Slip Ups



  • SheGlistensasSheSings
    Hi everyone thanks for sharing!!

    I binged after the clock struck midnight and hope I can be forgiven but am uncertain if I've messed up at our goal completely?

    It happens for me when I have racing anxiety especially at night if its blocking sleep. It happens for me if I eat sugar(even too much fruit cause I have super sever reactive hypoglycemia and sugar biologically causes anxiety rush) but I have a massive sweet tooth!!

    I'm ashamed of what I ate that I did at all I probably needed more protein and had been off kilter over sugared since tried a piece of Halloween candy early afternoon. Yikes I'm upset with myself!! How do you advise I proceed? Thank you soooo much.
    Yesterday I was just having a piety party crying craving sugar but I'm better now
  • Heavybetty
    Heavybetty Posts: 38 Member
    Lets just say that yesterday was a BAD day. It is gonna be hard with all the holidays. I need to learn how to control myself with all these temptations that will be coming up the next couple months or I will never make this new lifestyle work in the future......TODAY IS A NEW DAY
  • thenewmoni
    thenewmoni Posts: 30 Member
    I binged pretty bad at a halloween party last night. I'm not talking about one cookie binge either. I ate about 5 slices of veggie pizza, 3 cupcakes, 8 or 9 cookies, and full size twix bar. It could of been worse but thankfully i have been good since sunday so i'm just trying to adjust my marcos so my weekly average is still 1700..
  • JustMeee333
    First day and I slipped up, majorly.

    I overate by alot of calories lastnight, I think mainly because it was on my mind ALL day that I couldn't. Undereating a little today to try to claw back some of the calories, but underlying it's still in me to get to my goal. I really, really, want to do it so I know I will.
  • HollisGrant
    HollisGrant Posts: 2,022 Member
    I decided I wasn't going to eat any more sweets... then I took in my neighbor's newspaper and mail and had a large handful of candy corns from a dish in her living room.... but I stopped at one handful.
  • Nix_Way
    Nix_Way Posts: 201 Member
    Ok.. confession time.....

    Last night I was really craving some munchies. (dang TOM gets me everytime!) I took a shower and grabbed some radishes and posted in the Check In that I was NOT gonna go downstairs and open that fridge and give in to my cravings.

    I'm ashamed to say....:blushing: .... I totally gave in. I ate some crackers and cheese, a hard boiled egg, 2 laughing cow cheese wedges, some Milky Way snack sized bars, milk, and some Cheezits..... Ugh....

    Totally had a food hangover today. I did ok today tho, so I guess thats good. I'm so glad we don't get kicked out of the group if we mess up!!

    So I binged on the second day of No BInge November. There... I said it!!
    Now lets hope the rest of the month goes better. :blushing:
  • MsMischief
    MsMischief Posts: 32 Member
    I slipped up yesterday. I went over by quite a lot, but not from singular binging, but constant grazing. I did just not feel full at all that day. I blame the stress of two pretty important tests back-to-back, and I had take-away, chocolate, crisps, alcohol, brownies and ice cream.
  • ploppersdf1
    ploppersdf1 Posts: 89 Member
    I slipped up... TOM is a jerk... Colds are jerks. Add them together and it's a night mare....
  • 10manda86
    10manda86 Posts: 229 Member
    Haven't been able to make it to the gym this week... been eating ok not the best, scales climbing so making me sad... also because no gym time I am really missing those extra cals I can eat it helps me feel more satisfied, hope to make it to the gym on Friday afternoon! As far as binging goes I have been mostly in control... but I know to be honest I have been eating too much
  • MsMischief
    MsMischief Posts: 32 Member
    Yesterday was bonfire night, I skipped my fitness class to watch fireworks with my SO, and when that was finished we were very lazy indeed and ordered pizza for the film.

