DJ478 Posts: 909 Member
So today is my rest day week one officially completed I must say I'm proud I had lost 5 lbs since I started gained 2 back my eating wasn't so clean yesterday had pizza :( my fault but I'm ok this week pushing harder and well looking forward to being back here saying week 2 completed .

How's everyone else doin with insanity?


  • MzChiz
    MzChiz Posts: 70 Member
    Congrats on completing week 1!!!! A few more days and I'll post about my week 1 results! I admire your drive! This is just what i needed!!
  • DJ478
    DJ478 Posts: 909 Member
    Thanks and glad I can help hopefully we get this group going and motivate each other def helps
  • cwilliams2145
    As of today I have completed Week 1 and my first day of week 2. That alone for me is a big accomplishment. I havent got on the scale prior however I have taken before pics but if my mind isnt playing tricks on me i would say i do notice a slight difference in my body. I am looking forward to week 2 completion and becoming more stronger. Keep up the good work Everyone.
  • lng145
    lng145 Posts: 82 Member
    Awesome progress! I am proud to say week one is over and today we start week 2! It went by fast, but it has been tough!!!! I feel very different, but not seeing any immediate changes on the scale. I recorded my measurements over the weekend to monitor them. I am not discourage because this is the same thing that happened before when I did Insanity. I can't wait to see what this second week brings. :)

    I am not following the diet plan of Insanity, just making my own changes. I am proud to say I only ate out ONCE this past week! You have no idea what an accomplishment that is!!! YIPPIE! Keep pushing play and your limits!
  • DJ478
    DJ478 Posts: 909 Member
    Awesome guys glad to hear we are all still here after week 1 lol I found today was a bit better for me ugh pure cardio tmm I believe gl to us all