just joined because it's an open group and I have some weight I want to lose and I want to be held accountable. :)
    1. Current weight 141.8
    2. Weight lost since last week Maintained
    3. NSV for the week Got myself eating a few hundred less calories after eating around 2000 a day for the last few months.
    4. Goals for next week Work out daily, continue to stick to 1200-1400 calories.
    5. Weight to go til Christmas 10 pounds before Christmas would be nice!
  • maguariento
    maguariento Posts: 72 Member
    Welcome to the group!!
  • kimharrison22
    kimharrison22 Posts: 32 Member
    1. Current weight: 119 lbs
    2. Weight lost since last week: 1 lb
    3. NSV for the week: Staying out of the kids' Halloween candy!
    4. Goals for next week: Cut back on the wine....
    5. Weight to go til Christmas: 4 lbs.
  • USMCnetty90
    USMCnetty90 Posts: 277 Member
    I HAVE BEEN ABSENT - not sure if its been one week or two…
    i have gained 1.5 lbs but lost 1.5 inches since my last measurements were done in September.
    Last week I ran a 15k!!! in one hour and thirty six min - will do better next year - but it was a ton of fun.
    Am stepping up my protein and getting my mindset back on track - am hoping to log some lbs lost.
    my NSV for this week - ran 4 miles in 28 degree weather! running in the cold is one of my biggest hurdles…