RE: Introduce Yourself



  • Hey There !!

    Just joined MFP today. I am a 26 year old Canadian female currently living in the UK. Looking to shed 10- 15 lbs by christmas and a bit more afterwards , hoping my slipped disc pain doesn't make a re appearance to kick me off track !

    I love to cook and bake. Baking is my weak point, so if you all can support me in reducing my baked goodies intake and also how to substitute sweet cravings!

    Looking forward to meeting new people here !
  • maujawsurfer
    maujawsurfer Posts: 1 Member
    Hello. My name is Beth. I am new to MFP, I have about 30 lbs left to loose on my weight loss journey. I am hoping to get down to 175 lbs by Christmas while still being able to enjoy the holiday food. I love food, especially the food around this time of year. It is going to be a challenge but we can all do it together! Good luck everyone!
  • Mrs_Halford
    Mrs_Halford Posts: 1 Member
    Hi yall! My name is Brittany, I am 22 years young and a stay at home mommy to a very energetic 2 year old boy. I was skinny pretty much my whole life (until I had him that is) I was 104 lbs (not healthy) pre pregnancy. I gained 30 lbs while I was pregnant and wheniI left the hospital post partum I was 118. Here it is 2 years later and I am 146 lbs(16 lbs more than my heaviest during pregnancy) I am 5'2" and not happy at all when I look in the mirror or at pictures of myself. I just want to gain my confidence back and feel like a sexy 22 year old (with a toddler) again. My ultimate goal weight is 120-125. I'd be happy to lose 10 lbs in the next 5 weeks and this looks like a lovely bunch to do it with and keep me motivated! If anyone wants to add me as a friend I am gladly taking request!
  • BrandiL83
    BrandiL83 Posts: 100 Member
    Hey all :) My name is Brandi. I am a stay at home mom to three girls, ages 7, 4 and 4.5 months. Need some motivation...ok a lot. I have lost almost 75 lbs since May of last year, hoping to get down to my goal weight of 180 in 2014. Feel free to add me and kick me in the butt to stay on track :)
  • LisaMfit4life
    LisaMfit4life Posts: 567 Member
    Hello. Hello! I'm happy to meet all of you and you've come to the right place for support and motivation. Feel free to add me as a friend if you've not done so already. I'm really looking forward to the next 5 weeks and we can do this!! :wink:
  • Hi!! My name is Amy. I am a Canadian newlywed married to an American. These past few years have been interesting for me as I was diagnosed with hashimotos, hypothryoid and PCOS. It has made me very tired, emotional, unable to concentrate or control my weight. I've tried eating clean, I've hired a trained.. nothing. My old specialist had me on so amy meds that I shake my head at it now.. and he told me to eat 500-800 cals!!! I have since switched to a new dr who has me on 1600 and only one natural thryoid pill. During my battle, I gained 60+lbs..(on a 5 foot and a half frame). I don't feel like myself.. nor look like myself.. seriously.. people dont' recognise me. Sometimes, if I do see people I know, I will make a point to try to get out of the way so they won't see me because I'm so embarassed.
    My husband and I just joined MFP. I am hoping that this wlll help me along with the new thryoid med.. so I can feel confident and like myself again.. so I can get regulated and try for a baby.
    This group will help push me along the way. Feel free to msg me to keep you going and you can kick my bum so that I stay on track.
    Looking forward to meeting all of you!! Good luck :)!! :tongue: :blushing: :bigsmile:
  • deh66
    deh66 Posts: 3
    Hi I am Deb. I want to loose at least 10 lbs by Christmas so I can enjoy my vacation to Hawaii. My goal is to loose 35-30 over all but this is a good start.
  • Hello Everybody! I am a 28 year old single mother of 3. I just joined myfitnesspal and I love it. I started Insanity 3 days ago and I hope that it works out for me, I also have a gym membership but barely make it.
    As for chirstmas holidays, I tend to eat everything I bake....EEEEKKKK :/ so this year, I must make a change so I can lose during the holidays and not gain :)

    I hope to make some friends in this group!

    Take care.

  • discoveredamber
    discoveredamber Posts: 379 Member
    Hello my name is Amber. Nice to meet you all. I am just trying to get healthy. I have really let myself go. So I could use all the support anyone can give. I have lost 37 lbs so far with 58 lbs left to go. Would like to lose at least 13 lbs by christmas. So feel free to add me.
  • My name is Christine. I have been a member before but I decided to cancel my account since I wanted to start fresh and I did not want competition but motivation from groups and friends.

