I think my BMF overestimates my burn

Well, after about 8 months of collecting data, I have finally come to the conclusion that my Bodymedia Fit must be OVERestimating my TDEE by about 12.5%.

Well, no wonder I've only lost 2 lbs since I got the darn thing! Now, to take this knowledge and move forward with it. I made a spreadsheet to account for this to get a better estimate of my TDEE. I <3 data.

Anybody else run into something like this?


  • Becky388
    Becky388 Posts: 157 Member
    Yep, mine overestimates too. With the deficit I carry, I should be losing at least a pound a week, but I usually hold steady unless I carry a much larger deficit. Been that way for 2 years. Trying a fitbit flex now to see what it says.
  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    Yes. Mine overestimates by somewhere between 12 and 15%. I maintained for 3 months eating at a 500 cal deficit. I've only got a couple months of data after I dropped another 300-400 cal. I'm losing again, but because of my inconsistencies and normal weight fluctuations, I'm not sure how off it is. It's between 12 and 15% though. Another month or two and I'll have enough of a sample to say for sure.
  • jmcreynolds91
    jmcreynolds91 Posts: 777 Member
    I know that if I hold 500 cal deficits I don't loose a pound a week. Usually I have to have much larger deficits like around 800-1000 cals to see any change on the scale. But I love to see the data and it has been working or me as I have lost about 10 pounds since getting it.
  • ThriceBlessed
    ThriceBlessed Posts: 499 Member
    Mine seems pretty accurate, though perhaps slightly over. I usually lose close to what it says I should, but not always right away, I lose in spurts. So I might be getting a 1000 calorie deficit for a month without losing anything, and then suddenly drop 5 pounds a week for 2 weeks in a row.

    I should probably look at long term data and try to get a better picture of it.
  • ThriceBlessed
    ThriceBlessed Posts: 499 Member
    I have data records showing my average deficit per week since I started wearing the BMF, I don't have time right this minute, but everyone's comments are making me curious and I want to compare what "I should have lost" to what I actually lost and try to get a better picture of accuracy, after all, if it shows that it is 12%-15% off, it is still pretty accurate compared to MFP's estimates, but I'd still rather know and try to adjust my deficit goals accordingly. Like if it is overestimating by 15% I could calculate that in and instead of aiming for a deficit of 1000 I could aim for a reported deficit of 1,150. I'll do some calculating later and come back to this thread.
  • ThriceBlessed
    ThriceBlessed Posts: 499 Member
    Okay, based on my calculations, the reported deficits from my Bodymedia arm band should have resulted in a loss of 43.43 pounds over the last 16 weeks, in reality it has resulted in a 39.9 pound loss. So its pretty close for me, not 100% accurate, but pretty close.
  • vicksterious
    vicksterious Posts: 8 Member
    Mines pretty consistent but overestimates as well. I have a 1000+ cal deficit every day and maintain pretty consistently
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    Mine overestimated about 200 Cals a day compared to the Fitbit.
  • SJCon
    SJCon Posts: 224
    Trying a fitbit flex now to see what it says.

    If going to a Fitbit / activity tracker than keep in mind they are two VERY different animals. With an activity tracker your estimated calories are spread over the entire day, so unlike BM you will burn the same calories on an activity tracker sleeping as you will standing still in front of the refrigerator, An activity tracker calculates calories burn from an external input like steps so that can enter a lot of inconsistency into the picture. My Fitbit ultra did not count steps on an elliptical unless I put it in my sock BM does not capture them all either. A "Flex" or wrist style would do better as my "Loop" captures them pretty well and I like it better as an activity measure but aI still use my BM as it appears more accurate for me and my lack of fitness level. I can have a heart rate in the "Moderate" range just walking slowly after dinner. I have to exercise in the morning to keep it in the "Fat Burn' range. I think you can just move your goal slider in preferences to compensate for in accuracy but I am not at that point yet so I just move it to match my MFP goal and that works great. If I was on maintenance it may be a different story.
    I think you will get different numbers but I don't think you will get more accurate ones. My Ultra gave me stairs credit when I moved around in and elevator. and since I keep my hands in my pockets a lot my Loop (wrist type) is off on steps, LOL. Nice thing about the Loop is It will convert my HR with a chest strap into activity credit which I like but my BM is the standard.
  • ThriceBlessed
    ThriceBlessed Posts: 499 Member
    Its too bad everyone is having issues. Mine is accurate well within the parameters that bodymedia said it would be. My TDEE is being overestimated by around 3.5 %, but that results in my deficit being overestimated by about 10%.

    I blogged about it here: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/ThriceBlessed/view/week-17-update-592151

    I am compensating by adding 10% to my target deficit, deciding to make that adjustment now rather than waiting until I stop losing.

    I know that nothing is perfect, MFP also overestimates burn for various activities, heart monitors aren't perfect, and neither are pedometers, so I will stick with bodymedia and simply make adjustments to account for discrepancies.