    No more eating out in November. That's final.
  • purplepopsicles
    Slipped up really badly today -- I fail at NBN
    BUT I have a plan and hopefully weight loss will not be my next new years resolution!
  • Dancing_Laeti
    Dancing_Laeti Posts: 752 Member
    So, I've binged today and the day isn't over yet...
    I've organised a seminar here at work which included a buffet lunch. I know our chef, he always cooks too much, meaning I didn't bring anything in for my lunch as there would be some. I had 2 plates full. Well, the first plate was full, the second only half. He makes the most amazing mirin salmon and avocado ceasar salad and there was some carrot salad and there was the most amazing wafer thin bread and thai green curry chicken and some new potatoes. And I have dessert waiting for me... A raspberry mascarpone mousse and a tiny chocolate tartelette which apparently accounts for 350cal on its own!!!
    So I guess my lunch alone is 1500 cal probably.
    Oh, and I'm going out for one drink with my colleagues tonight as well.
    Back on the waggon tomorrow and I WILL cycle into work, no excuses, it has to be done!
  • whitelung18
    So I knew it was coming. My TOM has made me a bottomless pit and I've grossly overeaten yesterday... and then woke up at 3am to do it all over again! My stomach looks like a bloated caricature! I'm pregnant with like 3 food babies.
  • sandeerah
    Hi, My name is Sandra and I have binged. :grumble:

    Sunday was the day. The day after junk (pizza) was on the menu for dinner Saturday night and beer was the beverage of choice. It was all downhill from then on.

    Today is Monday and I have big cravings for carbs... those days after the binge are hard, you just want to keep going and going. But I can do it. Keep myself busy and I will make it, tomorrow will be even easier.

  • sandeerah
    So I knew it was coming. My TOM has made me a bottomless pit and I've grossly overeaten yesterday... and then woke up at 3am to do it all over again! My stomach looks like a bloated caricature! I'm pregnant with like 3 food babies.

    Oh yup, I get the binge pregnant belly too.
  • Dancing_Laeti
    Dancing_Laeti Posts: 752 Member
    This weekend was horrendous. I mean, it was a great weekend activity wise (2 choir concerts + swim lesson!) but foodwise, OMG. On Saturday, between rehearsals and the concert, I ate a full bag of pretzels (150g) and, because they are a bit dry after a while, I started dunking them in butter. After the concert I had 4 toasts with butter. :noway: What is it with butter and me?!?!
    And then yesterday, after I promised myself I would be good and I went to the gym and I had my swim lesson and was in the pool for almost 1 hour, I went home and had Indian take away: Lamb Jalfrezi, Brinjal Bhaji, garlic naan and 2 (yes, 2!) poppadoms. I mean, seriously?!?! And after that, since, you know, I was over my calorie goal anyway, I gobbled up half a sharing pack of M&Ms...
    I feel disgusting today. I still feel ridiculously full and actually quite gross. I'll hit the gym tonight for some Zumba and some more swimming, that should take care of it, hopefully!
    Onwards and downwards! :wink:
  • sandeerah
    Pffft, :angry: complete slip up for me last night.
    I did so well during the day to fight against the cravings that I had after my binge on Sunday. But I caved after dinner and ate a whole packet of biscuits. :sad:
    Going ok so far today.

    heavydancer, make sure you drink heaps of water today. I think a reason why I had cravings after dinner was because I hadn't drunk nearly enough water during the day. Also I feel it helps get rid of the belly I usually get too.
  • whitelung18
    I went home and had Indian take away: Lamb Jalfrezi, Brinjal Bhaji, garlic naan and 2 (yes, 2!) poppadoms. I mean, seriously?!?!
    This. I quite literally think about indian food every day and what you said you ate would be NOTHING to me, unfortunately. I mean, I'm like a 5-6 plater at the indian buffet. It's like a personal challenge.
  • VanillaBeanSeed
    VanillaBeanSeed Posts: 562 Member
    Sounds like people are slipping!

    We are almost halfway through people. You can still take back the month!

    Lets start a count of binges.

    This way if you HAVE binged, at least you can compare it to your good days and still feel proud! =)

    Me 0/13 binges