    I am a wife and mother of 3 children. I have a grandbaby that is 2 years old that I love dearly. I reside in the East Coast USA.

    I am very realistic with my goals I have gained and lost and gained and lost weight but now that I am turning 50 next year, I feel that my goal is to be healthy and fit. I can't promise forever but I am trying one day at a time.

    Age: 49
    Height: 5'3
    Weight: 168 lbs
    Immediate goal is 155 lbs
    Dream goal is 140

    I am here NOT TO COMPETE, I just want motivation. I am also not here to prove that I am Wonder Woman or Super Girl. I am just me and I have nothing to prove.

  • LisaMfit4life
    LisaMfit4life Posts: 567 Member
    Welcome! I'm happy that you decided to join my group. I don't want competition either. I've not had that issue with any groups I started and completed on MFP. Sorry that you had that issue. We are all here for each other to support, motivate and make each other accountable. If you scroll through the posts you will see a couple of individuals who have followed me over from a challenge I have ending soon. I look forward to getting to know you during the challenge and reading your posts. If there is anything I can do for you just send me a message or post on the boards. Have a nice evening.
  • Hi everyone :)

    I started losing weight a month ago - Seriously let myself go over the past year and now I'm trying to get back to my old shape and fitness level again.

    I'd like to lose 6-7 more pounds by Christmas, basically 1lb per week. I have big problems with losing motivation and quitting, so mostly I'd just like to keep slowly trudging along with this weight loss instead of my usual "all or nothing" attitude.
  • Hi, I am 31 years old, 5,7' almost 5,8' and I am currently weighing in at 189lbs. I have been overweight most of my life with the exception of my early twenties when I lost about 50lbs. I started university at 24 and gained 40lbs within a year, followed by me completely giving up and gaining some more weight slowly. My highest weight was 234.5lbs. I have one small holiday coming up over New Year's, and a month long holiday that spans from mid-January to mid-February. I want to focus on getting fit, and losing as much weight as possible before January 19 (beginning of my holiday). The fitter I am, and the less I weigh the easier it will be for me to engage in activities while I am on vacation.
  • Hi Lisa

    im Myrelle... started about 2 months ago and just didnt find time to track.. back on now and need to lose this excess im carrying.

    I know its just before the holidays but I am going to push and not put on what im working off.

    The Challenge is to get through all the parties I have been tasked to plan and get some exercise inbetween it all..

    I am in South Africa and due to good weather, hopefully I can start walking this week...

    Thanks and lets see how it goes...

    Opps forgot to say.. I currently weigh 89.4kgs, im 1.56m tall and im 33 :-)
  • sarahslim100
    sarahslim100 Posts: 485 Member
    Hi my name is sarah. 5;1.
    Current: 67kg 147lb
    By xmas: 62kg 136lb
    ultimate: 59kg 130lb

    If i work super hard i may reach my goal weight. Planning on exercising 3-5 days per week. Currently 0.
  • LisaMfit4life
    LisaMfit4life Posts: 567 Member
    Welcome! I'm happy that you all have decided to join my challenge and it's very nice to meet you!!! We will all work hard to motivate, support and hold each other accountable through this challenge. I will not be abandoning the group what so ever. If you haven't sent me a friend request yet, feel free to add me. I look forward to getting to know everyone the next few weeks. Have a great day, and if there is anything I can do to help any one let me know.:smile:
  • Hi I'm new first day getting back on track I need support ... My goal is to live a healthy lifestyle
  • Tomorrow = 35days until I got home , then 4 more until Xmas! Hoping to see my family back home healthy and happy!!!!
    Total new account, new life style! Trying 801010!
  • Hi, I'm Millie. I lost 29 lbs in the spring using HCG. And I felt fantastic!!!!!
    I gained some back this summer with some health issues.
    Just returned from a two week trip to visit family (eating and not exercising). Gained some more.
    I LOVE to eat.
    But I also love to feel healthy, so here I am: recommitting myself to healthy food and feeling fit.....
    Thanks for hosting this group! :)
  • jennegan1
    jennegan1 Posts: 677 Member
    Good Morning everyone Im in some other groups about holidays and eating healthier/loosing weight so why not be apart of one more right? The more support the better....had a few bad days this weekend but since Monday night no wine and cutting back on bad eating habits since yesterday {I think Im pmsing} so of course im gonna crave those bad foods but its finally time to concentrate on my body and my health....Currently 185 hoping to get down to at least 180-175 by Christmas but if not and as long as I dont gain weight Ill be happy either way...Any body need any extra support you can send me a friend request and Ill help you out as needed :)