    Also, not everyone's body is the same. Certain hormonal conditions can cause you to lose less. Differences in metabolism can cause the same activity on one person to burn more than another. Medications can cause weight gain/loss. So I figure that no matter what I use, I'll have to make adjustments to suit what is happening with my body vs. what I want to happen with it. So I don't think I'll spend more money on another device right now, I'll just stick with the one I have.
  • bkw99508
    bkw99508 Posts: 204 Member
    I actually track my weight everyday and keep a graph that shows:

    1. Estimated weight loss based on deficit
    2. Actual weight loss

    I am actually losing more than what I SHOULD be losing based on my daily deficit. I'm ahead 5.3 lbs from Sep 1 - Oct 31.
  • Becky388
    Becky388 Posts: 157 Member
    Trying a fitbit flex now to see what it says.

    If going to a Fitbit / activity tracker than keep in mind they are two VERY different animals.

    I do realize they are different but thank you. I used BM for the last 2 years and prior to a surgery I had used it at least a year before with the same very little results. Although sometimes I wasn't as dedicated as I should have been so thought I was under estimating my calorie intake. I tracked 16 weeks extremely close, according to BM I had a deficit that should have equaled over 26 pounds of loss, in reality I lost 8.6. FitBit Flex is showing almost the same steps but not quite as much vigorous activity (it's hard to get it to show that kind of activity where I didn't have much trouble with BM showing it) and is running 300-400 calories burned a day less than BM. It's worth a shot, at least I don't have to pay a monthly fee and no more issues with the metal making my arm randomly irritated/itchy.
  • OMGeeeHorses
    OMGeeeHorses Posts: 732 Member
    I know mine is pretty accurate :). My TDEE is over by about 300 from what I have found doing my own calculations with bodymedia . So I need to be over 1,000 deficit by that much to see it really start to move. But my ticker amount was all from my body media. So I know it is correct for my body anyways as its pretty close in food amounts that MFP is showing.
  • themadhatter31
    I guess I will have to figure out if my BM is off and recalculate based on that because I LOVE it. Thanks for the info everyone.
  • tigerblue
    tigerblue Posts: 1,526 Member
    You can adjust your height in the profile, and this will bring your burn down. I had to really lower my height (by oveer a foot) in order for it to reflect what was going on in my body. Evidently I have the metabolism of a midget!

    There is a post about this in the "In Place of a Roadmap" group.
  • kelleybean1
    kelleybean1 Posts: 312 Member
    You can adjust your height in the profile, and this will bring your burn down. I had to really lower my height (by oveer a foot) in order for it to reflect what was going on in my body. Evidently I have the metabolism of a midget!

    There is a post about this in the "In Place of a Roadmap" group.

    Okay, I just shrunk an inch, we'll see if that gets my burn down to where it ought to be!
  • tigerblue
    tigerblue Posts: 1,526 Member
    You can adjust your height in the profile, and this will bring your burn down. I had to really lower my height (by oveer a foot) in order for it to reflect what was going on in my body. Evidently I have the metabolism of a midget!

    There is a post about this in the "In Place of a Roadmap" group.

    Okay, I just shrunk an inch, we'll see if that gets my burn down to where it ought to be!

    It took shrinking several inches before I saw a difference. Then I had to go up a bit.
    AHASRADA Posts: 88 Member
    I have been using a Fitbit Zip for the past 5 weeks. By wearing a HRM during workouts and overriding Fitbit's calories for that time period and replacing them with those from the HRM, my estimated calories burned vs. actual weight loss were accurate to within 50 calories per day! That tells me that, while the Fitbit isn't that accurate at measuring exercise activity, it is very effective at measuring my activity throughout the rest of the day. Since buying the Zip, I have added 45 minutes of walking to my daily routine in addition to my workouts to get my step count, and that has really helped my progress.

    All that said, I just ordered a BMF, because I have always wanted one and decided it might do a better and more accurate job of helping me lose these last 15 pounds. Every calorie counts in the homestretch! It is also a pain to set up the HRM, record starting time and length of workout in order to override the Fitbit calories, etc. I want to just strap on the BMF and leave it on all day and not have to think about it. I also know I must be burning calories doing dishes and cooking dinner, even though I'm not getting any "steps", and want to be able to quantify that.

    My plan is to wear all 3 devices (HRM, Fitbit and BMF) for at least a week or two, maybe even a month, to compare data and try to find the most accurate TDEE, and then stick with just the BMF for the long haul once it has been adjusted. If at some point I stop losing and have trouble in the maintenance phase, I can always go back to the combo to find where the inaccuracies lie.
  • brittney1211
    brittney1211 Posts: 20 Member
    This post made me feel so much better!! I used BFM for about 3 months and got fed up when I was following the Calories in and out religiously, and I was supposed to lose 2 lbs per week and didn't lose a darn thing! I will play around with the 12-15% overestimate that most people were saying the BFM was off by. We'll see how that goes.
  • kelleybean1
    kelleybean1 Posts: 312 Member
    Okay, just shrunk another 4" to make it a full 5" off height. Seems kinda weird putting my height in a 5'!!